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Therapeutic benefits of smoking(e cig)

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Hey everyone, first of all I am not talking about disgusting cigarettes, I'm talking about e cigs. I have found that smoking nicotine free e liquid out of my e cig to be a great anxiety reducer and I have used it therapeutically for some time now. Whether I'm doing smoke tricks or just blowing clouds it reminds me of when I used to be able to smoke freely and seriously puts my mind at ease and distracts me from my visual symptoms. Does anyone here smoke e cigs and If so do you notice the effects I described?

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Yes I smoke 32 mg lol shit is way more nicotine then a real cig and I go through 30 ml in 2 weeks. I would smoke that as least as you can because you never know when you might feel the urge to say "well I will just get the 8 mg stuff it isn't much and it isn't a cigarette" and the next thing you know you are easily hooked again. Have had many of these so called "worse addictions in the world" problems and I beat all them, nicotine is one I just haven't been able to yet.

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Thanks for replying guys, I decided to try smoking a real cig for the first time in my life today. It felt amazing, mostly because It was a higher nicotine one. I can see how you could get addicted to these things. I experienced no anxiety just pleasure and a reduction in symptoms. A few hours later I lit another one up and had to put it out after like 2 puffs, almost had a damn panic attack.

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^dont smoke. dont do it. its so hard to quit. even with that panic attack you had from your only 2nd cigarette, youre already probably thinking that its worth another try.


once a week--> every other day--> everyday--> every meal --> every few hours etc etc. its a money/health waster. 


thats how addicting it is. 

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I'm at school so I can't write to much but I'm definitely not smoking again. All I wanna do is smoke a cig right now, it made life feel so much easier, but its hard to forget that the feeling of relief you get isn't all nicotine it's all the other shit they put in.

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