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Weed helping my HPPD Symptoms

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Since I got HPPD I have been trying to quit smoking weed because people on here says that it makes the symptoms worse. I have found though that every time I have tried to stop smoking weed my HPPD have gone through the roof to the point where I can barely deal with it within the pace of about a week. Then when I start smoking weed again my symptoms mostly go away. Have anyone else here experienced this?

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I smoked weed a few times just after the onset of my symptoms and they actually helped me too. I also, like you, found that once I quit smoking my visuals increased a bit but I honestly think that was due to a bit of a psychological dependence on my part and therefore I was having a bit of mental withdrawal which caused anxiety which caused visuals. My point is that while your visuals may seem to increase this may not be a function of the weed and more a function of anxiety. In the long term weed pretty consistently is known to make things worse, that's why I quit.

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In the long term weed pretty consistently is known to make things worse, that's why I quit.

What have you found is the consensus with weed smoking on the site? Have u heard people smoke and it PERMANENTLY worsens symptoms?

I smoked for the first time in 8 years a couple months ago and have noticed that my visuals have been MUCH more prominent since then. Had been seemingly symptom free for last 3 years and now all is back.

Point is, I would advise against the risk. My fear is that it won't ever improve.

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Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.. Cat nip? No marijahooboo!! It can be quite scary for one at the bottom of the mild rare symptoms of HPPD from the silence of lucidity. Introductory; marijuana vs hppd hummm... My opinion is paranoia can come from marijahooboo with its high T.H.C. count and enriched psychoactive properties.. The flip side to this is some marijuana cases it has high C.B.D.'s which are more medical agents that relax the mind and body so no paranoid feelings.. Point being figure out what contents are in ur bag through research u will have a great healing experience like me.. I went through the hard way its been a bit of a bumpy road but my project seems to be a success thus so far.. Low T.H.C. AND HIGH C.B.D's and bye bye hppd.. No joke.. I was petrified at the beginning but mustard through it.. I have been doing this for awhile now a good plant to smoke with these elements mentioned above is the Hash Plant.. Low TETRAHYDROCANNABINOLS AND HIGH C.B.D's.. Its natural baby!! Hppd24looongdamyearsandstillrolling!!

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I spoke to someone on a different forum who said he cured his HPPD with Rick Simpson Oil which is basically a really strong cannabis extract that people use to combat cancer and other ailments. The stuff he used was not "activated" or more correctly "decarboxylated" so it lacked a psychadelic high... He told me he started with a pea sized amount from a syringe taken orally daily and slowly built it up. He is now cured and a regular pot smoker again. Take this story with a grain of salt but its what he told me when we were having a discussion about different herbs and there medicinal values... he reallly did seem to know his stuff so I am inclined to believe him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What have you found is the consensus with weed smoking on the site? Have u heard people smoke and it PERMANENTLY worsens symptoms?

I smoked for the first time in 8 years a couple months ago and have noticed that my visuals have been MUCH more prominent since then. Had been seemingly symptom free for last 3 years and now all is back.

Point is, I would advise against the risk. My fear is that it won't ever improve.


Yes, there are numerous of reports of sufferers that fought with their HPPD for years and they tried to smoke some weed again at some point, and it took them back to square one. Even our best researcher for this illness Dr. Abraham states that cannabis is absolutely dangerous for us and that we should avoid it at any cost. If you want to hype cannabis and act shaman please don't do it on this forum. I'm glad that it "helps" you though, but then you have to question yourself, do you really got as severe HPPD as other on the forum? Its common effects makes everything worse for the most of us here and I think that it's rude to encourage a such usage that can, yes, make HPPD permanently worse and even cause it in the first place with a SSRI for an example.

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I've been vaping with canavape for a while now using the 150mg CBD version.... The effects are subtle, but reduce my anxiety by a notch.


I hope to get something more potent to test soon. CBD could be beneficial and does not make me high.

