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Posts posted by 1998

  1. percocet (oxycodone) or vicodin( hydrocodone) get them prescribed with minimal acetaminophen.

    I personally like vicodin better, percocet is a little stronger and more sedating. Everybody is different of course but I've heard that from a few ppl. They use suboxone to come off these meds after severe addiction.

    Shaolin, could explain this much better... but I've taken all opoids and those two are the best w/o getting to high. If you don't like them my address is j/k take care!

  2. Lyrica was ok but not nearly as effective as "gabapentin" lol.

    ''What do you mean by easing the tension of HPPD?'' Feels like I'm taking a mild muscle relaxer, plus anxiety has gone down a bit. It even helps my sleeping cycle which is a major problem for some of us.

    It does make my brain fog a little worse and a bit of increased visuals, but I don't mind considering how much pain I'm in. Again I'm taking this for sport injuries and back pain, but it's had an unexpected positive impact on my hppd.

    I'm not at all wanting others to try it, I just wanted to know how others have reacted to this med.

    I should of made the title of this thread has gabapentin helped anybody else? Btw you are a smart ass but you obviously know what you're talking about so I don't mind ;)

    About benzo's I've been on klono way to long. It made hppd rather easy to live with. But of course eventually you hit tolerance and that's where I'm at. I'm scared to even think about getting all the way off it. Take care!!

  3. Most get better in time as long as they stay away from all drugs (can drink occasionally but hangovers are hell for most), if at all possible stay away from benzo's. I haven't even stayed away from all drugs and hppd has gotten about 25% better.

    People w/o hppd as they age start to have health problems, some get lonely and depressed for numerous reasons ect.... and might think it's hppd tearing them apart but it's just life. Make some sort of career for yourself, most important keep loved ones close, and that will help insure a happier life. You can still live a nice life with hppd, you just have to work much harder then most to achieve it.

    I'm not even in a good mood right now so don't think I'm happy go lucky, just telling you how it is.

    Somebody above posted about playing sports or just being physically active, that's how I got through the initial 5 yrs of hppd.

    Weed will bring on anxiety, which causes me headpressure. Wish I had some more helpful advice but can only tell you what I've experienced.

    I think alot of ppl have bad but not full blown hppd and then when they start smoking (whatever drug) a while down the road they hit full blown hppd. I've had my visuals escalate from weed for a while and eventually everything went back down to baseline. I pretty much know how long my symptoms will increase when I drink or smoke weed now until I'm "normal" again. If any of this doesn't make sense it's cause I'm tired as hell and I have hppd :):( Bedtime, Feel better!

  4. yeah, I'll talk much faster from anxiety and forget what I'm saying. Then when my headpressure gets bad it actually hurts to talk so I'm much quiter. The dp/dr makes me say stupid shit alot as well. Everyday it's hard not to just think how much more I would of enjoyed life if this never happened.

  5. '' I am unable to get off of klonopin without at least 6month to a year to taper. If I am without my Klonopin, the withdrawal is so bad that I would be willing to drive 24 hours to just get a half days worth. I would be willing to pay an entire pay check for 1 days worth of pills to stop the withdrawal, which is nothing short of worse than hell and at worst could result in a seizure that kills me.''

    Same here. They tried taking me off klonopin and even putting me on a dose of adavan in the hospital. My BP shot so high the nurse rushed in there, gave me klonopin and said dam your body really needs this stuff.

    It's so hard to put life on hold and just sit at home going through wd's when you have bills to pay, Take care all!

  6. Klonopin depakote, have been messing w/ my thought process over the yrs big time.

    It's never fully recovered after hppd, but I used to always sell myself short. Thinking I wouldn't be able to do certain jobs, events, ect... and eventually I worked so much I was able to sell, properties and houses till the market crashed.

    I know what you're talking about being mid conversation and losing your train of though, happens all day to me, but there's ways around that at work, like pointing out different features till you get back on topic ect. I just don't want any of you newbies to sit around your house all day depressed outta your mind.

    If I wouldn't of forced myself out I would be living with my Dad right now instead of owning my own house with a Good looking Colombiana wifey lol.

    PS I'm a lot more paranoid, anxious, spaced out, and life seems fake but I work through it.

