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Trying weed again


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I've been really wanting to try well enough again. It's been four months and I've been told it becomes easier after three but it hasn't it's been a lot tougher. I think about it everyday. Has anyone been able to smoke weed again or I'm I pretty much shit out of luck. Have you heard if people who got better from hppd and was able to smoke again?

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Forget about it.... I often talk about the 3 month thing, but it is not set in stone... Signs of improvement might happen after 3 months, 6 months, a year... even a few years. If you wanna have any chance of getting better, you have to stay off drugs, simple.

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I would advise against it...


I was pot-free for 7-8 years.  Did not touch it or have any desire to do so.  It was to the point where I hardly dwelled on the symptoms that had bothered my for so long.  Over the past 2 months, my anxiety levels had been heightened secondary to a breakup.  I was having trouble sleeping, nauseated, no appetite, and just overanalyzing.  I was with some friends over the holidays and they were smoking.  I said, "screw it", and smoked on 3 different occasions, thinking that maybe it would help me forget about her and enjoy myself.  Well, ever since then, the anxiety is still there, but now I feel much more derealization and cannot stop focusing on all the things that had plagued me for all those years, especially vitreous floaters.    I am extremely disappointed in myself for going back to it and would say that weed is a no go for anyone who has our issue.  It's to much of a toss-up whether we will have a bad reaction to it.  I just hope I haven't set myself back 7-8 more years and that this focus on my symptoms will fade quickly.

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I would advise against it...


I was pot-free for 7-8 years.  Did not touch it or have any desire to do so.  It was to the point where I hardly dwelled on the symptoms that had bothered my for so long.  Over the past 2 months, my anxiety levels had been heightened secondary to a breakup.  I was having trouble sleeping, nauseated, no appetite, and just overanalyzing.  I was with some friends over the holidays and they were smoking.  I said, "screw it", and smoked on 3 different occasions, thinking that maybe it would help me forget about her and enjoy myself.  Well, ever since then, the anxiety is still there, but now I feel much more derealization and cannot stop focusing on all the things that had plagued me for all those years, especially vitreous floaters.    I am extremely disappointed in myself for going back to it and would say that weed is a no go for anyone who has our issue.  It's to much of a toss-up whether we will have a bad reaction to it.  I just hope I haven't set myself back 7-8 more years and that this focus on my symptoms will fade quickly.

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Man, do you even suffer from HPPD? If you would, you wouldn't even think about smoking weed again.


If your HPPD is that mild, I'd rather call it visual distortions. Can you smoke weed with visual distortions? I'm sure a lot of people do and it doesn't make it worse. But you know the deal, if you are smoking weed for a while and then you best mates are going to eat some shrooms and you can't say no because you're high as fuck so you'll go for it. And then you might get fucked for life.


It's your life, your call. Have a few beers instead and be honest with your mates. Just tell them that your vision is fucked and that you'll have to restrain from cannabis use or it could get worse. They'll understand.

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Man, do you even suffer from HPPD? If you would, you wouldn't even think about smoking weed again.

If your HPPD is that mild, I'd rather call it visual distortions. Can you smoke weed with visual distortions? I'm sure a lot of people do and it doesn't make it worse. But you know the deal, if you are smoking weed for a while and then you best mates are going to eat some shrooms and you can't say no because you're high as fuck so you'll go for it. And then you might get fucked for life.

It's your life, your call. Have a few beers instead and be honest with your mates. Just tell them that your vision is fucked and that you'll have to restrain from cannabis use or it could get worse. They'll understand.

first of all you're being extremely condescending, this forum is supposed to help people. A place where people relate to ask questions and talk about it. Yes i do have HPPD, it has caused me lots of anxiety and it definitely affected my quality of life. It's most likely more mild then some people on here thankfully, i dealt with the DP/DR but it past. I asked a question, i just wanted to know if anyone's been able to smoke again. I was a daily smoker for years and it has been difficult for me to quit, it's something i think about all the time. My friends are understanding, they don't pressure me in the slightest. I'm not a drinker, i don't like drinking, i prefer a joint but obviously it's not something i can do but i though i would ask. Also weed doesn't make you do things you don't want to do, it's not alcohol.
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I've smoked weed since hppd, even done acid... So I know the temptations even with, what I consider, strong hppd. (I didn't know what hppd was though, at the time).