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  • 2 weeks later...

indica strains personally fucked up my vision, increased brain fog a shit ton and dr/dp. but thats me


i have add/adhd so im always in brain fog regardless. i think thats why weed (sativa) helps me, but probly makes HPPD  worse. so i guess im quitting forever. im sober and my anxieties are back . 



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  • 2 months later...

Man realy you need to stay active to dont feel this disease start find ways to stay active you can do sports forget drugs its a closed option for use it wil make it worser im doing 5 month of sport and i did a serius progres the only thing that kills my memory is klonopin even i am on the lowest dose buth i dont feel trippy if i am resting

but i want to smoke and take hallucinogens and make some interesting experiments with drugs...shit how i miss all that...im thinking seriously about suicide if i wont go back to normal completely and i cant take drugs anymore because to me thats the only thing that makes life worth living

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no life is dull flat n grey without any substances it is highlightless nevertheless i was always researching substances and that was the only thing i enjoyed and loved in my stupid existence..i dont want to quit the only fun section cant you understand that?


and i dont take meds they make me trippy only suppliments and i did sports and still do sometimes but thats not what makes me happy and doesnt even help my symptoms..anyway i cant do sports all the time .and there are very few things i do and i can do without making hppd worse or getting depressed...isnt there something like euthanasia for hppd cases like me..i dont want to torture myself anymore

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Have you tried benzos? I can't see how they would make you trippy.


If you are suicidal, I would go see your doctor and get on benzos... Try and have a plan though, as you can't take them forever. If you could try the 4 days on, 3 days off approach, you might be able to avoid addiction/tolerance and still have most of your week feeling better about life. It works for me and I was in the same hell as you seem to be in.

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thanks for the advice man...i was thinking about taking benzos and asked for them but no one wants to prescribe me any medicine..my doctors dont seem to realize the severity of the situation..anyway youre right i dont want to face a new addiction and other health issues caused by so called medication.. and also i dont want to live like that ..for me it is not the solution to put something into my body wich wont help me because it doesnt even touch the root of the problem..is life really that hopeless for hppd people?...there must be another way..a way to fight hppd effectively instead of suppressing it and i dont even think suppression works properly

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Medication has it's uses. I would try to view them as an aid to recovery rather than just a band-aid.


Stress and anxiety play a major role in continuing and sometimes increasing HPPD symptoms.... Even having the knowledge that I have a benzo nearby if I get anxious or stressed actually helps reduce the initial anxiety/stress, even if I don't actually end up taking the benzo. Also, the 3 day on, 4 day off method I use gives me increased enjoyment of my weekends and family time, which must be a good thing, mentally?


But yea, there are things you can do to better your life without suppressing the symptoms, which is to try and fight for your life back. Force yourself to do things you used to be able to do, even if it is really uncomfortable (small talk, socialising, eye contact, going into hectic places etc)... The more you do it, the more it becomes comfortable again.


I've never tried CBT or things like that, but maybe an decent alternative to meds too?

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i cant get benzos because there is no doctor who wants to prescribe them.

but what is life worth if i cant take drugs and have no well being of any kind anymore..i want to be the person i was before hppd, i want to be me again und not just likewise. fuck i cant swallow this...


i have tried and still do: melatonin - sometimes it helps a little with visuals and sometimes it makes them a little worse...you never know...but nothing permanent

                                      valerian - it only helps a little when it comes to panic

                                      lavender - makes me a little more tired and helps to fall asleep

                                      vitamins - only a slight change in head pressure but nothing significant

                                      proper diet - no change and i guess thats why i always had a proper diet

                                      proper sleeping patterns - it doesnt help but if i go to bed later then usual my syptoms become worse the next day

                                      sports - will make it worse while taining, afterwards i feel mostly exhausted but good + i cant sleep properly the night after


and i will try meditation, cbd and lions mane...and if that doesnt help...i dont know what to do anymore         

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Not sure where you live, but benzos seem pretty easy to obtain on the web... If the doctors wont give them, look elsewhere... That's what I did until I found a better doctor.


