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Posts posted by Br0k3nS41nt

  1. I can have thoughts like that when I am trying to sleep, mine are just strange though. Ones that seem foreign, like what does that even mean? How and why would I ever think that?.l The thoughts scare me sometimes, but I have not had those for a while only when my anxiety was really bad in the beginning so it must have been triggered by a mixture of anxiety and my mind falling asleep.

  2. Yeah, that synthetic shit can fuck you up even without hppd. I know a kid who did some and it had a deliriant effect on him. He flipped a shit in school and was not able to tell his hallucinations appart from reality. I am pretty active in a few drug forums and you will be hard to find someone who actually recommends it. People get headaches from it, are absolutely paranoid and think they are dying. The list goes on and on.

    Don't do it. At least wait to your HPPD has gone.

  3. Being a new member to this community and being there for the other forum's death I kind of like the smaller community. I hated the nutty theorists as I felt it was creating an sense of incredulity for the people who were suffering. Now, although I would like more activity, I feel as though the community is a lot more thoughtful and helpful to the people who needed it (like me).

  4. Yeah I have had a lot better time sleeping. This only happens once in a while, I have had a lot of problems sleeping even before this. I would get sleep paralysis, hypogogia(spell?), night terrors, a huge problem with insomnia, extremely vivid dreams and nightmares, all regularly to the point where none of that bothered me anymore. I do not get night terrors any more and can sleep much easier generally, but I can almost will myself into the others. Thanks for the help though means a lot

  5. Well yeah, it's been hard and the visuals have been worsening and I am also a bit unsteady still. But I am having better days as well and am feeling like I am on an upward trend. It is only really bad when I just wake up which is when my visual snow is the worst. It goes away during the day and returns when I am tired in a progressive fashion, but the only in substances which are heavily patterned or completely bare. You guys seem to worry that I am going some wear which I am not, hppd is nothing compared to what I had already had to go through with vestibular disfunction which is now 95 percent gone. I just feel weird that I somehow developed both on the same day. Anyway I hope you guys conquer all that is in front of you. I am trying to do the same.

  6. I have been having trouble sleeping. When trying to go to sleep I have these wierd feelings in my body and brain, they are superhard to describe. Its like a numbness perhaps or a tingy feeling, when I close my eyes it feels like my body is gone and the closer I get to sleep the worse it becomes until it is unmangable and I have to sit up. Which I do and I feel even weirder like I am not myself.

    It sounds like anxiety but I dont feel anxious in any traditional sense, it maybe some form of dp/dr but I still feel like myself in the world I was born into when I wake up entirely, or maybe not.

    I dont know maybe it is anxiety, its just not any anxiety I have ever experienced. I just feel so weird. Anyone have sleep problems?

  7. Sigh, Wind Scar

    People do recover from HPPD, there are videos on youtube of people who did for the most part. No you probably will never go back to entirely because you are here now, but none of that matters now, all you have is you now and a choice to what to do with yourself. I am choosing to go this road without medication as my visuals are not so bad and I have learned to control my anxiety. The future is always uncertain, and if you truly have hppd then it can always get better. It might not or it might. Focusing on the medical aspects are not within your control so don't try to, do something that makes you feel better. I play video games because when I play my world stops moving, and my grainy vision is harder to see. I forget I have hppd and for that time I am who I always was. Find that for you. I may get better, and I feel like I am albiet ever so slowly. Don't focus on hppd, and for you I think the best course of action is to get off this site. You need to find peace with yourself and not look for things you will never find. We are here as support, if you needed to talk to us we will be here. We are not here to be spouted off to about how we are not trying to GET BETTER NOW OMGOMGOMG.

