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Questions for those that smoke/used to smoke weed...

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So, I have a question for those that are either currently smoking weed or used to when they HPPD.


My questionsare, how much did you smoke? Was it the normal amount you smoked? More? Less? A single hit?


Additionally, if you did it in small amounts (less than what you normally did or just a single hit, big or small), how much worse did it make your HPPD, if at all?


I live in the US in the great state of Washington (there's the state and the capital, I live in the state) where recreational use/purchase of weed is legal. The temptation was just too much and I ended up buying just over an eighth from 2 well known and reputable dispenenaries in my city. One strain is a milder one that the cashier ("budtenders" as they like to call themselves) reccommended for anxiety (low THC indica hybrid), and the other is a high THC, high CBD indica. I haven't smoked any of it though, but when and if I do, I'm only going to take one small hit or enough to feel a little buzz (my tolerance is low enough that one hit is probably going to do it for me)


Long story short, if I smoke a tiny amount of weed (one small hit), will my HPPD become significantly worse and/or permanent or will it be benign?


Thanks in advance

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1 toke of strong bud send me into orbit, in a very bad way (seeing things, hearing voices).


No two people are the same, with hppd... You will get a variety of answers, some in favour of some weed usage... but no one here can say that it wont cause more issues. That is the nature of drugs.


If you do give it a try, start with the lowest THC/ Highest CBD you can get and make a very weak joint. Don't even contemplate bongs or pipes.

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i smoke weed regulary..my strains have only high cbd and my hppd has viped a few weeks after i started smoking this medical bud + taking cbd oil daily but i wouldnt recommend to smoke weed to anyone else since i have no scientific proof for what has triggered my cure...the cbd oil can be taken regardless since it has no psychotic effect it even has an antipsychotic effect and is a way better alternative to use cbd as medicine...good luck and get well

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Would love to try something like that to see if the anti anxiety properties of the CBD would make the THC bearable for me. I dream of smoking a nice joint one day and just feeling chilled and relaxed, like the good old days.


As a side note, myself and two other hppders who I chat to on Skype both get increased visuals from even CBD oil, which has a 0.2% or below THC rating. The visual spike is short lasting though.


If you do try that particular weed, keep us up to date, very interested to hear about high CBD weed.

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So I went to the dispensary and got some of that strain (it's called Harlequin, 75/25 sativa/indica hybrid) and it's actually 15.06% CBD and 1.16% THC (1.11% THCA and 0.05% THC). Haven't tried it, but will within the next 2 weeks (college is starting up in the next two weeks and no doubt my friends are gonna want to have a smoke session). Again, it'll likely only be one hit off a small joint.


So, with regards to the CBD oil, I'm assuming you were vaping it, correct? That might explain the spike (also, how long did the spike last?) since you get somewhere between 80% and 95% of the total alkaloids in the oil/plant material (compared to a joint where you get between 10-25% total alkaloids). Also, were you taking multiple hits or just one?


Just trying to get a rough estimate of what to expect.

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Would love to try something like that to see if the anti anxiety properties of the CBD would make the THC bearable for me. I dream of smoking a nice joint one day and just feeling chilled and relaxed, like the good old days.


As a side note, myself and two other hppders who I chat to on Skype both get increased visuals from even CBD oil, which has a 0.2% or below THC rating. The visual spike is short lasting though.


If you do try that particular weed, keep us up to date, very interested to hear about high CBD weed.


dont forget that there is cbd oil without any thc only cbd...so it cant have the potential to worsen hppd..its a little expensive but i always had cbd oil containing no thc but a little thc didnt bother me when i had hppd.. and i have no idea how 0.2% thc can affect someone at all..did you try it yourself? and if so i would recommend trying cbd oil with 0% thc to see if that works. cbd has the potential to cure or make conditions like hppd bearable but i wouldnt smoke a joint if i were you and your hppd is that severe..even though cbd is said to help coming to terms with the psychological effects of thc..



So I went to the dispensary and got some of that strain (it's called Harlequin, 75/25 sativa/indica hybrid) and it's actually 15.06% CBD and 1.16% THC (1.11% THCA and 0.05% THC). Haven't tried it, but will within the next 2 weeks (college is starting up in the next two weeks and no doubt my friends are gonna want to have a smoke session). Again, it'll likely only be one hit off a small joint.


So, with regards to the CBD oil, I'm assuming you were vaping it, correct? That might explain the spike (also, how long did the spike last?) since you get somewhere between 80% and 95% of the total alkaloids in the oil/plant material (compared to a joint where you get between 10-25% total alkaloids). Also, were you taking multiple hits or just one?


Just trying to get a rough estimate of what to expect.


i know this strain and it sounds nice that you can buy it in a dispensarycause this was never possible in my country but i have a good friend whos a genius when it comes to growing marijuana so im lucky to be able to smoke self grown high cbd strains..and they really helped me to a certain degree but i would be careful its not that everyone is the same and i would try smoking a little before trying it with your friends to see if its safe for you ..just be careful

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Yea, i tired it myself.... If you consider that 1 toke on a joint can make me hear voices, then 0.5g of CBD oil (resin) with 0.2% THC will likely have some effect. I'll try to find zero THC oil. (I have tried vaping CBD and also buying a solid oil resin that goes under the tongue).... The vaping didn't give me any extra visuals, so is probably THC free.

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Interesting how sensitive you are to THC. Just doing some rough math with a high CBD strain and a joint, you're looking at 150.6mg CBD per gram and 11.6mg THC per gram. If you take the low end (10%) that means with each joint you get 15mg or so of CBD per joint and 1mg or so of THC. So, the strain shouldn't be psychoactive at all considering CBD inhibits THC and there's already a low amount of THC present in the strain. This doesn't account for metabolism though, so the actual amount you receive might be lower.


