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After reading into reports of ghb being okay for HPPD, I've recently tried it a few times on nights with any increase in visuals during or after. Never taken too much and I have felt so refreshed the next morning. The drug itself though is short lived and tbh no where near as good as pills.

That being said I don't to try and promote it... Has anyone else here done G with HPPD?

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Tried it, didn;t really like it.... Bit like being drunk but without any of the happy, anxiety free feelings. Didn;t affect my hppd though

Interesting, It's the opposite for me... I feel somewhat stimulated at low doses of ghb/tend to get more anxious on alcohol

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Mmmm shadowplay I've done a bit of research into GHB and in my opinion it seems similar to the effects of alcohol, just somewhat more euphoric. My symptoms are very mild/sometimes I don't believe it's hppd (symptoms only are really pronounced in the dark) with no dp/dr. So I feel loike I'm not risking a lot.

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Mmmm shadowplay I've done a bit of research into GHB and in my opinion it seems similar to the effects of alcohol, just somewhat more euphoric. My symptoms are very mild/sometimes I don't believe it's hppd (symptoms only are really pronounced in the dark) with no dp/dr. So I feel loike I'm not risking a lot.


Yes it affects GABA just as alcohol and bensodiazepines, however it reacts so much more differently on your brain then what you feel. It's very easy to overdose as it's difficult to dose it correctly. It contains tons of chemicals that can leave permanently damamges. Between 2005-2010 there was a major abuse of GHB in Sweden where it was quite popular. It killed a lot of young adults. And it's very addictive. I'm not gonna be the one who tells you what to do or what not to do but please take my advice in consideration as I'm not taking things out of air here but I'm relating to the facts that's been proven from using this specific substance.


Here's a swedish documentary about the drug and its effects in the southwestern parts of Sweden. You might not understand shit, but please watch some parts and I'm sure that you will get the point.

It's a very uncommercial documentary filmed over 3 years and it contains violence, blood, drugs and death.


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Cheers Shadow, I'll take a peek at it now. I do understand the consequences of taking it too much, hence I always only take less than a certain amount of mls. I either feel it or I dont. After only receiving visual issues from moderate/heavy ecstasy abuse from 8 months, GHB seems like a drug (like alcohol) that seems to produce less long term harm in moderation.

It's addiction is the only issue - I've got a good bunch of mates who only take it (if they do) at the end of uni semesters or every blue moon.

Sorry it feels stupid trying to validate a drug, so I'm sorry if it's insulting to you or others on this forum who have been struggling with this disorder.

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  • 5 months later...

took legitimate GHB like a week after i got hppd it was xyrem. a relative of mine has a prescription for narcolepsy. didn't seem to make it worse but who knows at that point my hppd was so terrible I can't really say if it helped or not. I think GABA slowly metabolizes into GHB I may be wrong so GABA is OTC and might be worth a try. you can probably find it at GNC or a place that sells workout supplements.

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