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Everything posted by josht9210

  1. I read that it can be dopamine related and helped with Tolcapone and Levocarb
  2. Being born with hppd is called Visual Snow Syndrome my good sir, they share pathologies. Common symptoms are noticing the ones you stated + anxiety disorder of some sort. Stress, anxiety and drug use probably just exasturbate the symptoms until its full blown hppd and your brain filter is destroyed
  3. I don't wanna advise you on which medication to use, however if I was you I would use a sedative that actually has been studied for hppd, I don't know if that one has but you should look it up. There are many sedatives out there, some are better for hppd than others. I know clonidine is a sedative/antihypertensive, so it will make you tired and lower your blood pressure also said to have helped lower hppd symptoms and anxiety. Be careful if your bp is already low though. It works on a2adren receptors so it basically lowers your adrenaline production, which You could imagine how that could make you feel.
  4. Does this apy yo visual snow as well? I have hppd but I mean the pathology is so similar.
  5. Can someone get him to come back and update? @Jay1 @David S. Kozin I'm really curious to see where this lead him. Theres a lot of studies out there about the effects of hormones on neurotransmitters... Dht alone is very powerful for your sense of well being.. I have been injecting Drostanolone (masteron) bayer has a version not fda approved called proviron Progesterone is a natural anti convulsant and effects gaba etc.. I have access to many hormone derivatives and I am willing to expierement on myself, so far testosterone + dht has been quite interesting, I am still on paxil and this will be the first time in 10 years I've introduced a new medication (test/dht) so when i notice things they have been quite profound. There also have been recent studies when applying testosterone to women wanting to become men, how it effects the receptor sites. It was observed to INCREASE the SERT of receptor sites. Which allowed more seretonin to go across stream, this has been hypothesized why women are twice as likely to be more anxious than men.
  6. This was very sad to read, 100% a case of schizo, I hope he gets help. Catching and medicating it early can save a life.. I was misdiagnosed with shizo when first explaining my symptoms (none of them were like his trust me lol) and one thing shizos do is not admit there schizo (when they told me I was I trusted them and thought they knew). Mind reading and tv communicating are 100% symptoms of schizo... Very sad to see
  7. Get on meds to lower anxiety and stress, you lower those and your symptoms will lower (I say this from 10 years of hppd), they will still exist but you'll be too distracted with real life.
  8. I had all of those tested an am currently injecting testisterone and dht, lmk if you came up with anything. I can get access to caber as well. Update us on.any progress in regards to this.
  9. Placebo, testosterone cypinate does not fully stabelize in the blood stream until 6-8 weeks. Let me know how it goes. I'm currently on testosterone and its only increased my anxiety thus increasing.symptoms
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