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Everything posted by EmIly

  1. Has anyone tried hgh human growth hormone has to be injected to really benefit from it. I have not tried it yet but know someone who loves it says it has really brought great effects as far as life,health,energy didn't know if it might help hppd. They also check every blood level to see what else you might need. I'm thinking about this. I try as little as possible I'm just trying to stay above water and get by so I'm very fearful of anything making it worse. I did try TMS.
  2. There should be like an emergency contact list and maybe even a guideline of steps to follow for us all. I know I feel like I've overcome it at times then something happens and knocks me down again and I forget how to get back up. If I started a list my top 2 would be 1. Don't dwell on it get your mind busy on anything else! 2. Get moving do some kind of cardio. panic attack hits you hit the road if your heart wants to beat like crazy give it a reason. Just an idea.(hard to remember when in the depths) I've had a really hard month I've been really sick and can't seem to find my way out. I did do cardio today and hope that's a start.
  3. Ok well I had endoscopy today instead of Monday so I could get the propofol. Amazing drug nothing bad at all! You wake up really easily being with it. It's very short acting but you have to ask for this drug and it has to be given by a crna or aneasthesiaologist and costs extra but well worth it. I'm not sure if anything else was given I don't think so. Hope this helps someone else. I react to all drugs I take nothing but this drug caused no Ill effects at all.
  4. Thank you for warning me that's the last thing I need right now. I'll ask for propofol if they can sometimes they will for this procedure. It makes life very different when you can't just be sick we have to worry about how everything will effects us.
  5. Im having a scope on Monday and am scarred to death! I've been really sick for the last 10 days lost 7pds. I have some type of acid reflux. Tried prilosec that stuff is crazy! Really bad side effects constant feeling of panic lightheaded and heart palps. It's actually on top 8 drugs dr.'s would not take. Cnbc (because of heart side effects) so then tried Zantac but was so fearful of my other med I felt again anxiety extreme the whole time I was on it not sure if that was me or the drug because of my fear at that point. Anyway I will have twilight sedation for the procedure great! (scared of that) But not much of a choice at this point my family is ready to put me in hospital. Does anyone have acid reflux and has anything helped? Acid reflux I think kinda goes along with anxiety so might be good for us to know what works and what does not.
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