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Posts posted by Onemorestep

  1. So I began a trial of DSIP yesterday. 

    Dosed 100mcg. At first I felt a warming sensation in my buttocks. Quite nice. Legs felt comfortable.


    then I took a large hit of my ecig and had 20 seconds of extreme anxiety that completely disappeared after. Quite odd. 

    Took another 100mcg to see if it would happen again. It did not!


    slept wonderfully that night. Only woke up twice and the sleep seemed deeper.


    day 2:

    dosed 200mcg. No warm butt or leg feels. About to go to bed. Will report in sleep tomorrow. 


    So far, seems pretty shape for use in HPPD in this study of one haha.

  2. Still going pretty strong. The effects have changed somewhat. Normally, I go through mood cycles (3 weeks feeling like utter crap and 1 week feeing slightly better). Bpc has shortened the cycle. First to 2 bad days one good day. Now it’s a good day every other day. At the beginning I was way too energenic. I would say hypomanic almost. But now my highs are not as high. My lows are not as low. It’s really stabilized things for me. Certain aspects of depression it initially helped have faded somewhat but overall I’m very pleased with this supplement. No major side effects yet. I’m so happy to have found something that helps! Since starting bpc-157 I’ve begun to think about my future and what I can do in life which I think is a major sign of alleviation of depression. Before I was just trying to make it through the day...


    things i I still want to improve:

    social aversion

    mental fatigue: wired but tired feeling



    bpc has helped a lot with these but there’s still a ways to go. But at least now I can see a future for myself. 


    Hope le this helps,


  3. I’ve had a lot of muscle issues from hppd as well. Full body muscle tension and complete shut down of my intestinal muscles after mushrooms. Baclofen got rid of the muscle tension and restored my cognitive functioning in many ways but gave me two years of complete anhedonia after 8 months at doses starting at 5mg that ended at 100mg. 


    I also had muscle twitching. That sounds a bit more in line with your muscle issues. One week of sinemet cured my full body fasciculations. It also caused some psoriasis but I’m managing that with cream. Probably better than twitching all the time haha. I think the reaction (psoriasis) was a rare thing though. 


    Honestly i I don’t know what you should try. I’ve had good reactions to medications like keppra only to stop them due to side effects (hair loss, fibrotic tissue buildup). When I tried again it didn’t work. Sinemet helped for about a week emotionally then pooped out. 


    The only thing ive found that helps is the following:

    niacin (non flush): 750+mg daily. Helps with anxiety quite a bit. Haven’t had any negative side effects


    inositol: 3-6g daily. Helps with anxiety and sleep. When hppd is in a hyper agrivated state, I can’t tolerate this supplement. It causes mania like symptoms and extreme anxiety. You’ll know on your first dose if this will happen. Fortunately the effects, of negative, will be brief and only last the day in my case. 


    Gabapentin: good for sleep and anxiety as well as mood. Not for long term use. Withdrawals are terrible.


    baclofen: I think small trials with this drug could help restore higher levels of acetylcholine in the brain. Don’t overdue it. And don’t use habitually—withdrawals can be rough (no where near as bad as benzos though). 


    Bpc-157: this medication is one I’ve had more success than anything else in terms of benifits vs side effects (I’ve had 0 sides). It works on many different mechanisms. Almost too many to count. But the two that interest me the most is the stabilization effect on dopamine receptors (restore normal functioning after excessive dopamine release due to amphetamines or I believe really any drug) and the effect on the 5ht2a receptor (lsd hits this one hard). Bpc-157 is able to reduce the functioning of the 5ht2a receptor without agonizing or antagonizing it. Since elevates levels of 5ht2a is directly correlated to depression, I believe this helps greatly in managing symptoms. It’s given me my life back in many ways that I couldn’t have dreamt of. It’s by no means a miracle cure, but it’s doing a damn good job. I take 500mcg a day subcutaneously. If you would like my source, feel free to message me. 


    Wellbutrin: some people say this increases anxiety. I find it helps mine. I need less anti anxiety medication when on a low low dose (25mg a day). Unfortunately, it also causes heartburn, minor irritability, and delayed sleep onset for me. 


    Cbd: this was great for anxiety reduction and sleep. Tolerance was an issue though and the 5ht2c agonizaion lead to social aversion and social anxiety. This is unusual for most people. Normally it’s the opposite. 


    Dl-phenylalanine: 100-300mg a day, 3 days on 3 days off for tolerance management. Gives me energy and mood boosts. Can keep awake longer than usual.


    L-glutamine: 100-300mg daily; 3 days on 3 days off for tolerance. Helps with energy, memory, and most of all depersonalization for me. 


    Ashwaghanda: provides relaxation and a milder alternative to benzos. Taken once every 2-3 days. 


    Ketogenic diet: I find this diet to be anti anxiety and help with mood swings


    Eat vegetables. Trust me on this one. Most people, even if they are “normal”, don’t eat well enough and this will make anyone feel like crap.


    Whenever you feel like you can take advantage of a good day, use it to socialize. Human contact can be the most therapeutic thing on this planet and we all need it to be happy. 


