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Everything posted by LethargicAcid

  1. Me too. Last night I had a dream that my static was super bad it was kinda like a nightmare I was in class. But I woke up and realized that my static isn't as bad as I make it out to be. I'm actually relatively doing well. Except for when I jack of(loss of dopamine/testosterone), under/oversleep, eat too much sugar, sodium, or fat etc.. Which drains my willpower, or complain/get angry about the symptoms. That helps me realize why people who smoke weed all the time are stagnant in life without ambitions; it fucks wih their ego and shit
  2. Me too. Last night I had a dream that my static was super bad it was kinda like a nightmare I was in class. But I woke up and realized that my static isn't as bad as I make it out to be. I'm actually relatively doing well. Except for when I jack of(loss of dopamine/testosterone), under/oversleep, eat too much sugar, sodium, or fat etc.. Which drains my willpower, or complain/get angry about the symptoms. That helps me realize why people who smoke weed all the time are stagnant in life without ambitions; it fucks wih their ego and shit
  3. Well I pretty much just stopped caring about the static so much and the dr/dp is pretty much gone but I realize that I see faces in cars and shit. now i have to get used to this too.. I got over most of the anxiety/dr/dp thru hours of meditation/yoga/living daily i didnt see these before but weed made my HPPD worse i guess so now i see faces... im kinda stressed out so im gonna go to Subway... I mean, static doesnt affect anything but faces may affect functioning by distracting. whatever. yes i quit all drugs and will go to sleep at 8 and wake up at 5 everyday.. im 7-8 months into HPPD, maybe it will go away or at least the faces.
  4. i did shrooms had a HORRIBLE trip like the scariest thing of my life maybe totally insane, could BARELY hold a glass of water... zoned in and out of reality pacing for 5 hours till my legs were too sore to walk ... ..yes...there was anxiety lol then a few days later smoked weed and it "magically" appeared... no anxiety on the weed. well i had like some type of psychosis or something on the shrooms and then the HPPD "appeared" ..
  5. woah that would take like all my brain power and 10 minutes to read ... anyways i read some of it ... i had a similar experience with 25-i it sucked. hardly remember anything my mom has bipolar and i have adhd, i thought i was schizophrenic i had the same fear. now i have hppd but it was from 2 months later, shrooms. message me if u wanna talk and have questions
  6. im gonna make a youtube channel probly. i can put my youtube videos in the HPPDONLINE youtube account !!! lets turn this idea into a reality !!!!! im ambitious !! help others and spread awareness , enlighten others , show HPPD isnt bullshit
  7. i smoked weed and it increased the schizo symptoms like u said, it increased the visuals while high... when the weed left my system i went back to baseline ... i quit a month or so ago . some of the "schizo" effects still remained so im quitting forever which hurts me to say
  8. dudeee HPP isnt even bad, not even a disorder. its chill just meditate. i was totally dr/dp and shit, i even hit my mom once cuz i lost control. but now i feel better add me on kik? or message me
  9. i wonder if looking at a wall will make it worse. I cant just not look at walls the rest of my life lol. I have gotten over the anxiety pretty much. is looking at it ok? "mild" hppd/tinnitus/maybe a lil bit of dr/dp. i got over all of the tremendous anxiety thru meditation... it just started raining so im gonna go meditate in the rain ! love life if anyone needs help with anxiety tell me, i mite make a thread. p.s. i think its best to fight the anxiety before years pass and the anxiety increases since u keep dissociating from it. ps.s. i had lucid dream last nite and sleep paralysis cuz i was focused on the static and it transformed into shaped kinda like a DMT trip... it relieved the remaining anxiety pretty much ..... felt nice to trip ..... my whole body was vibrating and got goosebumps, that profoudn trippy feeling that i also get from meditation. well its raining time to meditate. thanks, Lethargic much love, message me if u guys want about whatever
  10. yo. im 19 too, we are young. at a time when our body is developing. i got mine 7(?) months ago from shrooms. I feel better than I did pre-hppd now as weird as that sounds. I pretty much conquered the anxiety/dr/dp. Its weird because i lost my sense of self and my body grew so one day i looked at my arms and was like WTF because my brain still thought i was who i was 7 months ago. yeah i figured out that the dr/dp is a form of PTSD. you can either get through the anxiety or choose to ignore it until it goes away. in my opinion the second one is kinda stupid because thats like wishing something to happen and it could never happen so ur just in denial ur whole life... so yeah i just tried to live life i guess normally? u will learn to accept it. i know that sounds impossible at ur stage, cuz it did with me. but its a slow process. u have to face every little (sub)conscious thought that is associated with the fear of HPP. I call it HPP because its not really a disorder cuz all it is is