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I want a few beers!

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SO after the MDMA incident 21 months ago, i havent had a beer. I sometimes miss being at a concert or some kind of club and have just some fun with BEER, like 6 or 7 without being anxious about the next day or- maybe i die with 1MG Klonopin and 75MG Anafranil in my body.

Going out without is no fun anymore since my hppd started, i dont want to talk anymore to most people, only girls :)

Damn thing is if they want a date or something i cant drink or be a little relaxed on alcohol, i think alot about this..


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It's a cruel cruel disorder my friend. Dammed if you do dammed if you don't. I have had this shit about 20 months also. Not one single drop of alcohol has entered my body the entire time. I miss the stuff but I miss my original health much much more. Sacrifice the little things for the greater good I say. Maybe one day you can drink like a normal person because you held off now and gave your brain a time to heal. I might be wrong but that's how I see the situation.

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I find 2-3 beers and i don't have any anxiety the next day.... more than that and I need 1mg of klono for anxiety, but I figure it is ok to have a bit of fun occasionally... But I am trying very hard now not to actually get drunk and have a proper hangover/anxiety bout.

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When my HPPD was really bad, I did´nt drink at all. After I had good improvements, I started drinking every day. Been going on for 4 years with drinking between 5-9 pints every day. You could call it self-medication, because it made me forget my terrible state of mind and made me relaxed. I don´t get drunk, just intoxicated. You have to experiment if beer makes you feel worse or not. It´s better with some beer than eating hard drugs.

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Just drink 6 or 7 beer then...  I was only not able to drink for the first year of my HPPD, after that I resumed my regular drinking habits, when me and my friends got together I would regularily drink 20 in one night with no negative effects to my HPPD either on the night or the day afterwards.  Just fucking go for it brother.


Of course if it is hurting you, stop.  I know I don't need to say that but still.

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I have full blown h.p.p.d. Straight up.. Sometimes though when I start to drink like the first few beers I will get paranoid but I fight through it then I'm fine.. BAM!! 12 down the hatch.. Lol..

Coffee is what puts me in the Coffin let me tell u that it makes my visuals sky rocket.. Does Coffee screw u up?? I can't smoke weed at all it puts me in the tripping mode like I'm on Acid or something. It seems to b the consensus on here.. I ducking hate this shit to be honest.. its almost like a major organ or something I've had it for soooo long now.. H.p.p.d 25 long years.

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