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A rare clear head day

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So this happens every once in a while where my brain wouldn't be all fogged up for a day. Today I was able to focus in class and get my work done without my brain fogging up. This sounds weird but I hate when this happens cuz I know I'm going to go back to the usual brain fog. Why get better if it's not going to last ? If I get better, I want to be PERMANENTLY better not just for one day.

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you post just every day how you feeling just go do something what realy gonna improve your health if every body post like you this site will be uselles your post is just like spam

how longer you give attention to your condition how longer wil take your recovery process

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umit is right but its what i already told you brandon


just dont identify by your symptoms or your condition or it will hardly get better.


do something about it: ° healthy behavior

                                    ° healthy food

                                    ° take the right medicine (no chemicals)

                                    ° dont obsess

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I haven't had a "clear head" day for over 20 years, so i'm, struggling to feel for ya. Just go out and enjoy every damn second of these clear days.


Those clear head days might start coming more frequently until you have more clear days than hppd days.... then more... and more.. Then bang, you are hppd free.


I really think you are letting hppd define you and i'm not sure spending so much time posting is the healthiest thing for you.... Even as moderator, i seem to spend about 1% of the time you do here :D

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Because you took various drugs, including one of the worst of all, mdma.


And even after that... you have still been blessed with a clear day and will probably see more of them. How the hell you find a negative out of that is beyond me..... I'd pay every penny in my bank account to spend even one day with my wife and family with a clear head.

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If you see a negative in getting a clear day, rather than a positive, you have the wrong mindset and you are letting hppd get the better of you.


Thank god I have a positive mindset to carry on, even knowing I will probably NEVER have a clear day.

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remember dp/dr is not a symptom of hppd...the dsm tells you its not...so dont blame all your symptoms to your hppd


that you have dp/dr means youve got another problem..


before you dont recognize your true issues you cant get to the root of them...on this way..you wont beat your illness..


and daily going mad about your condition not even being thankful for one clear headed day which is a sign of betterment wont help you and makes it worse instead


i know what im talking about and im sure jay would love to be in your place since he has to struggle with the most severe case of hppd not even crying everyday about it.

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dp/dr is an anxiety symptom and leads me to believe its a comrobid anxiety disorder you have there...anxiety disorders often go hand in hand with brain fog


+ most of the anxiety sufferers believe they go insane or have serious brain damage not accepting that its just anxiety (constant high adrenaline and cortisol levels)

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