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Okay something needs to be done about this site


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Any post promoted to an article needs to be restored. Or have an active link that takes you to it.

The private messaging function doesn't work (for me anyway).

And what the hell is this?


No one wants to see that, get it out of here.

This site is a great tool and helps a lot of people but the bugs need to be fixed.

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The first six or seven times I tried to register I couldn't post at all and I couldn't even view most of the threads while logged in.  I would be sent to a page telling me I don't have permission.  Then after about a week my account would be magically deleted.  The tech support emails don't seem to be active.  It took me months to finally create an account that works.  This is a great resource so it was worth it to keep trying but I sometimes wonder how many people suffering from HPPD aren't able to access this community at all.

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I'm getting a whole load of bugs and new ones present themselves all the time. They are quite easily fixable. The best thing to do would probably to simply re-install the forum software from scratch and restore the database. Would only take an hour or so and would probably fix all issues. The company behind the software even offer support if an active subscription is present.

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