Then again, Jay, your case of HPPD is magnitudes worse than mine so no doubt your brain is ultra-sensitive to psychoactive compounds.

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There is also the chance that it was some kind of placebo effect.... Maybe I thought I was getting some THC, panicked a bit ,which induced more visuals.


I'll have to do some more testing with CBD oil, damn expensive though! I can deal with extra visuals for less anxiety, and I did feel calmer the 3 times I did the resin oil.

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i remember cbd always did wonders for me and i hope it works well for you even if you have to buy thc free cbd oil or beat the placebo if ithis is the problem...ya you're right its pretty expensive and the other thing is that there is only a very low percentage of cbc you only get 4 - 20% and you really pay a lot for it and i didnt find a souce in the web where you can buy above 20% cbd (i guess its why cbd replaces pharmacies and doctors in the long run due to its variety of significantly positive medical benefits) but i didnt search the darknet..


these days..i dont pay for this magical remedy..i extract it on my own from really high cbd self grown cbd strains to have a higher cbd percentage (around 60- 80% cbd) without paying rediculously enormous amounts of money for never more than 20% cbd. :D

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i would do it but my grows dont yield enough stuff to do more than around 300ml of cbd oil at once which is barely enough to dose me everyday for about three month and the main problem is: its not legal in my country to grow shit so i dont want to risk growing more...dont understand why we cant just buy 100% cbd oil or at least 60% on the internet..it should be available for everyone since it really works..

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I am thinking about growing a super high CBD plant...... like you, a know a bit of a weed expert and he can get hold of some charlotte's web seeds ($300 for 10 seeds!!!) and will grow me a plant with his hydroponics.


Would be interested to hear how you then extract the CBD?

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i smoke for like 2 weeks sativa dominant bud and then take a break. but thats just me. i dont notice an effect on my visuals.



well i dont ever really try to notice my visuals much.

sativa doesnt necessarily mean high thc it could also be that its high cbd so wether indica or sativa has nothing to do with thc or cbd content of the plant material..its based on the strain you choose. if its a high cbd or even balanced strain it might be no wonder that your visuals didnt increase or you didnt get anxiety.


sativa or indica are just terms for pointing out the way the plant grows.



I am thinking about growing a super high CBD plant...... like you, a know a bit of a weed expert and he can get hold of some charlotte's web seeds ($300 for 10 seeds!!!) and will grow me a plant with his hydroponics.


Would be interested to hear how you then extract the CBD?


yes i know charlottes web is a very nice but expensive strain and i wanted to choose this one myself at first but this time i chose a strain with only 8% cbd and 3% thc due to little money this month.


usually i use what is known to be the rick simpson technique resulting in so called rick simpson oil..this is a technique you can do at home with no big effort and no professional knowledge needed..the solvent used here is alcohol (grain alcohol or 2-propanol)...i use this tech. (

) but i do it without heat and use a fan to evaporate the solvent.


since there is no perfect way im always testing new techs., solvents and ideas.to find out whats the best extraction method.


the fact is that there are several techniques and solvents to extract the active ingredients with different effectivity and all have their advantages and disadvantages...all techs. extract all ingredients to a certain degree (cbd,cbn,thc,etc.)..that means there is no way you can seperate cbd from the others unless you have a lab. available but the good thing is they all have medical benefits and since you have a high cbd strain you will get more cbd then all the other cannabinoids extracted into the oil..so i think the little bit of thc wont bother you.

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Sativas, typically, have a higher THC amount. However, as is the case with Harlequin which is a sativa dominant hybrid, not all sativas are high in THC and can in fact be quite the opposite (like Harlequin).


The best, though hardest way to do an extract is to use supercritical CO2 . It gives you the cleanest oil you can get, but the process is long, expensive, and somewhat dangerous (highly pressurized vessel of CO2 + heat). Basically, you get some sort of steel vessel capable of withstanding high pressure. Then you take the material, place it in the vessel which hopefully has a collection chamber, and fill it with CO2. Once that is done, you start heating the vessel until the CO2 becomes supercritical (supercritical means it acts as both a liquid and a gas which gives it some very strange properties, Notably, it starts to act like a solvent when it normal doesn't). This will then pull pretty much everything out of the plant aside from the fibrous, non-soluble parts. Once you start depressurizing the vessel and collecting your oil, the CO2 instantly turns into a gas (this is where some caution is needed as it will cause sputtering and you don't want to lose your oil). Additional, before placing the material in the vessel, you usually soak it in water which will act as a carrier. 


The next best method is to do an essential oil extraction. Requires a some chemistry equipment though. Basically, you take your material, soak it with some solvent (usually alcohol or another organic solvent like acetone or DCM, sometimes you can use water), put it in a round bottom flask of suitable size, attach a reflux condenser (or a normal Liebig condenser) and distill it. Kind of the same process as vaping, but the solvent helps bring the oils out of the plant. Once you have enough oil collected, all you need to do is evaporate off the solvent leaving behind the oil. A better way to do this would be a fractional distillation, but that requires a little bit more work and a little bit of organic chemistry knowledge and you need to know the boiling points of each possible oil in your material, the solvent, THC, CBD, other alkaloids, etc. and you need to change out your collection flask at each boiling point. Also, some of these oils may have a very close boiling point which would make it impossible to separate even with fractional distillation unless you were very carefully controlling temperature (something you can really only do in a lab). Refluxing gives you the highest purity since that oil the boils off, recondenses and then falls back into solution. BHO extraction is a crude and cheap method of doing this, but I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for purity (ratio of alkaloids/oils to junk like solvents, reaction byproducts, etc.)

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