static..... its not like ur brain is fried. its just static floaters and anxiety which can be overcome. just think that some people are blind. just learn about life, quit all ur addictions, and practice meditation every day even tho that sounds hard. it took me like 2 months of facing it (scary yes, a constant battle,yes. hard as fuck, yes) but now im stronger than ive ever been and yeah message me if u want more info cuz i have a lot of info im just too lazy to type more rite now by the way i guess quit weed if u want it to go away. i smoked weed which helped me get over some anxiety/ptsd aspects. I had "very mild PTSD". i just like calling it ptsd because it shows that it can be overcome, the anxiety. get a therapist hopefully u have insurance, if not, message me. or i can skype u or kik u. good luck its a battle but its just static vision and floaters. i have adhd too. my opinion: negative: we have low dopamine so the dr/dp can be worse since adhd is associated with "brain fog", oh and anxiety positive: adhd'ers basically think deep and are creative generally so we are good at getting past this type of shit. like we are basically on acid 24/7. not even fucking around. Da Vinci had adhd, michael phelps, and like a shit ton of geniuses. if youre anything like me, i know ull make it thru this. just get into meditation and mesage me possibly. cuz yeah its hard as fuck not gonna lie. but time and patience, a strong mind are all u need. start meditating now and increase ur mental strength every day. u will eventually get the courage to face it. do yoga and treat ur body with care like u never have before. spend time in nature to be natural so ur brain is in top condition. oh and one of the most important, eat healthy. it helps in every way. i had some lucid dreams last night and i think the HPP may have benefited to it because i was looking at the static and it was morphing into like i remember and o with tentacles like dancing back and forth (indescribable) and basically i felt like I was on DMT. dreams are made by dmt. but yeah that "dmt trip" seemed to cure ALOT of my anxiety. it seems like my brain knew what it needed so it supplied me with a free trip to overcome it. im saying that the brain is extremely strong. never give up, anxiety cant kill u nor can harmless static. its like tinnitus, it cant kill u. good luck man. meditation for life its my favorite thing to do. I feel so spiritual like a kid again im not even shitting u ive been meditating for months. a lot of perseverence. since ive been doing it every day for like 2+ hours on average.. i think it led to my trippy ass dreams. i can make my own reality and be who i want to be. it just takes a lot of work but u have to work in life anyway. thats life. like i feel like how a natural human is supposed to be without all the technoloy and shit. technology in moderation is nice tho gonna meditate every day for the rest of my life... this is why i feel better than pre-HPP. it made me a stronger, wiser, and more openminded person. they say intense depression is a way to enlightenment. plus in some earphones and meditate to this shit, it feels kinda like tripping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca05m857qhA just focus on it. its a skill that takes practice. will probly take a month or so to learn it strongly but it all depends on like motivation genes amount of ego etc... idk, i dont like the idea of benzo's. i'de say have some handy just incase u have a panic attack or something during meditation. of yeah that will happen, the subconscious fears will surface. thats the scariest part i guess. but yeah maybe have some benzos just incase u have a panic attack, i had one like a month ago but i got over it mostly. no more panic attacks just a tiny bit of anxiety. DONT GET ADDICTED TO BENZOS OR UR BASICALLY A HEROIN ADDICT. so dont depend on them. dont think "oh ill fall back on it"... like seirously use them for emergencys, just my opinion playing it natural. then again i only have mildish hppd so whatever, maybe Jay's is worse. but everyone is different so never think "oh they are like that, i could apply that to me" because we are all different in infinite amount of ways... p.s. the dr/dp may get worse if u try to rush recovery!! slow, step by step, play it "safe" cuz panic attacks and shit .. which by the way are harmless just ur body reacting to intense fear like a lion about to attack.. but seriously u cant die.. u wont get a heart attack 99.99 percent i bet
  11. dude i have ADD and ADHD and im always in a brain fog ... when i take adhd meds i feel like totally real dude. and this dr/dp and hppd doesnt help... green tea increases dopamine and decreases anxiety, so yeah. no caffiene tho, helps me with DR/DP i think
  12. yea mainly depression fucks with me .... anxiety too sometimes .. like i get into this depressed mindset where i dont feel like doing homeowkr or anything and then i get behind .. i guess ill do homework now ..
  13. i dont want to read this cuz its too long, but my brain percieves faces and shit where they shouldnt be... like cars and shit. If I look at static on a TV or close my eyes, I can see patterns that obviously arent there. it affects my life. i have HPPD and this phenomenon. I think my pattern-seeking mechanism in my brain is stuck on overdrive.
