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Posts posted by 1998

  1. Seroquel always made me depressed and tired for around 4 hrs the following day after taking a small dose.


    Lexapro made my dp/dr alot worse also I got weak from it as well. I almost lost a good job till I stopped taking that ssri.


    Obviously we're different so I'm not saying you should quit any meds, just telling you my experiences with them.


    How long were you on 4mg of klonopin a day and how long did the withdrawals last???? You've done a great job cutting down (i take 4mg daily so curious)

  2. I have suicidal thoughts as well, but it's usually caused by medications (klonopin, gabapentin, depakote) I've come very close to killing myself while drunk a few times. The next day I'm always so greatful to be alive.

    Hanging out with the wife, family and ppl that don't judge you is a major factor for happiness. Also the longer I stay still and don't exercise the tighter my muscles get plus anxiety gets horrific and the headpressure gets worse. So force yourself to exercise if you aren't already. If your ever really down pm me and I'll give you my number so we can talk. Take care!

    Also, I drink twice a week with no problems. It relieves my stress and I'm able to hangout w/ ppl w/o anxiety. Just keep it to a minimum

  3. I feel you about how slow the progress is. I've been on these boards for over a 13yrs and still klono seems to be the most used drug. I do think gabapentin and lyrica help, but your tolerance builds so dam quick. I've found drugs like clonidine, propanol and muscle relaxers that help me cope with somewhat w/ anxiety, but then I feel extra tired and my memory gets foggy so it's just a trade off. Anyways I've just been hanging w/ family and friends, plus going on vacation soon so hppd hasn't been bothering me thankfully. GL and I will post after I try Guanfacine later...

  4. " I don't even feel alive any more and nothing feels real, I have the emotions of a robot. It wouldn't be so hard if I could enjoy things but its pretty much impossible when you don't feel emotions."


    Feel your pain buddy. For me it's hard as hell to even get out or my recliner most the time. I take a multi B-vitamin and exercise and that's honestly the best solution raising your natural endorphins. I just feel so much more clearminded and energetic when I've been being constructive.   

    The only other thing I've found is opiates honestly and you don't want to be on those unless suicidal. Tolerance builds 2 quick.


    Also if you have access to a pool,  the sun rays and swimming laps ect. works wonders. Somedays I'll go from a deep depression to a natural relaxation using this. Fk if I lived on the ocean I would surf all day and never worry about hppd..Take care!!

  5. I have guanfacine somewhere mixed in with my meds. I tried propanol first which helped with anxiety but just still not sure about that one, when I give it a go i'll post to let you now how it works for me.


    It's seriosly so hard for me to tell how certain meds even work now a days being on so many of them :blink:

  6. I'm always confused about how weed can make ppl have increased symptoms after a couple days. I smoke daily and when I quit for a while, I just go through weed w/d's (sweating, anxiety, lack of appetite and sleep). It has to be the klonopin I'm on allowing me to smoke it because I already had panic anxiety dis. pre hppd?? Feel better soon!!


    PS. now that I think of it during my first ten yrs of hppd weed gave me a lot more visuals ect.. then currently.

  7. Very common side effect, make sure you don't cut too fast. Most say to taper 10% every 1-2 weeks even though some may need up to 3 or 4. You just have to figure that part out on your own.

    Usually ppl do have a harder time the lower they drop, especially if you're anxiety prone w/o hppd. Wish I was at .20mg good job!!

  8. ''Where are you at with 'withdrawal' at this time?''

    Thx for the responses. Btw I'm currently not cutting klono, I'm actually cutting down my gabapentin. I was at 1400mg daily and now at 1000mg. I'm going to cut down to 800mg tomorrow. For whatever reason I get crazy hot and cold flashes and extremely weak everytime I cut, but eventually I'll be off that med. I'm trying to figure out which one is causing all this discomfort.

    I'm hoping it's the gabapentin because klonopin w/d's are next :((

    I just know somethings off because of how I've felt the previous 15yrs, Take care all!

