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Bit of an idea for possible CURE. Has some weight to it.


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If you look at post #281 of this post, you can see why drugs such as Seroquel is effective in re-regulating sleep cycles and circadian rhythms.

Allowing proper effective time to reset the brain's default, receptors may go back to normal densities and sensitivities.

I would try to get as low as possible but still in a somewhat therapeutic level. [seroquel]

I think the lowest they come is 25mg.

Eventually going on 12.5 or 25mg taken at night, would be beneficial IMO.

This may only last 2-6 months, perhaps a year.

But 2-3 months may be all that is necessary.


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Lately, I've been experiencing very, very bad depression and anxiety. To add to the problem, my 15 year cigarette habit has caught up to me and i think i have early emphysema, asthma, and COPD-like symptoms. Sometimes my lips go numb, i also get dizzy, and i feel actual problems with my circulation. I have odd heart palpitation, headaches, and i can't catch my breath. Sadly, my anxiety has gotten so bad that the idea of stopping the cigarettes seems an impossibility. I also have terrible confusion and really bad heartburn.

There seems to be a weird correlation between my panic and my attention deficit. But what ever the cause is, i am left with difficultly-defeated mental issues and cognitive dysfunction. But in a lot of ways I have been blessed because I think that I was dealt a really good hand but I feel i have already exchanged one of my two pairs.

It's really a very hard thing to go through and i believe there are at least a few here that can relate to my feelings.

Being someone who had a deficient self-esteem before all of this, i went from a social outcast who felt better than the riffraff to a social outcast who feels far inferior to the average person.

I was seriously the most happy person in the world, and now i feel sick all the time.

It's hard enough dealing with the world when you are sane and happy, this makes it much worse. I am sickened by the drama of love, sex, and courtship. Desertion by your good buddies. Being disowned by family. People on the streets ready to steal the filling from your teeth. People go home to their little homes with their little families and they try to make everything seem normal [and care little of you]. Being in the state I'm in now, it seems like starting my own family now has become a distant, disjointed, cynically un-ironic view of an impossibility.

What is your life worth? ...............as some people still do kill for money?

I'm sick of the debauchery of society from micro to macro.

I feel like i have taken a thousand kidney punches.

The only thing that makes me feel good is writing this, gagging myself, putting my finger down my retching throat.

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This is what causes violence: the inability to express emotions healthily, mind games, double entendres, duplicity, the twisted psycho-sexual undercurrent of modern human relations, socio-sexual male expectations and stereotypes of compartmentalization, assumed sexual infidelity: cold, strong, never seen crying. Frustration. People constantly berated, bullied, tortured, having a tiny worm planted in your head then tunneling around 'til there is not a brain left. Sadly, consequences dictate the course of action, because the right things are hindered by laws, mores, power and expectations.

People are quick to judge violence but rarely do they offer a hand of support [esp. prior to such events].

...........Not being autonomous or not living up to your potential, these are things i know so much about.

...........oh, this Growing distaste

Thus spake Zara-m.g.!

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Epilepsy – Seizure Threshold and Magnitude in Response to Electroconvulsive Shock (Maximum Electroshock; MES)

Spontaneous epileptic seizures are disorders common in humans. Electrically-induced seizures can be used as a model of epilepsy, evaluating the response to either transauricular- or transcorneal-induced electroconvulsive shock. The MES test (maximum electroshock) determines the electroconvulsive threshold and seizure magnitude in rodents following the delivery of a constant current over a fixed interval, using an electroconvulsive unit. Anticonvulsant-like compounds, such as valproate and phenytoin, lower the overall seizure rank score and block the onset of tonic seizures.



VPA and phenytoin decrease MES-induced seizures in 129SVEV mice.

#Phenytoin induces Cytochrome p450 metabolism

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Rational drug discovery

In contrast to traditional methods of drug discovery, which rely on trial-and-error testing of chemical substances on cultured cells or animals, and matching the apparent effects to treatments, rational drug design begins with a hypothesis that modulation of a specific biological target may have therapeutic value. In order for a biomolecule to be selected as a drug target, two essential pieces of information are required. The first is evidence that modulation of the target will have therapeutic value. This knowledge may come from, for example, disease linkage studies that show an association between mutations in the biological target and certain disease states. The second is that the target is "drugable". This means that it is capable of binding to a small molecule and that its activity can be modulated by the small molecule.