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  8. Hello again,

    Almost three months since my fateful Shrooms trip and its been hard. Ok, so strangely enough I had developed some vestibular distinction with my HPPD, which has some weird synergistic effect with hppd. My main symptom was and still is a shifting or breathing effect thougout my visual field. I will look at a wall and it will sway up and down, light switches will move in circles, my computer screen will expand and contract, from what I hear normal for a Shrooms trip (I took Shrooms once and ended up in this permatrip so I cannot know the norm). These things were first experienced on Shrooms to an actual lesser extent, and picked up after the trip. At first I thought HPPD, as I had done my research, but there was something different, I felt the room breath. I felt as constantly as though I was on a boat and had a few drinks in me it would get so bad I would feel as though I was being pused to a wall, my worst case I almost was pushed off my chair as my head wanted to follow the wall as it folded up on itself. I also was having severe problems concentrating, I would mix people's names up continuously, I would forget classes, basically some real fucked up sheet. Severe anxiety followed, having your body feel like it is on the ocean going over 10 foot waves, while the bastard wall on the far side of the room looks like it is trying despritely devorce itself from its duties to run off and star in a b-list imitation of inception and the wall behind me doesn't want to see it go and it somehow has gained dominion over gravity so that has shifted backwards, while trying to do a test on physics who's subject matter I have lost complete faith in is unsettling to say the very least. I felt I was too many facets of Leonardo Dicaprio sadly excluding the looks and the ability or the proper resources to paint naked women. This continued with varying degrees of fucked upidness for seven-eight weeks. Around week three, with help of this site, I uncovered the world of vestibular dysfunction. What I had, including the visuals may not have been HPPD at all but Labyrinthitis, the symptoms all fit perfectly, it is actually startling how many symptoms overlap. I went to the doctor and the doctor said, I had an ear infection which could have affected my labyrinth and probably do have labyrinthitis, I had a positive romberg test. She gave me antibotics and said it clear up in a few weeks. Whatever this is it, it convinced me it was a labyrinthitis, as I still believe a large part of it was. The visual shifting for a large part coincided with how my ears where feeling that day. One day I felt fluid shift after really bad ear pressure and that was one of the wall's and ground's most rebellious days. I also have hell ringing in my ears. So I was convinced no HPPD and all vestibular dysfunction. Oh the hubris of man, see I like my drugs, smoked weed errday before my current situation. Actually my biggest regret about getting this is not being able to enjoy drugs, if every other person in the whole of history can enjoy a spot of acid here, some dmt there, mary jane everywhere, I feel so deprived that if I cannot. See I started smoking again after I was convinced of the ear nature of my disorder and that was when the more visual symptoms stated to emerge. I now have what I believe is minor visual snow, afterimages, and now over the past few days (I have not smoked in 2 weeks), this progressive dreamy like vision, like seeing life through the cameras they use for soap operas. Which I chaulk up to increased visual snow and some kind of lesser contrasting of colors, perhaps dr on top of that. Now I know this is still a minor case of HPPD as I have seen for the past couple of weeks for the seconds after waking what real HPPD is, real visual snow, after images off of everything non matter how long I look. Anyway I just wanted to check in and compare and contrast. Yous guys experience anything similar. Oh I should also mention I have had bad labyrinthitis symptoms in 2.5 weeks.

  9. Weird turn today,

    I just had(having) a strange ass experience, which leans me even further toward a vestibular problem. I was sitting on my computer and had the weirdest feeling come over me, like my room was rotating upside down, it got so bad my head went with it. This freaked me the fuck out, I could walk but it felt like something was pushing me to the wall. Things are relatively steady, except perhaps some of the edges of objects which look like they are somewhat moving, it just seems like the world I am in is slowly tumbling down a hill over and over and over. I am probably past my peak of this thing whatever it is, but wow... just wow. I feel like I am sitting sideways on a wall.

    I don't think it is from shrooms anymore, I have not touched a drug excluding a shot of alcohol last weekend and this very sudden onset feels like it maybe from something else.

    PS Sorry I don't mean to journal through my problems to you guys, I know you have your own problems probably far worse than I. I just helps me reason if I write things down.

  10. Thanks for the advice,

    Now that I researched vestibular issues I have come across the different problems that come with a screw up that part of your body. Its been three weeks now and while things do not as much breath on me anymore it feels like I am on a boat in rough sea, things still move in my visual field some of the words as I type are bending, but it is very minor and I can tune out my symptoms if I am doing something where I cannot focus on it, like I said in my first post. This got me thinking about the day and the day after the trip, I was sick, minor fever, bad soar throat, bad cough, really bad nose run. Perhaps, I got labyrinthitis which can develop from upper respiratory infections, and can lead to severe vertigo. Perhaps, it was coincidence that I did shrooms then got labyrinthitis the next day, then misread the illusion of movement of vertigo as the illusion of movement of HPPD. I have read vertigo can be more than just a spinning feeling, it can be a rocking motion (which I feel). There is other symptoms that lead me to believe it is this, such as the severity of the rocking motion inside my body, which gets worse when I close my eyes or lay down. My sense of direction is a bit wacky, as well as feeling like I am pulled to one side or the other. I have been experiencing tinnitus. There are two things that make me still believe it may be HPPD, I experienced this change the day after my shrooms trip, the slight bending of straight objects, and some of the weirder distortions in objects that occasionally occur. I am probably going to go to the doctor complaining of vertigo and see what they come up with.

    The internet describes vestibular disorders very similarly to the version of HPPD I may have, many of the symptoms overlap. I am very confused.

  11. First post,

    Anyway, yeah it appears I have acquired a hopefully mild case of HPPD from my first and definitely last (really good) mushroom trip last Friday. My only symptom is constant breathing and distortion through almost all of my visual field, I do not have visual snow, DR/DP, or other symptoms so far so I am quite fortunate. I also have learned to cope with the visuals so I do not have much anxiety so the medication route is really out of the question. Here is my point, the only really negative symptom I find harm in is a slight tint of motion sickness omnipresent throughout my day. Anyone with breathing objects who also experience motion sickness? If so how do you deal with it?

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