    Thats TD all I got for now that I can recommend. These won’t cure you, but Many will help you live a more normal life. 

  4. I’ve had several TBIs in my life and found that Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy was beneficial. The treatment didn’t seem to do much to put a dent in HPPD though. That being said, I do believe brain damage may have something to do with this disorder. I’m particularly reminded of a guy who was trying to acquire nsi-189 for carbon monoxide induced brain injury. If he had said he had taken hallucinogens I would have said he had one of the worst cases of hppd I’ve seen. So many similarities. 


    That’s a scary thought—but it doesn’t mean it can’t be managed or even essentially corrected. I’ve had experiences with the right combination of supplements and medications where I was happier and cognitively sharper than even before I got hppd. Unfortunately, in the past I’ve gotten complacent when I’ve felt better and screwed myself up by trying something I shouldn’t thinking I’m “normal again”. 

    Good news is, longevety research is all about regrowing the brain. We’ll see some major breakthroughs in our lifetime that I have no doubt will benefit those with hppd.

    • Upvote 1
  5. ***The user who had a negative reaction to BPC-157 was on Chantix. The combination made him less depressed (started exercising, academically focused) but made his emotions flat, especially when concerning social situations. 24 hours after stopping BPC-157 his emotions returned. Interesting to note the half life of BPC-157 is 4 hours so it would take about a day for it to completely clear his system. This is the only negative report I’ve seen so far.***


    if anyone is interested in trying BPC-157, I got mine from limitlesslifenootropics. Honestly, I haven’t read the best things about them for all their products, but they had express shipping and I was impatient. Luckily their BPC works fine—plus they gave me bacteriostatic water for free with the order (they don’t say they’ll give you that but it just comes with).


    I recommend anyone looking to buy some research the companies they look at. Peptides aren’t regulated and many are made in China. Most of the time, you’ll just waste money on bunk product... but with some peptides they could be dangerous if made incorrectly. Luckily bpc is pretty simple and doesn’t appear to have these risks... but still no one wants to waste $30-40.


    Im going to place an order with americanresearchlabs next since they do a half off on order for first timers. I’ll report on their product when it arrives. 


    I hope to also trial their Ipamorelin and delta sleep inducing peptides at some point. My sleep is awful and I’m looking for something other that traditional sedatives. 

  6. Day 5 now... just keeps getting better. I’m feeling a fullness that’s been gone for years.... social anxiety has lessened by 70 percent at least. And there’s something that’s come back that’s so hard to put into words. It’s been missing for so long. It’s this subtle emotion that effects everything I do. I feel positive and excited for tiny things. It’s really quite incredible. This is the first thing I’ve tried where I’ve felt something akin to true relief of symptoms—not just masking or changing me so I’m no longer in pain (benzos, Keppra, etc). I don’t feel augmented with a drug—just like this thing that was stripped away by hallucinogens and years of attention deficit meds has returned. 


    Ill keep posting ting at least weekly to have a record and see if the effects persist. Hopefully they do—I haven’t found anyone complaining of tolerance to this. But even if it must be cycled, it still is the best ratio of positive to negative effects I’ve found in any medication. 

  7. So I started a trial with this peptide Tuesday evening. I’m pretty cautious about taking new things, but for the life of me I couldn’t find anyone having a bad reaction to this stuff (except one dude who had an interaction with some medication. Unsure what it was)


    things ive noticed:


    my body feels pretty great. I normally have pain problems and this helps combat that.

    I’m less anhedonic and can focus easier.


    Im less depressed. I’m taking walks, cleaning, feeling excitement and contentedness. 


    Right now im taking 500mcg either once daily or spread into two subcutaneous shots. I’ve read you can administer orally but I’m not shy about needles and feel it’s probably more effective. 


    So far, I highly recommend bcp-157. Is it a miracle drug? Kinda! I mean I’m not having ANY negative side effects 


    my current medications

    37.5mg of gabapentin x2 daily

    .25mg lorazepam daily

    25mg Wellbutrin daily

    750mg niacin daily

    3g inositol daily

    200mg l-glutamine PRN

    200mg DL-phenylalanine PRN

    nicotine (way too much)


  8. Anyone tried the peptide chain BPC-157? It sounds... well incredible. I’m a little too low at the moment to write out everything this peptide chain does but it definitely seems to help facilitate healing and normalization of a wide array of neurological processes. 

    You can find several trial reports online of those who have caused damage and disregulation through amphetamine use. For many here, dopamine plays a large role in this disorder. BPC-157 might be something that is highly beneficial to our healing process. This is just one of dozens of beneficial uses. 


    Heres a reddit post that summarizes the patent for BPC-157: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/Nootropics/comments/5raknu/bpc157_a_healing_peptide_summary_of_known_benefits/


    This patent application: https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2014142764A1/en

  9. I've had muscle fasciculations from aggravating my hppd. It was all over my body (the weirdest were the eyelid twiches and private areas). But i wouldn't describe this as shaking. I know most people have had a random single muscle twitch for a bit (usually in the upper arms or thigh muscles) but this was EVERYWHERE. The way I got it to stop was taking sinemet for a week. Couldn't tell you why it worked but it did!

