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21 year old on 3rd week of suspected H.P.P.D


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Hi everyone, I'm 21 years old and just recently started experimenting with drugs. I started smoking half a year ago and have recently experimented with psychedelics. I loved mushrooms, they were life changing... they changed my mental perception of life. Mushrooms are extremely hard to find in the area I live, so I went with an easier to acquire alternative and bought some LSD tabs. I gained nothing from LSD no new wisdom no change on my outlook of life... just some very bad visual and auditory trips. I gave it a few chances all 4 times that I used it I had bad trips, ranging from paranoia and anxiety to overwhelming visuals - inception status - So I gave up on LSD and quit it's use about 3 weeks ago. However I feel like it's still lingering with me.

I have read all your accounts of H.P.P.D ( Visual Snow, After images, trailing, starburst, patern shifting, moving static objects ) and am confused to whether I also am suffering from this.

My Symptoms:
When ever I took mushrooms I knew it was kicking in by staring at my "popcorn ceiling" it would slowly start moving and shifting and as the trip got stronger it would move faster and more chaotic. Then as I was coming down it would slow down until it stop moving all together sometime the following morning.

​So I grew to like popcorn ceiling because I could accurately measure how intoxicated I was by glancing at it.

It's been 3 weeks now since my last use of LSD, I have none of the other symptoms, but every-time I look at popcorn ceiling it's moving for me. At first I laughed it off, now it's worrying me.

I started asking my friends if they felt the same, none of them had any problems after using LSD and a few still use it often. I seem to be the only one with this lingering issue. 

Does anyone have any insight they can throw my way?
Is this just extremely mild H.P.P.D?

I completely quit all drug use out of fear it is to get worst.


:( I recently opened a Hookah Lounge that is doing very well. I smoke Hookah every day, few hours a day. Yes I know the physical health issues associated with my lifestyle, but my real underlining fear is that the Nicotine will push me further into this mental illness. This is my livelihood.

What do you guys think?

 I feel like the fear of it getting worst is worst than the actual symptoms I'm feeling right now... this is horrible. For all you suffering out there and living day by day like this... much respect and I wish you the best.

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It might be mild HPPD, however, the disease is kinda depending on how it affects you. If you feel nothing from it, and it's just some slight movement in your ceiling while staring at it, it might not be HPPD at all, but just some after effects from the trip, or increased awareness from your behalf.


Though, it's worth mentioning that it might be that you're lucky enough to face your HPPD from it's start, meaning you could do some radical changes and hopefully manage to get rid of it. Personally I'd either start with quitting alcohol and smoking, a good step one, or perhaps try to have a few drinks once and see what happens the day after. If it gets worse, lay that shit off for now. Simple as that. Try to live a heatlhy life, and even though you might not be affected by HPPD, it might do you good in the end. 

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Most people report some moving/shifting of objects weeks/months after taking LSD, for some, it remains at that level as just moving patterns, but doesn't accumulate the rest of the symptoms. This could very likely be just some lingering after effects and could diminish in a couple of weeks. But khaozet is right, be careful as you might have just opened the flood gates, and taking any more hallucinogens could be extremely detrimental. Stay away from HPPD for as long as you can, and be thankful you didn't receive a full blown experience after taking LSD. I am almost certain that this is just an afterglow of lsd, or extremely mild HPPD which will pass. There's nothing to worry about!    

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Sisha has little nicotine in it. It is the other chemicals I would worry about, much heavier then cigarettes. I assume you are seeing the ceiling move when you just zone out on it? This is common for people who haven't even done drugs. I think you are just noticing more now since you have tripped. Could be wrong only time will tell.


P.S. I want to create a electric hooka like the e-cigs, just convert it into a huge hooka and open a electric hooka bar. Shit would be pimp, with herbal teas and stuff that get you feeling all gravy baby

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I used to be a pretty avid hookah smoker I loved it way more than smoking cigerattes but then I started noticing I could hardly breathe and was coughing up a ton of crap and so were my buddies we all loved it but we ended up quiting damn thats shits rough on the lungs and I had a full sized hookah like this one here even had a glass screen and it was a 2 hose I do miss it sometimes but the damn glass piece broke.. never bothered ordering another one kind of figured it was a blessing in disguise but oh how relaxing it could be!!new meaning to mellow Hookah-Sahara-Smoke-Dicro-L.jpg

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I too used popcorn ceiling remaining after shrooms/LSD. I also noticed that letters kind of float around very mildly like the popcorn ceiling effect. I thought it was afterglow and part of the lifestyle, didnt even know about hppd at this time and although when i asked my friends if they had any 'afterglow', i shouldve taken their NO as a warning/etc. It was only about 2 month later that so many new symptoms of hppd surfaced and this was during a time of no drug use....except for some medication that i believe it might have allowed it to surface. 


I believe what you have is very mild hppd and you should be careful now with substances/meds. I wish i was smart enough to do some research when the only thing i had was remaining popcorn ceiling/letter floating effects. 



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  • 3 months later...

Its so difficult to measure. As most people if not all I have spoke to about HPPD say that they have lasting effects from prior use of psychedelics. If the benefits of psych use don't out way persisiting visual effects then don't use them AT ALL as I can almost guarantee they will get more intense with continued use.

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