  9. My headpressure increases when i'm pounding away in missionary position. But it's still def worth every bit of it. Sometimes I'll just take a shower after so I feel better and if your lucky they'll just go down on you for a while and that's more relaxing then any spa and resort (unless it's an asian message). Also if you bend them over the side of the bed and just stand up while you go at it, I've noticed no headpressure especially if you give them a thumb in the ass J/k.....I don't get visuals from it prob cause of klonopin.

    If you do take benzo's occasoinally It will wipe out your headpressure and help visuals, plus you can practice your alphabet :P  if you have a good clean girl you don't mind doing that with. fk wheres the wifey when you need them

    remember get some :o and you'll be chillin!! I love watching them choke on it lol k tmi!

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  10. I'm bipolar II as well. So many prob's have occured from it, I don't feel like listing them all.

    I got checked into a mental hospital after trying to overdose on pills 7 yrs ago and I've been on depakote 1000mgs daily for bipolar ever since.


    Depakote pro's- (for me) Keeps my bipolar in check. Majorly helps with headaches I never recieved till after hppd. (it's even prescribed in small doses for ppl w/o hppd suffering from severe headaches) I can actually sleep rather easily. It's made relationships with family memebers and friends much easier. It was the only bipolar med that worked for me and is considered the best from most bipolar ppl I've talked to.


    Depakote con's- makes most gain weight. It's hard on the liver so you'll need blood labs atleast every 3 months. It's harder to become motivated, but if you push yourself you'll find energy. Sometimes you'll honestly just feel like a zombie till you are used to it.


    I could go on and on but I'm leaving to the pool so take care man! Oh ya, Magellen will usually help bipolar patients and even pay for all their medications for the rest of your life. I haven't paid for klonopin or any phychiatric (sp?) med in 7 yrs and I've tried a shit load of meds I've seen ppl help on this board for free. It saves me about 250$ monthly even though I already have the money, I'll take the free meds in this economy, later feel better!! Message me if you want........

  11. Ming Xiao, 4mgs of klonopin is equal to 80mgs of valium. (ALOT)

    I'm actually on that dosage and it's made me more depressed, my memories horrible and I even stutter a little when I talk now.

    If you have to take klonopin start at .5 to 1mg max. I did great on 1mg for many yrs. and I didnt even need to up my dose but the doctors told me to.  I knew in the back of my mind it was the wrong thing to do, but I went on the higher dosages anyways and now I'm really paying for it.

    I would only take benzo's if you've been suicidal or just hate life due to anxiety ect..

    I see your klonopin treatment is in progress, just try the smallest amount.  I don't want you to wind up like me in tolerance wd's at a extremely high dosage. Take care ;)

  12. You cant deny tramadol is'nt somewhat of a relief from hppd since it binds to the opiate receptors lol, but everybodies obviosly different! Wish you a speedy recovery. lve been exercising like crazy of late better then any drug, hope youre feeling better from surgery...l feel ur pain! l had a triple hernia and rotator cuff surgery from lifting free weights for yrs, its frustrating waiting till you can start working out again.

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  13. I liked the energy and high tramadol gave me, l excelled at almost everything. But after taking it for a yr. I developed tolerance so had to come off. Reminds me of my klonopin, all good drugs must come to an end lol, lts a good med short term for energy, body pain and headpressure in my experience. Take care

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  14. Klonopin is not a fun drug to abuse after 2.5 mg. You just feel like going to sleep. Xanax is my favorite to abuse, but above 4mg, I can barely keep my eyes open. Plus the main problem is when I abuse drugs it's to go to Vegas or party. These meds mixed with alcohol at even lower doses you might not wake up.

    I personally don't like abusing them because I just wind up going through withdrawals the next couple days (or death if mixed). Opiates are another story a darker one as well :huh:

  15. Mg, i went the first five yrs sober as can be. After the first two i stopped getting better (visuals mainly) now i just want to live life as if nothing ever happened to me in the first place. I cant help i like the way i can chill and have xtra good sex ect with green:) if i ever get to mental hopefully i won't even know..k time to go hit up a 9 ball tourney good friday all...

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