  10. I find it interesting that lamotrigine makes your visuals worse since the only chemical that completely corrected my visuals was oxiracetam 

    It is my belief that much of the visual issues that coincide with HPPD are due to decreased activity at glutamate receptors. Whether this is due to malfunctioning receptors or previous loss of receptors I can't say...

    Oxiracetam (and other racetam derivatives except keppra) also screwed me up permanently when I tried to come off it cold turkey. I don't recommend it to people because of this. 


  11. You sent me a PM but I like to reply to people in public for others who come searching for the same answer you are looking for.


    One should treat HPPD as if you have a concussion---don't drink or use drugs while recovering. It will only delay your recovery or possibly make your state permanent. It sucks but your future self will thank you :P


    I find full spectrum CBD used in a vape is helpful as an alternative to pot and can help ween oneself off chronic smoking. I can't say whether all ppl with hppd will have this same reaction since everyones etiologies can be so varied but i thought i should put it out there.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Absolutely! Eat healthy, exercise, stop smoking (cigs and drugs) especially early on while your brain kinda "remembers" still what its supposed to go back to. So little is know about this disorder but what we do know is continued drug use almost certainly hampers healing if not worsens the condition. 

  13. Wow thats A LOT of LSD.... I recommend slowing down for a bit! I always heard that hallucinogens really shouldnt be taken more than 3 times a year with two months in between dosages. If you study some of the effects they have on the brain, it really seems like its the safest thing to do. 


    If you have HPPD using more will make it worse. It's not that bad now but that can change very fast.


    I would say It's never a bad idea to go to a doctor. It cant hurt (well as long as its simple diagnostic work and you are not prescribed anything). Never a bad idea to rule out a brain tumor XD. I doubt you'll find anything though.

  14. Valerian root shares a similar mechanism of action with benzodiazepine drugs. Benzodiazepines bind to the gamma subunit while valerian binds to the beta subunit on GABA-A receptors. What difference in effects this causes, Im not entirely sure. However, I believe it should be approached with caution and taken in the same way as a benzo (sparingly and never habitually). Don't delude oneself by thinking tollerance and withdrawal cant occur with this drug because all signs point to yes if you just do some google searches.

    I find its great for sleep, however it results in a manic state followed by a horrific increase in anxiety a few days later. I should not be used as a good example for whether this is a safe drug however, as I also have other concomitant disorders such as PAWS from gaba agonists and receptor modulators and thus can have withdrawal like symptoms from even short term use. 

  15. A pleasure to meet you Annie! Thanks for dropping in--its so nice to see someone willing to take an active role in understanding and helping another with HPPD :) We don't see a whole lot of people like you coming on and it's quite refreshing.

    Lets see what would I want my significant other to know... Probably just what you are doing now. Try and empathize with his struggles with it! He really seems to have things under control though. Im glad to hear he is sober as that is a must for almost all with hppd (I guess those with very very light hppd can still enjoy substances but usually nothing heavy and only in moderation). What someone needs when they are in a relationship with HPPD varies greatly from individual to individual. Don't push him to talk about it, but it doesn't hurt to tell him if he ever wants to you'll be there to listen and not judge.

    I'd definitely want them to know how much stress can inflame this disorder and that its important that they are a positive influence in my life in that regard. This doesn't mean we cant be at odds at time (what couple isnt) but it does mean that I would like to handle disagreements in as mature a fashion as possible as to minimize stress. I know that if I was dating someone with hppd, I would take extra precaution to not stress them out even when I'm mad/hurt/feeling off because I would know I'm actually making them sick when I do inflict stress

    Sometimes I get very overwhelmed with the thought that I'm never going to get better or the old me is lost forever. It can be nice to have someone who will listen to such things and tell me they enjoy me for who I am now.

    Mostly I would just like my significant other to know that the way I experience the world is vastly different than they do. At times it can be very overwhelming and more important than anything is just that they provide support and love as I would them. Being in a healthy relationship can really help a person with HPPD as it provides such a magical sense of safety and mental comfort.

    If you have any questions about HPPD feel free to PM me ^_^ 

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  16. On 4/17/2016 at 0:44 PM, neffbull said:

    Did your OCD start before or after you developed HPPD? I didn't have it until after and have been wondering if there is a link between the two.

    Thats so interesting because the ONE thing that seemed positive from my HPPD (from mushrooms) was my ocd went away. TBH I think I would rather have it back. It wasn't SUPER severe and it actually aided me in being meticulous in art/school.

  17. Does anyone know anything about this supplement? It's supposed to inhibit the breakdown of endorphins via enzyme blocking. But is there tolerance? Withdrawal? I can find very little about this stuff but it helps a lot with my sleep and pain issues. I'm just wary of messing with things I don't understand... withdrawal sucks 

  18. For some reason NAC gives me horrific anxiety attacks. A few other people around the internet report this as well. Low glutamate in certain brain regions may account for this as lowering those levels further has a downstream effect on reducing GABA. No way to tell though >_<

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