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Everything posted by xspecm

  1. I have lot of improvement with lamotrigine, now I'm taking 200mg per day
  2. Good morning guys. I have these symptoms, except the fast flickering visual snow and the negative after-image of the sky I have also palinopsia, and the night I see static
  3. helps relieve anxiety, my psychiatrist who prescribed me, I'm feeling much happier now, people say it's for bipolarity, but I think it's also for anxiety
  4. yes, I'm interested in increasing the dosage to 400mg, the more I increase the dose, the less I feel symptoms, I recommend you also increase to see if it works
  5. I'm now taking lithium carbonate, along with 200mg of lamotrigine, and is making me very well, as I said in the post, I can see the blue sky again
  6. not literally cured, but the symptoms reduced ENOUGH, and continue to reduce with time
  7. Im feeling much better now, better than fluoxetine and sertraline
  8. Guys, I just found out that was not what I took LSD, DOB and yes, it had a bitter taste, could someone give me a more accurate because I do not know this drug, and do not know the physical damage it can cause.
  9. Good night guys, Does anyone know if it serves to HPPD?
  10. you just have to get used to this new perception of reality, I also thought my social life was ruined, but it was just a matter of re-used to talk, look at people, and find new friends, my social life now returned to normal
  11. Hey guys, I'm cured!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I taked some pills of lamotrigine, I started with 50mg, now Im at 200mg and the symthons just go!! I can see a blue sky clean, I'm 100% cured, thank you guys for help me in everything Medications I had used: sertraline, risperidone, thorazine, olanzapine, ginkgo biloba, omega A-Z, diazepam, clonazepam, and lastly, lamotrigine, vertizine D and fluoxetine. sorry for my english, I'm brazilian, but I'm very happy :DDDDD
  13. no, I'm fine, only at the beginning made ​​me tired, but now I'm normal
  14. Yes, I'm here, but I'm not very active, I'm trying to distract my mind a bit, and forget that I have it, I had a hospital stay, so my psychiatrist ordered to stop risperidone, and start with zopix, I have noticed visual and mental improvement, but not much, it seems that little by little it is going away, it's been two months that I'm with the distorted view, but the lyrics wrapped red seems to have disappeared ... I went on a neurologist today and talked about HPPD and lamictal and luckily she had free samples of lamictal,'m taking, let's see if reducing the effects ... Now I'm taking 1 capsule per day of omega A-Z, olanzapine 5mg 2x daily, sertraline 100mg, lamotrigine 25mg 2x daily, and ginkgo biloba 120mg 2x daily.
  15. Hello, my name is Felipe, I'm 19, and I think I have HPPD, I'm from Brazil, and here the doctor shortage as psychedelic affairs is extreme. It all started 1 month ago when ingested two quarters of LSD and smoked marijuana, I had a very bad trip, the symptoms were only stop 16 hours later in hospital, after taking diazepam 10mg. Since then my vision is altered, especially in the dark, I have illusions if I pay much attention, and I see little red around the black with contrast white. I wonder how do I know if I have HPPD? My shrink prescribed me 1mg of risperidone overnight, and sertraline 50mg per day. I feel I'm improving little by little, with bright light I almost do not see the symptoms, but the dark is horrible. Thank you!
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