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Adjusting 2 the real world after cescation of benzos

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I've been popping Klonopin virtually daily for three years as well; it's the only alkaloid that restored my cognition and obliterated my visual distortions, albeit my tolerance is preposterous and I don't want to even fathom taking 3-4 mgs a day.  Considering you've only been abstinent for six months, it's inevitably going to take time for your GABA receptors to upregulate to feel some psychological sense of normalcy.  Honestly, I fucking loathe Klonopin because of its notoriety as an addictive substance, and I feel hostile, agitated and withdrawn whilst it's effective in my system, so I can definitely emphasize with you.  I commend your successful cessation of Klonopin use; something I intend to do once I find a more conducive medication that doesn't convert me into an aggressive, pretentious dick!  Tolcapone looks promising, you should research it.

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As for the social aspect, you just have to extrovert yourself, as arduous as it may seem.  Proactively seek out new relationships, facilitate conversation with strangers, etc.  It's a process, for sure!


Completly agree.... Possibly the hardest thing we can do, as suferers, but it really does work.

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thanks very much for that Cannabrain and Jay

exellent and helpful tips and adice..

No wonder i find writing and other tasks that require focus so challenging often times... etc etc etc

i will make a consistant effort to be more of an extrovert and make more friends also (just located to a new city)

I may look into Tolcapone also..


Thanks again !

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You're welcome! I'm going to ask my neurologist for a script of Tolcapone on Thursday and see if it has any efficacy. It's been empirically documented to alleviate HPPD symptoms in 1/3 of HPPD patients with Sinemet as an adjunct. It's postulated that COMT inhibition can negate discrepancies in sensory gating and be of therapeutic value. I'll let you know how it goes.

Here's an article that's a bit more elaborative on how it can be beneficial for us: http://amrglobal.powweb.com/a-new-treatment-for-hppd

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Thanks!  ok exellent idea.. wow 1/3.. thats awesome and a high ratio..


It sounds good, please do let me know how it goes!


That article looks exellent.. I will send it thru to my neuroligist to make him aware.. I would like to try it also.


All the best for thursday!

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