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There is a cure HPPD


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immediately apologize, I do not know English, translate google translate through.
I have HPPD one year. All this time I was looking for a cure, and I think in part it has found. I have tried everything that you discussed on the forum. I did not help (may be partially, though it was very suggestion)
Then I started taking piracetam  (nootropic). early days I didn't know whether I treat this drug. Then I found out that it works gradually. And I accept it for a month. After 2 weeks, I felt something change that lasts to this day. Returned to me directness of thought, care, and much more. I'm starting to get to know yourself. Removed the symptoms of DR / DP He was not helped by a visual (even the first time it seemed to me a little effort it) well, but I got myself (about 80-90%). I take 200 mg 3 times a day (it is a very small dose) it can take 800 mg three times a day. Also this drug can be taken for all life. 
I am from Belarus and we have recognized it as a medicine and is sold without a prescription. In the U.S., the UK, Europe, it would probably be difficult to buy. I spent a lot of time to find the words to understand translate google. A more detailed translation version in Russian. 
HPPD у меня примерно год, я пробовал абсолютно все до чего мог добраться что бы убрать симптомы это болезни. Случайно наткнулся на Пирацетам, решил его попринимать. Первое время, особенно первые часы очень странно себя чувствовал, казалось что он не помогает, а делает ещё хуже, сонливость, усиление визуальных симптомов и тд. Ну я не сдался и начал принимать его регулярно (потому что прочел что это лекарство помогает не сразу). И примерно через 2 недели я почувствовал реальное улучшение своего психологического состояние. Это вырождалось в прямоте мысли, эмоции и так далее. Я почувствовал что частично вернул себе себя до HPPD(примерно на 80%). Всем советую попринимать, желательно долгое время не меньше 2-3 недель, что касается дозировки то можно 400+/- 200мг 3 раза в день. Даже не рассчитывайте что визуальные эффекты уйдут! Тут речь идет именно о вашем психологическом состоянии. 
Пройдет дереализация/деперсонализация, улучшиться восприятие, думать будет легко, вернется прямота мысли. 
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A ton of people have tried this and a cure would be something you take and can discontinue and the problem will be gone. You just found the right medication for you that seems to work but from what I have read it is not long lived. I have been taking phenylpiracetam and picamilion for some time now and it does help a bit, more with energy then anything else though, sometimes can make my dp/dr pretty bad and I hate feeling like I am in a damn dream!

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I understand what you're saying. The first week of admission I took more than piracetam, vinpocetine (a nootropic) and tsinarizin (Selective slow calcium channel blocker). During this first week my dr \ dr was then amplified (then more then less). Real improvement I felt when I started taking piracetam (without mixing it with other nootropics) only in small doses (200 mg 3 times a day). I would advise to take only piracetam (without mixing). Unlike that piracetam does not extend (increase \ expand) the vessels of the brain, unlike other nootropics. 

The feeling when I'm in the "dream" I did not experience the past 2 weeks, DR\DP (80% improved)


PS I have many thoughts on this subject, holding back low-quality translation google translate. =((

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thank you, wooshka. 

I really want the people who read my message began to be treated yourself piracetam. (Do not mix with other drugs, piracetam only, at least 2 weeks to onset of effect). The composition of the paradox is that my visuals are not gone, but I stopped noticing them. I began to live as it was like before, I stopped thinking about the HPPD. I truly believe that he will be able to help all or at least someone.

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Thanks for sharing your experience with piracetam, Venit. I'm glad it worked for you! Perhaps I'll give piracetam another shot the next time I'm clear to trial something new. Hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions. Have you needed to supplement with choline at all? Were you experiencing DP/DR chronically for the past year prior to starting piracetam? Were you experiencing other cognitive difficulties (poor memory, poor concentration, brain fog, etc.) and if so have they been improved by piracetam? 

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DR \ DP was permanently (well, in varying degrees of force), Was not stable (swing)

! = (There is now an improvement in the stability of. DR / DP feel a little (70-80% improvement) do not even notice that it is present.

I had cognitive difficulties (especially the brain fog). improvement of 90%.


Piracetam is a unique substance. It differs from other nootropic. He did not expand the vessels of the brain. Only improve blood circulation, nourish the central nervous system and many other honors. Piracetam that can help you (if you do not mix with other medications)


Has the person who used Piracetam 2 weeks on this forum (do not mix with other drugs)??? mm? Write your own experience if such exists! I think not, because all interfere with a lot of medicaments and the effect it did not receive. Just as I was at the first of the week (the first week use of piracetam).

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Thanks once again for your response.


Last year I started using piracetam after I developed what I now believe were my initial HPPD symptoms, though which at the time I thought was just severe anxiety/depression kinda stuff. It made me feel really positive and awesome; it felt like I'd just been pulled out of hell and back into myself. Afterward I used MDMA twice and 25-I-NBOMe, MXE, and 2C-B once each (as well as cannabis and alcohol a bit) - MDMA was by far the most damaging of those - and I was thrust right back there and then some. There was a period of a month or so afterward that I used Ritalin in some attempt to solve the cognitive issues I was experiencing. I was using piracetam throughout and definitely kept it up for at least a little while afterward. I'm pretty sure I tried it periodically at least once or twice afterward as well - memory's very fuzzy. 


Point being, there was definitely a time I was using it on its own and not getting much out of it at all. I'm sure many others have experienced this as well - god knows most people here have done a lot of experimenting, and piracetam's pretty much the first thing you come across when researching supplements that improve cognition online. 


Do you mind if I ask what drug(s) caused your HPPD?

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Thank you for your message. It is a pity that a lot of information was lost due to the google translate.


 How long have you been taking piracetam. In what quantity? Piracetam combined with other medications? (after taking drugs)


HPPD was the result of LSD (chemical analogue + bad trip) I was HPPD after the first use.


PS. Я тебя правильно понял, первое время приема пирацетам убрал когнитивные проблемы? потом ты начал употреблять наркотики и когнитивные проблемы вернулись? потом пирацетам перестал оказывать прежнее действия? 

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Is it ever. I was so convinced that because it was so cheap, legal in a bunch of places, and not as "good" as acid that it had to be safe. And I kept fucking using it even though I never really enjoyed it and had one really bad trip on 2000mcg, just because I had so much around. Ah, naivete.

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I found that 25i was so much stronger. After taking 2 x 1200ug tabs of it, I was in another dimension, not enjoying it what so ever. I was vomiting for an hour before I felt okay, but still uncomfortable as all hell. Plus my vomit had a weird odor of chemical to it, not sure if I was just tripping hard enough to bring an odor-inducing hallucination haha. 

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