Before hppd, smoking a joint was the best thing ever, so I always tried it out every year or so to see if I could smoke a bit again. The answer has always been a resounding no, unfortunately.... It really is hell on earth being stoned with hppd... anxiety and dp/dr goes insane .... I even hear voices.


I have been looking into very low THC / high cannaboid (?) weed though... that might actually be ok.

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I am like 3 months into HPPD.

Started smoking last month and have been smoking everyday since.

My visuals, I think, are a worse.

I live in Cali so it's good. It helped me get back into reality kinda ironically. Self-exploration.

Yesterday I dabbed and I felt like I was on acid, like I was seeing the world for the first time. Lots of anxiety.

I am crying right now because I'm out of reality and so many people depend on me:( I feel schizophrenic

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My advice to any of you going to try smoking again, look out for HIGH CBD / low thc strains!

As somebody who has been suffering for about 5 to 7 years with this condition I find that THC will make your visuals crazy, increase the risk of anxiety, dp/dr.


I still smoke but only in the evening, even though I have anxiety, dp/dr but I need it to help me sleep otherwise my mind is always racing and being tired all the time is nearly worse!


If you live in Cali, lethargicAcid then you should be able to come across strains that contain nearly no thc, much better for you and you will still get the relaxing effects.

It may be a few years away but CBD could potentially be a big help for anti-psychotic/anxiety disorders if isolated from THC!

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first of all you're being extremely condescending, this forum is supposed to help people. A place where people relate to ask questions and talk about it. Yes i do have HPPD, it has caused me lots of anxiety and it definitely affected my quality of life. It's most likely more mild then some people on here thankfully, i dealt with the DP/DR but it past. I asked a question, i just wanted to know if anyone's been able to smoke again. I was a daily smoker for years and it has been difficult for me to quit, it's something i think about all the time. My friends are understanding, they don't pressure me in the slightest. I'm not a drinker, i don't like drinking, i prefer a joint but obviously it's not something i can do but i though i would ask. Also weed doesn't make you do things you don't want to do, it's not alcohol.


I'm sorry, Done. I didn't mean to offend you or to act harsh. I just thought that it's pretty clear to keep yourself away from psychadelic drugs including weed when they are the cause in the first place. There are tons of people that get their DP/DR induced by simply smoking cannabis. So if you did some improvements on this which is great, I strongly advise you to stay away from it. You might get back on sqaure one again, or even worse. I don't think smoking a little bit of cannabis will do any serious harm to be honest. But you know the drill, it's easy to get addicted to it again if you have been previously.

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Well... I have catapulted into the hierarchy of HPPD feathered by a 25 year time out please from the dimension of time duration in long form of course.. I do have hyperacusis (ear ringing graduated to sounds being annoying and extremely exasperating..Don't want to get into the visuals right now..

SMOKING CANNABIS?? I'm flirting with it right now and have been for awhile.. I'm taking small inhalations and eating it.. It gives me immeasurable paranoia but I'm actually building immunity to it.. Can't differentiate if its making me worse or better but I got over the hump.. I never even dreamed about doing this in the last 25 years to dam scary even when I thought about it.. It does help dealing with weed in low T.H.C. but high C.B.D.'s like the strain the Stanley brothers created by back crossing a couple phenotypes until they virtually knock the tetrahydrocannabinol right out of the strain.. They called it Charlotte's web.. I smoked that personally and it relaxes the hell right out of you like when I first smoked pot b4 I got blessed by fuckoffhppd.. No joke simply because there is no psychoactive response because there is no T.H.C. Anyhoot take things slow and be cautious with ur expectation of experiments they might not be ur expectation of experiences.. Hppd24yearsplus1moreyearnow..

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That's awesome to hear! Because getting a hold of a CBD only strain has been my new goal for a while now, just not easy to do when you live in the UK & Ireland, I have tried a 13% THC / 12% CBD strain and a 6%/6% strain both where much better and I didn't mind the high as much because of the high CBD content.


I would like to think that in the future capsules of set dosages of CBD will replace a lot of benzo/ssri/anti-psychotic type drugs!


It isn't toxic like they are and it isn't addictive like they are!