Once a suitable target has been identified, the target is normally cloned and expressed. The expressed target is then used to establish a screening assay. In addition, the three-dimensional structure of the target may be determined.

The search for small molecules that bind to the target is begun by screening libraries of potential drug compounds. This may be done by using the screening assay (a "wet screen"). In addition, if the structure of the target is available, a virtual screen may be performed of candidate drugs. Ideally the candidate drug compounds should be "drug-like", that is they should possess properties that are predicted to lead to oral bioavailability, adequate chemical and metabolic stability, and minimal toxic effects. Several methods are available to estimate druglikeness such as Lipinski's Rule of Five and a range of scoring methods such as Lipophilic efficiency. Several methods for predicting drug metabolism have been proposed in the scientific literature, and a recent example is SPORCalc.[14] Due to the complexity of the drug design process, two terms of interest are still serendipity and bounded rationality. Those challenges are caused by the large chemical space describing potential new drugs without side-effects.

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Audio Research 101

Signal-to-noise ratio is defined as the power ratio between a signal (meaningful information) and the background noise (unwanted signal):



Modulatory effects of dopamine shown as changes in state space (interpreted after 30)(see also text).

Figure 5, top: increasing levels of dopamine augment the signal-to-noise ratio: the basin of the attractor associated with the most salient signal increases while the basins of attraction of the other attractors decrease. Note also the increase respectively decrease of the depth of the attractors reflecting a increased respectively decreased tendency of the system to stay in the attractor. Figure 5, bottom: decreasing levels of dopamine reduce the signal-to-noise ratio: the basins of attraction and the depth of the attractors become more similar resulting in an enhanced tendency of the system to make transitions from one attractor to another.


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Audio Research 101

Signal-to-noise ratio is defined as the power ratio between a signal (meaningful information) and the background noise (unwanted signal):



Modulatory effects of dopamine shown as changes in state space (interpreted after 30)(see also text).

Figure 5, top: increasing levels of dopamine augment the signal-to-noise ratio: the basin of the attractor associated with the most salient signal increases while the basins of attraction of the other attractors decrease. Note also the increase respectively decrease of the depth of the attractors reflecting a increased respectively decreased tendency of the system to stay in the attractor. Figure 5, bottom: decreasing levels of dopamine reduce the signal-to-noise ratio: the basins of attraction and the depth of the attractors become more similar resulting in an enhanced tendency of the system to make transitions from one attractor to another.


Glad you brought up Signal-To-Noise ... something I've tried to emphasize in posts of how dopamine can be involved in our HPPD.

Dopaminergic neural circuits have long been described as "enhancing signal to noise ratio". This is done on a low level so it tends to be a 'global-configuration' of how dopaminergic neurons are used throughout the brain and body, and the effects it has on "processing" data --- hence dopamine as a neurotransmitter.

Analogy: Volume control on your radio - you mechanically adjust. Transistor - small electric current affects larger electric current (amplification). Neurons - biological transistors (simplification). Essentially: dopamine is involved in determining what is important (filtering/amplifying)

This occurs because of the configuration of D1 and D2 type synaptic connection which are opposite (push/pull). D1 increases activity to subsequent neuron and D2 decreases activity to subsequent neuron. When a dopaminergic neuron fires, it will 'increase attention' in some neurons and 'decrease attention' in others - hence it aids in selection. [ Note: this type of circuitry occurs with other neurotransmitter types, but with dopaminergic cells the configuration is "classic" ]

Retina: Visual "contrast" is signal-to-noise. Black is absence of photon (light) stimulation. White (colors ... non-black) is stimulation by photons. Photoreceptors in the retina are very sensitive, some can trigger on a single photon of light. The range of sensitivity is HUGE - a billion to one! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptation_(eye) Daylight is 10,000 foot-candles, Overcast night is 0.00001 foot-candles - - - Please see http://www.engineeri...ooms-d_708.html

Dopaminergic circuits are involved in adjusting your light sensitivity - which involves contrast, persistence, vigilance to motion, and even sharpness. So low dopamine levels will compromise these functions. Note how many members have complaints in these areas ... and this is just the retina, not the cortex.


[ Google: dopamine signal to noise ]

Here is one about dopamine and our cognition: Dopamine Modulates Persistend Synaptic Activity and Enhances the Signal-to-Noise Ratio in the Prefrontal Cortex


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