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Posts posted by 1998

  1. I feel your pain!!!!!!!! Opiates somehow make me feel almost completely normal. But they have messed up my life even when used properly because of tolerance. Before I started doing labor work and strength training ( love the endorphins) I was going to go on a small dose of methadone as well. The only problem is I've seen what it does to ppl in the long run and how they have to keep upping their dose. If you didn't have to up it I would take it. Not only because of hppd, but my fibromyalgia and the pinched nerves in my spine. I want to say no don't take it, but if you are completely miserable and have tried everything possible to make you happy (girls, travel, working out, sports, hobbies, working) just try the smallest dose and don't go up for as long as possible even though you'll want to. I watched a Doc. recently called Methadonia (2005 HBO documentary, watch it on Youtube or Netflix for a great perspective). It was all about Methadone addicts and it talked alot about them looking for benzo's cause it give's you a false heroin feeling as a combo with M/done. I say this cause I believe your on klono, that also might make it harder to get meth prescribed Idk.

    Man I know how you feel but going on done is the absolute last resort just like benzo's. Fun fact in that movie it said 60% of methadone addicts had a harder time getting off benzo's (fucking great i've been on them forever) Dam you can tell I've thought lot's about this as well. That one time we did those drugs fuckkkk, feel better man.

    PS Jay Balotelli is unreal, can't wait till Sunday drunk football day:) Also Jay? Not trying to be a smart ass at all but don't you have to have a good amount of money to travel? I love my wife but if I could just travel the world I would get a different flavored girl in every country lol

  2. ''Would it be ok to use it like that and not everyday? ''

    It would be ok. But the relief klonopin will bring, makes it extremely difficult not to eventually take it everyday.

    You'll feel great for a while from klono, but eventually everybody hits tolerance and welcome to hell.

    Only you know if you're mentally strong enough to only take it once or twice a week. GL!!

  3. First 2 yrs I turned into a recluse and just wanted to die. So my Dad forced me to travel S.E. Asia w/ him and even though I was nervous at first, but I began to enjoy life again. Playing tennis, girls, scuba and working out plus the beauty of the world was life changing.

    By yr. 3 I started to feel much better. I'm still doing well, married ect..it's not even hppd ruling my life anymore. Just the f///ing klonopin. Only take that drug if you're seriously suicidal. gL all!!

  4. I heard my neck crack while on shrooms, and then I light show of colors arrived. I knew something was wrong, the next month my muscles were spasming constantly and I had every symptom full blown. Wish I had this board to check out while that was happening cause doc's were more confused then i was. Just a bad memory

    It does bother me when hypochondriacs think they have hppd, but I still feel for them!

  5. "Do the other meds you're taking besides the k'pins make your hppd worse, or can you not tell because the K'pins block out their side effects? "

    Good ? I often think of this here's a little breakdown

    Tramadol- helps alot because it's binds to the opiate receptors. It makes me energetic, takes pain away, plus wipe's out headpressure ect...It does increase visuals but the euphoria makes me not care.

    Zanaflex- (italic won't stop:) helps a great deal w/ headpressure and that feeling of tightness in my muscles from hppd (my favorite med to combat hppd)

    Depakote- makes me tired and kills motivation but helps alot w/ bipolar, I force myself to exercise everyday to counter this drugs side effects, does increase visuals alot but helps anxiety so it's a wash.

    Nuerontin- I'm not sure if it makes hppd worse cause the kpins and the other meds that help my hppd.

    The fact your bipolar and this keppra has helped you so much makes me really want to give it a go.

    BTW you look identical to my good friend Hillary crazy but a good thing lol..

    Time to enjoy the outdoors, My Wifey and I are going to are families house to go swimming, bbq and have a few beers. Time to chill and forget about hppd Take care everybody, I appreciate your concern you're a nice person ;)

  6. Ya I've def thought about it. The main problem is I'm bipolar and worried about keppra rage. Plus I take so many meds already I really don't want to try anything else till I get off of most.

    Tramadol, nuerontin and zanaflex for sports injuries, depakote for bipolar and a high dose of klono for hppd. I just don't feel comfortable adding anything else.

    No doctors have a clue I have hppd, I tell them my probs are anxiety related. (Hate the way they react when I mention hppd)

    So I really don't think any doc would prescribe keppra anyways.

    That's great your friends and family get the old you back, Happy Friday!!

  7. Since it's getting slowly better stay away, these are a last resort pill. I've seen survey's that methadone is easier for 60% of ppl to get off then benzo's.

    3 or 4 day period is the most common time for the wd's to hit due to the half life.

    It's hard for me to believe klono has effected you this long only taking them for 3 weeks, but you have no reason to lie, sucks man....alcohol hit's the same receptor and prolongs wd's btw, I tried to drink myself outta wd's to. Just a waste of money and a couple DUI's take care!

  8. Alc. itself won't bite you in the ass. The decisions you make while drinking can, especially if you're blacking out! Make sure you stay away from driving obviously.

    Addiction will screw your life up, so after school (even now) careful w/ that, Live it up, I miss those college parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Physically yes, mentally no. Believe me those provide alot of relief from hppd (codeine is very weak) you won't care about the visuals. In the back of your mind it's hard to forget about it. (I'm talking about stronger opiates, suboxone is extremely potent but meant for wd's)

    Visual is def right, they are so dam addicting, and your body becomes tolerant to them so fast. Maybe give it a try, if you feel you might become addicted just drop them.

  10. I'm not sure then. You want something stronger then codeine but weaker then morphine. I'd just talk with your doctor, You might even have to go to pain clinics out their for stronger opiates idk.... Just stay away from methadone! I've honestly heard suboxone is hard as hell to get off as well.

    One thing I have found out is Neurontin has eased my opiate wd's by atleast 75%, it even takes the edge off klonopin wd's a bit surprisingly.

    Maybe one day I'll do 2mg of klono 10 days, vicodin 5 days, then Nuerontin 5 days and live happily ever after :)

    Time for work take care man!!

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