Brazil is already looking seriously at making CBD legal and in my research on it, the majority of published journal articles that I have on CBD (84 now collected) have actually been coming out of Brazil, they are way ahead of the UK in terms of research into a variety of conditions/diseases.


However here in the UK seen as GWPharma hold the only licence from the Gov. for the use of THC/CBD in medicines we can't get the full benefit of it!

Only hope is that as the Stanley Brothers grow bigger with time, eventually there will be enough scientific studies with documented proof to force the hand of governments and allow the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant to be used as a medicine!

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i have hppd for 10 months

i smoke weed after 3 months of get the hppd and with only 3 touches y was really trippy, fucking OEVS CEVS (likes salvia) and listen music in my head and basically really trippy

after 13 hs thats finish and i have more strongest the hppd for a monsths

i smoke weed again 3 weeks ago

i was in a river with friends, only 2 touched, 

for a moments very good, but after more and more up effects and graduality the reality was more and more abstract, i have a "cartoon" vision, you know, the objects and vision be like "2D", an stranger paraonoid like "yo know what i mean", and difficulty to talk jajaja, my friends can see me like really smoked

for lucky i jump to river and have little more lucid, we "fight" in water and have an stranger secuence haha i just was losting and i was have a loop with that, my friend say me "you really dramatic" haha


not really like it, hppd is worst, more DP/DR, spacial perception limited, snow vision for the clouds



i really miss the weed effects but is my luck, i can do it for a manyy years again (maybe when i have 60, dmt will an option)

i DONT have anxiety, just want say it



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However here in the UK seen as GWPharma hold the only licence from the Gov. for the use of THC/CBD in medicines we can't get the full benefit of it!

Only hope is that as the Stanley Brothers grow bigger with time, eventually there will be enough scientific studies with documented proof to force the hand of governments and allow the non-psychoactive part of the cannabis plant to be used as a medicine! [i think it's a natural response to get freaked out from marijuana when having hppd as well as a distorted disturbances.. My immunity has strengthened psychologically.. I'm not focusing or obsessing compulsively on observation.. ("Oh god it's getting worse" whilst staring at objects and looking away to see all the different colorations of perimeter vision/afterimages)Hence telling myself I'm fucked up for 24 years.. There has been changed coping analytic views from my mental status for sure.. A lot of peeps like conventional medicine which is fine but I give a standing ovation for natural homeopathic remedies without ramifications hands down.. I strongly too believe with more research and less biased opinionated inferiority complex as right wing consensus it will prevail.. We are only at the tip of the iceberg with medical marijuana just ask Sanjay Gupta!!! ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

It made my symptoms worse at first. Sent me into downward spirals of fear and paranoia. But being the stubborn ass I am I stuck to my guns and kept on smoking. Now that I have built up a tolerance, and gotten used to, and aware of the way I'm thinking when I get high it's generally a non issue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For me, weed makes it come up worse but doesn't halt or reverse the recovery process.


I got my HPPD a month ago through big dose of formosahuasca, never taken other psyches/entheogens apart from changa/dmt and mdma..


The symptoms are wearing away agonizingly slowly. 5HTP has been good to me so far.


HPPD is really serious I would urge anyone dabbling in psyches to always keep well on the safe side of dosing and frequency of use, or you might wake up in a permanent hell.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Peeps need to understand the molecular structure of marijuana and all of its natural elements before grasping a clear crystallized concept of the proper medical affects to the human mind.. No offense, speaking of minds there seems to be a one dimensional mind on this topic with no grey matter in the area of truly understanding that there is different non-psychoactive components in the equation called C.B. ducking D's. If u smoke or ingest c.b.ducking d's u DO NOT GET HIGH WHAT SO EVER.. I REPEAT NO PSYCHOACTIVE HIGH AT ALL.. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS.. SO IF U ARE SMOKING POT WITH THC CONTENT THEN YES U PROBABLY WILL EXPERIENCE PRONOUNCED SYMPTOMS OF HPPD.. IF U DON'T THEN U WILL EXPERIENCE RELAXATION IN THE MEDICAL SIDE OF CANNABIS.. COLORADO IS A HOT SPOT FOR THESE TYPE OF PHENOTYPE STRAINS TO BE STRAIGHT UP WITH U GUYS!! HPPD25LONGEXAGERATINGYEARS..

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