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Posts posted by Br0k3nS41nt

  1. Some of your symptoms are normal, especially the ones sorrounding sleep. What you described is a hypnagogic experience, with sleep paralysis. This is something I have had for as long as I could remember. My got as bad as sometimes when I was in the transition to sleep or wakeness, I would hear people, with impish voices talking to me, or I would feel as is I was traveling up a wall. I could never move during these experiences, nor feel parts of my body. This would happen during times of stress or trouble. Although some of what you describe does sound like HPPD and weed is a mild hallucinagen, although a lot of it can be explained by anxiety. I would definitly slow the cannibus use, be careful. The last place you want to be is in those first few months of HPPD.

  2. None of us deserved this, but that unfortunatly is besides the point. Yeah, I willingly took shrooms once with all my friends, me to discover and explore new facets of human conscience, they: to get fucked up. After it I was and thrown into a world where things breath and flicker. where I have felt gravity shift and the room tumble violently down hills, where I doubt existence daily, and my own screwed up perception feels like its in a little box, the only thing I have in this world. My time after this happening a dark fog, where things I have done feel like a dream if I can remember them at all. Before, I could smoke with my friends have a good time laugh, eat, take the normal facets of life inside a world for granted, I had normal concerns, normal troubles, normal happiness, normal pain. Now I can never smoke when I do I pay for it for weeks afterwards, every piece of enjoyment in my life is a struggle, and I savior it with all the gusto of a homeless man given a warm meal. I don't care for normal concerns or my normal troubles anymore, this is a big problem. I wish I could escape, I wish I could exit back out the rabbit hole, to the world I left, but even this wish is a harm when the hole is non existent. The only way to some sort of semblance of a normal life is acceptance, as perverse and disgusting as just sitting there and taking it is, it is unfortunatly necessary. I have done it and am enjoying my panic attack free baseline anxiety without medication because of those things.

    You cannot control the future, the hand you are dealt, it is your job as a human to make the best of the cards you have.

    Do I diserve this? When I know people that that have went consectutive days of Shrooms, 2ci, alcohol, molly, exstacy, acid without a mere tint of afterimages or visual snow. Who does drugs for all the wrong reasons. No. But unfortunatly the world does not work like that, and I would not wish the hell I have went through on anyone.

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  3. I relate to Patient B who stated that it sometimes looks like sidewalks would go down hill, or that it would shift under him, my world constantly shifts around me. Sometimes I feel like there is a weak gravitational force pulling me in a separate direction from the floor, like to a wall. My computer monitor is shifting side to side right now as I am typing this. Sometimes I feel these movements in my head and in my body, most times I do not anymore though.

  4. Shaolin, I know that feeling all to well. Feels like the time I have spent is meshed together, unseeable by some dark fog. Everything I have done since hppd I cannot remember or are not fully there like I had done it in a dream. It really fucks with your perception of time, and the formation of memories. I also feel like the memories I do recall get meshed with the emotions I was feeling at the time. Which is funny because when I feel those emotions they feel fake.

  5. Yeah, I can talk to only one friend about it, the only one that believes me that has see me have panic attacks when I had them everyday. I don't know what I would have done without him. He is more messed up than me, and it did him well to guide someone through some of the same places he has gone through. My other friends don't believe/care though, I am just a big hypocondriac, I have given up trying to confide in them, but I knew that from day 1

  6. If it just dissappeared? Probably freak out, think I am derealizing and worry my ass off for a while before finally forgetting that this world is now different then my current one. This is why I want my recovery to be a slow fade of symptoms, I can gradually get accustomed to my new, clearer, less mobile sorroundings one baby step at a time. It been three months and I have already honestly forgotten what "normal" vision is like, I can't stare at a wall and have it not move. I just just always assume it will. Normal I am guessing is not noticing the dreamy overlay, the afterimages, the illusion of movement, minimal ghosting, minimal starbursts. But how would I ever know if I ever returned to how my vision was before this. Recovery is not noticing I guess.