Don;t give up though mate, i'm not gonna sugar coat it and say everything will get better, because sometimes it doesn't, but your mindset can improve and help you get some enjoyment back out of life. I met my (now) wife 3 years after hppd started and was in the very worst part of my life, so good things can still happen. Keep fighting.

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im from germany....


ok i will look out for benzos on the internet and also try it but valerian has a quite similar effect as i have read (even though one has to take higher doses to get the same effect it is the natural alternative)


i have no friends anymore all my friends were addicts and now..since i have to stay sober they dont want to have anything to do with me and also there is no lady in my life...people are always avoiding me for whatever reason that means i am completely alone the only life i had was the drug life. so hppd is definately the most unsituable illness for me.


i still wont give up...i will fight another 7 month to make the year complete and if i still have hppd after that i will kill myself...because living with hppd is no option, life couldnt be less comfortable 


nevertheless thanks for your motivation...

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after 6 months of sport and staying very active i grabbed my life back and i dont think about hppd no more i feel mentaly stayble i was in very bad condition like you and a lot people i did first try lot of supplements buth nothing helped only benzos buth i quited and i still take anti psygotics in the lowest dose the hppd and and my visual disorder is still there buth i dont care any more and in most situations its normal man there is hope for every body you can start with sport after a few month you will notice a seriuse positive effect thats for sure after 6 monts you wil even dont believe how good you maked progress

if you go to any doctor they wil advice to stay active its an universal remedie and dont listen to pygatrist if they say only take medicen and lay down on the sofa if i was started earlyer i was mayby in a better condition now

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im from germany....


ok i will look out for benzos on the internet and also try it but valerian has a quite similar effect as i have read (even though one has to take higher doses to get the same effect it is the natural alternative)


i have no friends anymore all my friends were addicts and now..since i have to stay sober they dont want to have anything to do with me and also there is no lady in my life...people are always avoiding me for whatever reason that means i am completely alone the only life i had was the drug life. so hppd is definately the most unsituable illness for me.


i still wont give up...i will fight another 7 month to make the year complete and if i still have hppd after that i will kill myself...because living with hppd is no option, life couldnt be less comfortable 


nevertheless thanks for your motivation...


I know the horror of that first year, I know the feeling of being so alone and having to give up your drug friends. In fact, I had to move to a new city to start a new life as I knew that I would be a junkie, dead, in prison or in a mental hospital if I stayed.....


But if you put a time limit on when you will give up, you have already given up.


What if your body natural healed at month 24? What a sad waste. I'm into year 20 and still haven't given up. I face some horendous days still, sure, but also some good days. Want your old life back? Fight for it like you would fight cancer.


Btw - I am sure if you tell your doctor just how suicidal you are, they will rethink your medication. I have tried a million things that are supposed to be equal to benzos... They never are.

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after 6 months of sport and staying very active i grabbed my life back and i dont think about hppd no more i feel mentaly stayble i was in very bad condition like you and a lot people i did first try lot of supplements buth nothing helped only benzos buth i quited and i still take anti psygotics in the lowest dose the hppd and and my visual disorder is still there buth i dont care any more and in most situations its normal man there is hope for every body you can start with sport after a few month you will notice a seriuse positive effect thats for sure after 6 monts you wil even dont believe how good you maked progress

if you go to any doctor they wil advice to stay active its an universal remedie and dont listen to pygatrist if they say only take medicen and lay down on the sofa if i was started earlyer i was mayby in a better condition now


i will never take madicine that change the way my brain works because i dont know what exactly is wrong with my brain and they are no solution they make my symptoms terribly worse maybe we all would be hppd free without having used medication..and how could you know that your symptoms wouldnt have got better even without sports because hppd usually gets better after 6 month of only waiting. by the way doctors are always advising to stay active because they want you to go working (they are hand in glove with the government) no doctor or psychiatrist really cares about your health..just look at the so called medicine they prescribe... 


if you can still feel your hppd it is not gone and so you cant be glad about that..sry man..to me this doesnt sound like you've found a solution. but still thank you for your nice words..

