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Problems with the NHS in the UK?


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So after going to the Doctor this time last year on the onset of my HPPD, I have found that the NHS is absolutely useless and ignorant within their treatment of this condition. Over the course of the year I have practically achieved nothing with them EEG came back fine, as well as eye tests. Countless set backs and cancellations of having an MRI scan. (Even though I never expected any results from these they were all done so slowly?


As for medications all I have been offered were 5 diazepam pills and Seroquel which I refused at the time. Despite showing countless pieces of evidence of the benefits of various anti-convulsants.


Today I was "discharged" as I was considered as not having a mental illness which angered me as my anxiety and depersonalization quite clearly is. The excuse I was given was pathetic "we've come to the conclusion this isn't a mental illness but something has changed in your brain which made you like this". In regards to the latter talk about stating the fucking obvious I said that from the start when I had to fight my point that i wasn't schizo.


So i'm now back "under the care of my gp" and was given a seroquel trial as a parting gift, which I might just give a go eventually.


Although the NHS is free sometimes I get jealous that people from America have a much larger pot to pick from I'm highly considering going private to try and get Lamictal.


Living in as small a country as Northern Ireland it's highly unlikely i'll ever find anyone who's ever dealt with this problem before.


This post is more of a rant really ha but if anyone has any shit with the NHS let me know I'd be interested in hearing.


The point is a year on and they've made no progress apart from some CBT which is largely useless to be frank.

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Hi... I should state before  I give my advice that I think the NHS is useless for HPPD and I myself have had better results seeking alternatives but I have experience with the NHS and if thats the route you want to go you can. I got access to clonazepam and all kinds of experimental treatments that I read about online including Kepra. The key is to not take no for an answer you may even have to exagerate some of your symptoms which may not be the worst offenders because things like DP/DR they have no idea but depression and anxiety they know about. So you have to go in there and explain that you think your life is danger that you can't take it anymore really explain how the visuals make everything look dull and miserable (which is the truth) but really push and don't be affraid to make complaints if you feel that people are fobbing you off beit because they dont believe you or otherwise... there seems to be a deep seated hatred of drug users in the NHS (not everyone) but don't take shit from anyone.. some of those nurses loved rubbing salt in my wounds but don't let them.

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Did you get any relief from them treatments? Yeah I think i'll have to push harder I was cose to getting lamictal before but my pysch moved on unfortunately. Now I just want the anxiety and dp/dr to be treated i'm not too worried about the visuals aslong as they don't get worse I can cope with them, which is why i'm considering trying to seroquel but won't rush it despite the fact i'm sitting looking at it right now.

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Yea my experiences with the NHS have been useless too.... I have decided to keep with my Neuro in Portugal and suck up the costs of flying out every few months.


They are imbeciles here and just treated me like a druggie for daring to mention Clonazepam.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow didnt expect to see another N.Irish person on here! 


I can sympathize with you mate, a couple of years ago I went to the doctor and tried explaining the depersonalized feelings I was getting and the visual side of things. They sent me to the optometry (eye) clinic at the royal, but of course it came back that all was fine, normal degradation of the eyes was apparently what they thought could be causing the floaters in vision. But they don't even bother me or I don't notice them as much anymore. Didn't bother going back to the doctors after that as they were not sympathetic or understanding, I should have been referred to someone who deals with psychiatry!


But anyways I think I am almost in the same position, I went back more recently to try and explain the symptoms and the doctor ended up giving me 40mg citalopram which I guess is more for depression but I couldn't stick them out longer than 2 weeks, (meant to try them for 4-6 weeks before they have an effect) but they made me even more anxious and zombie like the whole time. 


Wondered about trying CBT but wasn't sure what it would be like, do you find much benefit from any of it?


I am currently studying at university and this makes it hell I must say, would love a solution for the anxiety, dp/dr side and I could deal with the visual perception side of it!

I tried valium more recently in the last couple of months, just 5mg a day and while it helps with the anxiety side I wouldn't want to use it longer term as the memory loss, and of course reduction in effect over time and have to wean yourself off it don't appeal to me at all.


Currently looking for a solution, I find lots of exercise, eating healthy certainly helped me with the anxiety/stress side but then the other dp/dr still lingers always!



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Hopefully there will be better options available within the NHS for visual perception disorders in the near future.


But in any case, many people from many different countries report problems with their doctors regarding HPPD. I've read many accounts of wasted money on private doctors in the states. Additionally, many of the private doctors in the UK are also NHS employees.


The problem is the lack of research and lack of understanding of the disorder. It's understandable (though not necessarily right) that advice / treatment from doctors who know nothing about the disorder is going to be poor. And as with a lot of things, it depends on who you deal with and how you present yourself/research. Sometimes you just have to switch doctors.


Regarding benzodiazepines, they are (understandably I think), not viewed positively by the NHS, and they like to give them to people for short-term use only.

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Wondered about trying CBT but wasn't sure what it would be like, do you find much benefit from any of it?


I am currently studying at university and this makes it hell I must say, would love a solution for the anxiety, dp/dr side and I could deal with the visual perception side of it!

I tried valium more recently in the last couple of months, just 5mg a day and while it helps with the anxiety side I wouldn't want to use it longer term as the memory loss, and of course reduction in effect over time and have to wean yourself off it don't appeal to me at all.



Didn't see that much benefit from the CBT from the NHS tbh it seemed lazy and rushed even though I got on well with the occupational nurse.

Yeah I try to limit my benzo use i've had mini withdrawals and slowly reduced it, I made the mistake of saying fuck it and taking a whole load of them and drinking which made it a lot worse. I've downloaded an app called Headspace and do meditation and have seen an improvement in anxiety, brain fog, dp/dr so fat nothing that is making me scream for joy but slow improvements none the less that will improve after all i've only been doing it 3 days.


Yeah good to see someone else from NI on here too, I don't think people from across the sea in the UK would be able to understand how hard it is for us to have someone listen to use with how backward and conservative we are about pretty much everything here.


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