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its gone...without pharma

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ok just bear with me on this one...my name is michael and i am 23 yrs old and i'm from austria.


over 2 years ago i took 2-cb for the first time, 2 days in a row and then a massive dose ~50mg, i have been smoking weed everyday 2 years prior...it would not go away...constant tracers...visual snow and worst of all...the closed-eye-visuals and after images....i called them "epileptical triangles in a spiral of pixels" and they were worst in the morning, in ´the shower and generally if im tired or stressed. Oh and coffee did make it worse for sure.

used to say to my friends "as long as my eyes are open, everythings fine" i stopped weed for a couple of weeks...it got worse...or i was noticing it more i guess.

everytthing was moving and washed out...i had problems with edge recognition and depth perception.

i didnt want to get behind the wheel without a joint or bong rip so to calm my brain i guess. when looking at a wall i would see sparkles and stars, halos around lights...it sucked.


i comsumed a quarter blotter of LSD twice in the following months...symtoms worsend. ok so no more drugs except weed because that suppressed it i guess.


ok this week i stopped smoking weed...and could not sleep for days...it gets so much worse without weed and SLEEP...ok i was looking for supplements because of another issue with my back muscles and stumbled upon traditional chinese medicine, Astragalus membranaceus its an adaptogen...They’re called adaptogens because of their unique ability to “adapt” their function according to your body’s specific needs...it improves the immune system, cardiovascular system, and just like ginseng or jiaogulan (5-leaf ginseng) it promotes "Homoestasis" in your body/brain and was good for muscles, so i ordered a bottle from amazon.



ok so recommended dose in traditional-chinese-medicine is 9-30g/day - i took 1x470mg in the afternoon and 1 in the evening..no response...went to bed....next day i hadnt slept more than 4 hours and had a dr's appointment, so i got in the car....10 minutes later into the drive i said to myself "hey theres something different...everything was so much clearer...the last time i saw THAT clearly was ....on the come-up of an lsd-trip"


now hold on...without sleep it gets so much worse....why was i now seeing so clearly..i wasnt used to this in over 2 years HOLY SHit the f**** pills<<< my train of thought


that was 2 days ago...afterimages GONE, tracers GONE, no more looking through a dirty pair of glasses and no more epileptical triangles dancing with pixels =)

Now i still have some minor disturbances when looking at text...like a 1mm thin visual snow line between the lines of text, but i didnt even go high with my first dose...so try everything HERBAL before you try pharms. it did wonders for me in 2 days


DOnT Believe me....TRY IT. i can recommend amazon.


here some infos i found, but PLEAse do your own research as it is not good for people with autoimmune-disease because it stimulates the immune-response.




http://www.mdidea.com/products/herbextract/astragalus/data10.html << good site




In the book Chinese-English Manual of Commonly Used Herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (13), five major actions and associated uses are given, as well as some miscellaneous new uses (item 6):

  1. Invigorate qi and spleen (poor appetite, loose stools, fatigue, and bleeding).
  2. Invigorate qi to activate yang (prolapse of stomach, uterus, or rectum)
  3. Invigorate qi to strengthen the body (common cold in debilitated patients, profuse sweating due to weakness)
  4. Relieve skin infection and promote tissue regeneration (abscesses, skin erosion, unhealthy wound); also for erosion of stomach lining (ulcer, atrophic gastritis)
  5. Promote diuresis and relieve edema (spleen-deficiency type edema).
  6. Miscellaneous new uses: diabetes, hemiplegia, asthma, and leukocytopenia (low white blood cells); astragalus is indicated for these disorders in cases of qi deficiency or qi and yang deficiency.



Astragalus mongholicus is used in china as neuroprotectant with psychological effects like anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties. there are a couple species within the astragalus family...and theres a whole world of herbs...you just need to research them




please do your research..please stop smoking weed and just begin a healthy lifestyle > eating, exercising



now sorry for my english, as im from austria....and im tired now.....i will answer your questions tomorrow bye

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I tried the astragalus tincture from terra firma botanicals (http://www.terrafirmabotanicals.com/astragalus-tincture). I took 8 drops and after about an hour or two it increased my visual snow, tinnitus (which I rarely get), intrusive thoughts, intrusive images, and depression. I felt really cold and just generally bad until I took a nap. When I woke up from the nap my shirt was soaked in my sweat. I felt an increase in vitality and blood flow. Throughout the next couple of days I would either feel vitalized or weak and more depressed than usual. After 4 days I took 6 drops of a gingko, gotu kola, and rosemary tincture from the same site (http://www.terrafirmabotanicals.com/page_20_12/organic-brain-tonic). It made me feel sedated but the next day I felt great. Ever since that day I feel good and my vision has never been better (since onset of HPPD) - still not cured though. I'm not sure if that's the astragalus or the gotu kola or both or just time doing it's thing. I'm not sure if I'm going to take astragalus anymore though because I didn't like how it made me feel. It might be one of those suffer now to gain more later type of things though. 

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  • 4 months later...

ordered it today. don't know how long it will take for the shipment but I will let everybody know once I try it.. although everything seems to be affecting me in a negative way from herbs to meds (i guess im hypersensitive to different substances), so im ultimately not the best person to test things, cause everything would get a negative opinion :P

I also encourage other ppl to order it and try different stuff, like the above -> the more people do that, the better statistical data we get -> the more info we get on herbs/meds and HPPD and possible causes/solutions. Keep in mind most inventions came up by accident ;p

I think we should be trying different natural things especially - since they don't do much harm. Does anybody else know other herbs that might be of help in HPPD?

I can recommend Lion's Mane - makes your brain more alive, thinking more creative etc, made me feel like I am "learning" again, just as I was playing pool for example - I had to stop it unfortunately, as felt stinging feeling inside my head (but as mentioned, I get that with tons of other herbs/meds).

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  • 1 month later...

I got Astragalus root 200mg pills from Thompson company. It says its an standardized extract, but doesn't state any concentration, so I don't know how much it compares to of the pure herb.

I have been taking 2 pills a day for last few days and it has no effect on me. I am thinking to increase it to 4 in a week time and see if anything happens, although it says only to take one pill a day.


Chesterfool you only took 1 g a day of the dried root ya?

PS. also im going to eat 1-2 raw garlic cloves a day as recommended here: http://puu.sh/hPKXr/fa6261dbe2.png


Have to buy curcumin (i used to bomb 1-2 grams of it everyday mixed with a drop of water).. This combo has to help ;d

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Curcumin smel and taste like shit everthing thats smelts bad and mix with water close your nose and drink slowly otherwise you wil give over buth the best absorbaytion you need to mix with blackpepper and a litel bith oil

I got Astragalus root 200mg pills from Thompson company. It says its an standardized extract, but doesn't state any concentration, so I don't know how much it compares to of the pure herb.

I have been taking 2 pills a day for last few days and it has no effect on me. I am thinking to increase it to 4 in a week time and see if anything happens, although it says only to take one pill a day.

Chesterfool you only took 1 g a day of the dried root ya?

PS. also im going to eat 1-2 raw garlic cloves a day as recommended here: http://puu.sh/hPKXr/fa6261dbe2.png

Have to buy curcumin (i used to bomb 1-2 grams of it everyday mixed with a drop of water).. This combo has to help ;d

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