  7. I was going to take Lamical for Bipolar, But I went w/ depakote. It makes me more sane w/o the extreme highs and lows. I basically feel calm most the time, but the first yr. it was extremely hard for me to adjust to this pill. It's def a good drug for me though

    Thats cool you're able to take benzo's as needed. Hard to do cause most feel like they always need them. If I was going to take one on an as needed basis, it would def be xanax, it controls panic attacks, headpressure, and a great for sleep. Later!

  8. Jay, 350mg of soma (common single pill dosage) will keep me relaxed for a few hrs. This has always helped me more then anything besides benzo's or opiates. After I take just one my headpressure usually dies way down.

    Careful if you drink on them, you feel good, but I've heard of many ppl going to mexico drinking with them and not waking up.

    "my bloodpressured spiked over 190 and i bled from my nose/ears/mouth" dam that's potentially life threatening..hopefully that was a one time thing.

    You're not supposed to take more then 4 pills a day, max dosage is 1400-1600. Lucid i think you added a zero or I need a calculator for how many you took lol.

  9. Careful about how long you're ordering benzo's. I tried to cold turkey my klono once and my blood pressure shot so high at the E.R. they had to instantly put me on klono again. Seizures are quite common during abrupt w/d, but even more dangerous is your BP.

    I do like that site though, they have 100 soma for 75$ after shipping, worth the headpressure relief to me

  10. Rollingregret, you're doing good. It's hard going to a club and staying away from drinking, better off just staying away. I used to go out and just talk to girls while drinking water. How I met my wife and many more ;)

    Those neck muscles and just twitching in general, takes a while to go away in my experience (1 to 2 months at that cut). I think you're rather close.

    Wish I didn't have to work every day so I could make another cut. Currently I'm trying to get off this tramadol shit. It's much harder then I thought taking 400mg for 6 months. I wake up in full opiate w/d's everyday till I take it. My fucking boss won't give me and days off so I could just could turkey it, so I just have to taper while working my ass off. Sorry for the complaing lol, just need to vent...anybody reading this ever have a problem getting off opiates?

  11. rollingregret, I went from 3.5 to 3.25 and I was shaking, unable to sleep and fealt like I was on a small dose of acid all over again for 1 month. After that full month, I stabalized and fealt just like I did on 3.5....Don't worry it just takes a long time. I was flipping out thinking it would never end but it does.

    PPl w/o hppd have a hard time and quit working ect.. when going down 5mg of valium (which that is = to) just be happy if your able to sleep. Staying up all night feeling like you're going through opiate wd's 24/7 made me suicidal.

    When you think about how long the half life (sp?) of klono is (around 72 hrs max) and you keep taking one after another on top of each other daily, it's going to take a hella a long time for our gabba receptors to reset properly.

    Only 15% of ppl get permanant damage from benzo wd and that's after taking it for over 10 yrs at a high dosage (Dr. Ashton's words) take care, good job on getting down on you dose. I'll eventually be at 2mg and stick there till I die lol. Later!

    PS. ppl always say don't take anything for wd's but clonidine and soma especially helped so much. Make sure you stay away from alcohol it hits the same receptors and will only delay your w/d process. Check out benzobuddies.org crazy amount of info

  12. I still take tramadol daily 400mg (max dose) and I have to take clonidine at night for the withdrawals. I have a shifted pelvis and severe back problems that cause both of my outter thighs to constantly have fire shooting through them and they're numb :(

    Just saying this cause tramadol makes you feel like hell after tolerance builds and that quick. Wonder if you were off it if things would of been different. You know more about brain chemistry, pills then me lol just sayin...

  13. I can't live w/o klonopin. To me it's worth the memory loss and addiction as long as it's still somewhat effective. I've been on an average of 4mg. for 13 yrs. Currently on 3.25, everything Rollingregret has said is exactly how klonopin has effected me (except I've always suffered from extreme anxiety) I would think by now I'd be at total tolerance but it still helps. If It does ever completely stop working my life will be 100% destroyed and I'd have to hurry and check myself inpatient before I did something stupid. Not much else to say except I'm still enjoying life, I work, have a great wife, family, pets, money I just pray to GOD if there is one this med doesn't stop working:( :)

  14. Visual, Gabepentin helps your energy. I was taking Lyrica and had to stop because it was making me fall asleep while driving.

    I thought they were pretty similiar drugs idk. My friend said the same thing about gabepentin giving him huge bursts of energy until he got tolerant to it. I'll give that med a try.

    Opiates actually give me more energy then anything, but of course that's not the way to go (i do anyways though). Take care!

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