  14. thats my point, I have psychosis but I can rationalize out of it, so its not technically "psychosis" but its altered perception. My pattern recognition mechanism is on overdrive i guess, so i see patterns in static that arent there. And i see faces in shit that my brain puts in. its psychosis but i can distinguish that its not real. does anyone else have this
  15. I have, basically schizophrenia, except that I can rationalize myself out of the hallucinations. I am going to paste my post from Shroomery: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/21593503 Perma-Fried. Can't see reality for what it is. Faulty processing filter & HPPD. Please Help. #21593503 - 04/25/15 12:33 AM (20 hours, 12 minutes ago) Edit Reply Quote Quick Reply I made 2 other posts about this, but I don't feel they were accurate enough. First post(trip story etc).http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/21587736 Second Post: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/21578416 I thought it was psychosis, but since I can rationalize that this shit is all fake, its not psychosis. so I call it perma-fry. Not schizophrenia. It is the result of 25-i NBOME from 6 months ago, disturbing and insane trip, and then I did shrooms 2 months later, bad trip. The NBOME perma fried me and I think the shrooms bad trip(cuz im perma fried) caused me HPPD. Please note that I think that my altered perception and my HPPD are two separate entities because Ive read about other people with HPPD and they don't seem to have these other weird perceptual errors that I have. IDK I am starting to forget how life normally works. My imagination is fine(i think....) but my external perception is fucked. My dreams seem to be realistic. I percieve most things as a nightmare. My perception is symbolism. I percieve the world as "i imprint my own thoughts onto the world". For Instance: I see patterns in complete static that are obviously not real. I have HPPD also and when I close my eyes I see patterns in the static. I look at my arm, but its just a pattern of dots (freckles) that have no realistic meaning. I hear something, and my brain percieves it to be someone talking. But i know that it is fake. I see faces in a lot of stuff. Car's headlights are the eyes etc. The towel is automatically percieved as a majestic robe. The leaves of the trees breathe at one with each other, while the branches are percieved as old witch hands. So I percieve reality as a figment. I will not take anti-psychotics because that would make my HPPD worse. The HPPD doesnt bother me much, i've learned to accept it. I try to meditate every day. I drink green tea and sometimes use valerian root. I quit coffee, and don't smoke cigarrettes. I quit weed a week ago and will never smoke again in hopes that this fucked up perception will go away... Is there something wrong with my 5-HT2A receptor ...? Does anyone know anything about this subject? Will my perception ever go back to normal? My perception is impaired because it's hard to see reality for what it is, rather than the bias the my perception puts on it. I conversated with my aunt earlier, making eye contact, and I had to look away because the pseudo-hallucinations broke my concentration. I can never smoke weed again or do psychadelics. I have ADD/ADHD and my mom has bipolar, and my aunt PTSD. Will I ever heal to my natural perception? I feel like I'm living in a nightmare. I am depressed. I am 19 so my brain is still developing. I eat healthy. Seeing a therapist but I dont know what they could do honestly since I wont take meds cuz it will exacerbate HPPD. Sincerely, Perceptive AKA LethargicAcid So I have psychosis except that I dont believe my hallucinations, so its not technically psychosis i guess, along with the HPPD. Do any of u guys have the same/similar problem? I may have DR/DP but i dont know if its anxiety related or tripping related. Probly both. It feels like I dont have a body cuz my body is under the blanket. But it seems that I cant enjoy life anymore like how I used to. It seems like everytime I look at something, I hallucinate. The trees breathe and nature doesnt seem as fun as it used to be. Hopefully this is just a placebo effect. Hopefully I am just making the problem worse by obsessing about it. I am worried and depressed. I am staying strong and open minded. I am not ready to die. I am seeing a therapist soon. But I dont know if I should take anti-psychotics because it may make the HPPD worse. I have HPPD plus this "schizophrenia". It's not real schizophrenia because I can tell that they are not real hallucinations. I dont care about that HPPD that much except for when I think about it. The "schizophrenia" is much worse to me. I wonder if any of you have this. I see patterns in static that obviously shouldnt be there. I quit all drugs except Valerian root and Green tea(caffiene free) thanks
  16. dont trick yourself into thinking that pot is okay though.