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I know the horror of that first year, I know the feeling of being so alone and having to give up your drug friends. In fact, I had to move to a new city to start a new life as I knew that I would be a junkie, dead, in prison or in a mental hospital if I stayed.....


But if you put a time limit on when you will give up, you have already given up.


What if your body natural healed at month 24? What a sad waste. I'm into year 20 and still haven't given up. I face some horendous days still, sure, but also some good days. Want your old life back? Fight for it like you would fight cancer.


Btw - I am sure if you tell your doctor just how suicidal you are, they will rethink your medication. I have tried a million things that are supposed to be equal to benzos... They never are.


well if there would be a real chance of gettiing rid of hppd why are there no people posting success stories so i dont believe that it will completely heal and if not there is no reason for life cause its only worth living if it is no torture.

and when i say ''im cured''  i mean no hppd symptoms no signs of it and no fear of a relapse..actually one who has had hppd completely healed up must even be able to take drugs again otherwise it is a sign that there is still something wrong.

no my doctor wants to put me in a psychiatry when i tell her about my suicidal thoughts..i already tryed it.

and i cant move to another city or so it would be way too stressy for me also i have still only one good friend here and dont want to leave him alone i'll never find one like him again


i would exchange hppd for cancer at anytime

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There are success stories... and why should someone be able to take drugs again, if it goes away? That is like someone who recovers from lung cancer being able to smoke again, or someone who has had a heart attack being fine to eat bacon all day. Of course, they can risk it, but it is stupid to.


We have an illness, it can go away 100%, but we would still be highly susceptible to a relapse if we started drugs again, just like the lung cancer or heart attack guys... That is just how illnesses work.


No illness in the world can you only consider cured if you know 100% that it will not come back. Sadly, life doesn't work like that.

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i know it must be this way...but it breaks not only my heart but also my motivation and will to survive.


i dont think that you can compare it like that:''someone who has had a heart attack being fine to eat bacon all day, someone who recovers from lung cancer being able to smoke again''

because if drugs must have triggered it or increase the chance of a relapse...they would have caused hppd after very few times using them...for example me i smoked weed for over 7 years and i never had a problem and i took psychedelics for 4 years and entactogens and opiates sometimes and never had even a sign of hppd and never knew it existed..i always loved drugs like crazy until i had that accidential mushroom overdose of 7 grams 5 month ago and it was a real bad trip i thought im dead or mentally insane for 8 hours or so...and thats why i cant imagine that only drugs are the cause at all..if so.i would have had it much earlier after all the stuff i put into my system...so the traumatic expierience only is to blame..the question is could a traumatic expierience change the neurochemistry that dramatically or whats the reason for my symptoms..im still wondering


the problem is that in my mind one could only claim to be cured if the root of hes issue is eliminated..and the root is also causing trouble when it comes to altered states so thats why im convinced that being able to take/enjoy drugs again is a kind of perfect proof to be cured in the case of hppd.

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From my experience, I considered myself 100% (maybe 95%) better after time and abstinence from drugs. I thought I'd be safe to smoke pot again. I smoked a few times and am now in a worse position than I was when I first had HPPD. Much worse visuals at an older age and stressful career.

If I could go back and not smoke that weed, I would. It is not worth it. It was a terrible decision, but I was caught in the moment and thought marihuana couldn't cause any harm. I was sorely mistaken.

I am the poster boy for why you should not try any drugs even something as "benign" as pot after recovery. It's embarrassing, terrifying, soul crushing, and crippling. I fear there is no 2nd chance for me.

Be warned.

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