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  7. Sure, but its a risk I would take, you can learn so much from etheogens. About yourself about the world. My Shrooms trip that landed here was one of the most profound experiences of my life, I am one of those kids that spend countless hours musing about existence and its various facets. To deprive myself from mental states that lead to new ways of finding truth, and just have some plain ol' fun while I am at it is a hell of a massive harm to me as an individual.

    I believe I am paraphrasing sinatra when I say, I feel bad for people who don't drink, they wake up and that is the best they feel all day. I am just taking that to the next level

  8. Yeah, my most unbearable symptom is this constant breathing or shifting in my vision when I stare at something I cannot focus on, I use my phone to do most of my internet browsing because it is small and I can hold it close to my face, therefore, my phone screen will not move and shift on me. Computer screens are the worst, the screen will expand and contract, the lines of text will move back and forth and up and down. There is scheerer's phenomenon all over white backrounds like microsoft word, which I am convinced is my new hell. Funny though, my symptoms will completely go away if I play a game or watch a movie, sheets of paper are not as bad as well. Only time I perceive hppd is when I look at a far wall and stare at it which will start to slowly sway up and down and shimmer, and occasional afterimages, which are atypical I believe, as they are negative and appear as I shift my vision but these ar not just the afterimages that will be in the same place you left them when you shift your vision, mine are like full visual overlays of my last visual staring point made transparent, only light outlines remain. Or at computer screens which are terrible which I have been doing trying to write a term paper for the past 5 hours. When I go out side in sunlight my symptoms dissappear.

    From my experience this swaying breathing vision(similar to what I think is characteristic shrooms visuals) is pretty unique to me perhaps others who got them from Shrooms share this though. I know I acquired HPPD from Shrooms.

  9. Valuable info for people with anxiety/panic disorders, which can develop from drugs/hallucinogens. But HPPD is a bit different, our vision is not as well edited as the normal man. Anxiety then stems from this perceptual change, eventually we all go through the process of acceptance you describe. A lot of us suffer from dp/dr, which I believe does stem from anxiety even if you do not feel the traditional effects of anxiety, anxiety makes you so obsessive over every facet of perception that you begin to doubt its absolute validity, this is how I felt, others would disagree through. But, to say that all our symptoms are rooted solely in anxiety is hubris.

  10. Wow, this is a powerful piece of literature. I never thought of this condition as a flaw in the editing process of visuals but it makes too much sense. I have always felt like I am seeing things I have always seen ghosting, afterimages, starbursts, but now they are so much more intense and I am never able just block them out like I used to. This explains hppds link to anxiety because like the passage states, with anxiety, you are hypertensive to everything, which feed the visuals which feed anxiety.

    At least I know I am less of a ypochondriac then I thought, that my brain has not be en critically damaged or has transported me to a realm nothing like my old one, one where outlines of tvs get stuck in walls and everything slightly shimmers. This helped me with my probable progressive dp/dr. And although there is no comfort of a full recovery in this one, it gives me great comfort that it is only me seeing more, a malfunction with the visual parts of my brain. Thank you.

  11. Hey guys hope y'all doing well as you can be.

    I have a question for you diagnosed with HPPD, have you ever experienced or is hppd related to ocillopsia, the perception of your visual field shifting or jerking up and down or in and out, and nystagmus which I feel my eyes doing sometimes even now. These are my first and primary symptoms of my current predicament, I was diagnosed with "probably" labyrinthtis by my GP but this is week 11 or 12 and although my disequalibrilium dissappeared my shifting, bouncing, jerking vision remains and gets noticably worse when reading of my computer screen or when walking, so i am starting to doubt that diagnosis. I am going to see a ENT soon, as I am positive I had at one point a vestibular problem. As for the other visual symptoms of hppd such as minor visual snow, afterimages, ghosting, dp ( or maybe just horrible brain fog and just general dysforia), they appeared after my orginal symptoms of this shifting visual thing. Maybe they can be explained by my anxiety and my somewhat obessive nature of looking for things, although my increased perception of afterimages cannot be explained anxiety. I don't know I just always found it hard to believe that I somehow stumbled upon HPPD and some vestibular problem in the same span of 12 hours. Unless there is some hidden link between vestibular dysfunction and HPPD.

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