  17. onelovez. what do u mean, not so lucky? sorry. my hppd could always get worse i guess so im counting my blessings. never smoking weed again or drinking. hey , i am planning on making a youtube video for hppd help. putting a lot of thoght into it. i theorize that the anxiety and depression are beatable, besides im pretty sure that the visuals in themselves are harmless. its just getting over the fears etc. fears cant do anything to you guys. remember that. your mind is just playing tricks on you. thats why i am trying to get better at transcendental meditation. which is all about transcending the ego- realizing that you are not your thoughts . realizing that the world isnt what it seems. realizing that fear cant hurt you. its about humility. realizing that we arent as special as we may think and that we can always be wrong - including fear. I am seeking a therapist and getting CPT. which step by step gets over ptsd-like anxiety. which i think that we are suffering from. yeah im planning on making a youtube video. its gonna have a video of me, as well as editing with words on the screen and graphs and probably hppdonline and you guys can be in it if you want!! whatever you guys have learned to cope with it, no mtter what it is. we can all be in the same video and spread hope and advice to fellow hppd sufferer's. or visual snow sufferers. lets make this shit go viral ! spread awareness so that people wont get hppd as much, government can notice, and hppd sufferers can learn. we can make a thread about this. tell youtuber's the challenges we faced and what weve learned. i want to do this onelovez, and everyone else. we all suffer from the same condition and we all realize how hard life can be so we can cooperate! not in this for the money or fame but for love and helping people.
  18. dude, i learned how to rid the dr/dp anxiety!!! for PTSD victims, theres something called CPT, cognitive processing therapy. it basically trains you how to see your problem objectively step by step slowly, breaking thru negative emotions like shame and guilt. i do not reccomend it though until one is ready to experience pain. the only problem i can think is that the anxiety would worsen the hppd. im scared as fuck about it getting worse but why am I? thats an assumption, it could get better, ive had it for 6 months. since i posted this , ive been getting a lot better! i self administersed cpt and got rid of a lot of DR/DP. i still have a lot of it to go thru though. Dude these peopple are saying that theres no point in accepting it, but i dont believe it. they made me cry. but i realize that it felt good to cry because sadness is an emotion and emotions relieve anxiety. im trying to get therapy. seriously, i am tearing up from the support that youre giving me. i am also realizing that i am going to have to be more indepenant. Germany relied on Hitler for hope, thus being a follower isnt the best answer. i am a sensitive person, but i realize that it helps because i can dig deep and realize stuff thats true. including the "PTSD" symptoms that im scared of. the longer that one escapes their fears, they grow. and it becomes a habbit like everything us humans do. it feels so good to be able to be in the present. hopefully i can see therapy soon, but i think that i am done with this site for the most part. theres no point in caring about stuff out of ones control. you should get into buddhism. you should do yoga. those arts are all about building a strong mind and using logic to control your emotions instead of vice versa. i dont even know whats so bad about static and floaters anyway to be honest . theres no such thing as normal , and some people are blind. some people dont have limbs. for me, i have to do self therapy or see a therapist about: i had a bad trip which caused this hppd from NBOME 25i. terrible drug. i have to face those fears that i have buried. just stay in the moment and be pensive. i think that distracting ourselves is the wrong thing to do, the anxiety just increases. but a fair amount of distracting is healthy, gotta go at our own pace. what do u think? Dude, we should start a business where we help people with hppd, like open up a website and give certain therapys to people. i dont know, but it be awesome !!! do u agree with what i say? im only 6 months in, but what the fuck is time ... i hope im not naive
  19. onelovez, just because were "fucked" doesnt mean we have to let it affect us. I can still derive pleasure and emotions from life just like a healthy person, so i am actually loving my life. Thanks for helping me realize that I cant rely on this site for hope.
  20. yo i meditate. the other day, the "hppd thoughts" surfaced my awareness. ide been distracting myself from those thoughts because they freaked me out. so i get freaked out about the anxious thoughts but if i keep on meditating and getting stronger thru it, is it possible to accept hppd thus relenquishing the anxiety? i almost had a panic attack last time i tried to accept it.
  21. Hey jagermister how did u become the person u used to be? Did u learn to accept it? I'm doing everything that I can to strengthen my mind and distract myself from panic etc. until I can hopefully face it head on. Thanks jay, I've had it for 6 months and decided to smoke pot which was not wise. So hopefully It goes away but how ca it go away with this anxiety. I gues other than that, I'm gonna have to live with this crippling anxiety:/. Damn dude I'm sorry that you had to live with this for so long.
  22. Hope1 your name is hope and your making me depressed... Can u please like erase ur comments... I'm trying to get some sleep and I came here for hope and ......... I guess I have to rely on myself to calm me down. At least I have valerian root I guess.. Bandaid for .. Can u please erase it
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