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Posts posted by Missjess

  1. If you look in the literature, you'll see that they usually find some qEEG abnormalities, as far as I remember.

    Perhaps I should get a qEEG again...I got one a number of years ago for my dp and it showed a lot.

    Mayb it will prove more about minor hppd who knows..

  2. I'm happy to say that my family is very understanding, that's not a problem. And yes, I'm sure everyone would be furious. I'm in despair because the doctors are so ignorant and refuse to give me any medication that may be helpful. They don't understand that it's a visual thing. Also, I had an EEG scan done and it came out normal, so they just sent me home empty handed. I've heard that this is the case with a lot of people with hppd.

    I too just got an EEG done and mine was normal too...I certainly do not have extreme or full blown hppd but I have a very mild form of it along with severe dpd that got exacerbated after Iboga use :(

    I rlly hope u get better ur only 16 and still gotta go to school and get a future ahead of u :( not sure how u feel about alternative healing ? But I'm going to see john of god this Friday in Brazil he is a famous Brazilian healer that heals ppl with entities and helping spirits ...I have personally spoken to a number of ppl who have been helped by him, 1 lady having gone with drug induced psychosis and being significantly helped.

    Anyways I am yet to go myself and report back whether or not he can help me...if he does I will make a massive post about it on this forum for all to see and possibly consider for themselves.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I just wana say that I don't even have full on hppd mayb only very mild, but after reading what some of you go through and the symptoms I can't believe you endure it and get through it and cope. In all honesty I don't think I would be strong enough to handle something like that!!! It's sounds like a fuking nightmare and horror movie.

    So congrats to all of u hppders who have endured and continued to live your life whilst having hppd you are very brave!

    • Upvote 2
  4. Ok it sounds like you are panicking so benzos would be urgent at this point. They will calm you down and it sounds like you need that. I have had great success with a natural product called "calm" Its a potent magnesium supplement and can be bought in health food stores. This is by far the best magnesium Ive used for anxiolytic effects. Heres a link http://www.iherb.com/Natural-Vitality-Natural-Calm-The-Anti-Stress-Drink-Original-Unflavored-16-oz-453-g/5121#p=1&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=calm&rc=1078&sr=null&ic=1.



    If you cant get benzos prescribed theres a legal alternative called PHENIBUT that can also be bought in health food stores . It can take up to three hours to kick in and can last up to 24 hours. Also just as addictive as any other benzo so use WITH CAUTION. http://www.iherb.com/Primaforce-Phenibut-Unflavored-100-g/25373#p=1&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=phenibut&rc=4&sr=null&ic=3


    Suboxone ? That's a very nasty opiate Id be careful with that. The effects of the "high" it produces may also make you feel worse.

    Yep getting sedatives tomorrow!! Seeing my psychiatrist

    Thnx for the helpful tips I will defy take ur advice....u rally think the suboxone cud make me feel worse? Wat kind of "high" does it produce?? ....perhaps I shud just use jdtic....

  5. Got that too. Just think i do have a face. Its horror, i know. I have always had that weird shit.. also sometimes i think i am only a head with legs.

    Benzo calms me luckily if i didnt havr benzos i would not know how to deal with this things

    Omg so this is slightly hppd ...what I'm experiencing :( yes like u I find it impossible to deal with this!!! I've only had it for 5 or 6 days now and I have to resist the urge to fuking hang myself
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  6. Ever since my dissociation got 10 times worse I feel like I have no face, and when I move my arms around I cannot sense any sort of connection to them at all!! Can anyone offer me some hope or what to do about this plz :( my head feels totally empty & I honestly feel like there is some sort of blockage going on..my head feels blocked. this is so scary and bizarre not sure I can cope for too much longer :(

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  7. So ever since I feel like my head is blocked from drinking alcohol and I have gotten more depersonalised and dissociated...I tried to take glycine but it just gave me a dry mouth and made me feel a bit weird. Should I just try jdtic or suboxone and try to target the kappa receptors??

    Not sure what is going on in my brain but I rally can't figure out what Iboga has done to it!! I'm too scared to try supps and meds coz I never know how I'm gonna react

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  8. i know it's a completely left field suggestion, but i'd honestly say salvia would have a better effect on us to treat dp/dr then ibogaine// if only because salvia will make any dp/dr feel like an afterthought for 5 minutes while reality truly collapses.. and when you come back you're grateful for the tiny in comparison bit of dp/dr .. as crazy as that sounds i mean it in all seriousness.. not done like a party drug but in a controlled setting similar to ibogaine therapy and even mdma therapy it can function to undo some of the mental loops that trap people in depression


    sorry but that is not somethng u shud be recommeding to ppl with dpdr to try!!! salvia wud make all ur problems infinitly much much worse!! salvia wud likely put someone with dpdr into a pshycosis...!!!! why wud that help dpdr when it works on the kappa receptors as an agonist and creates severe dissociaiton!??? and what sane person wud even want to experience that!!???

    • Upvote 1
  9. I truly feel for you two, Missjess and Sloveig. Well, I feel for everyone at this forum but your two experiences resonate with mine in a deep way. I've had what I believe to be HPPD for the better part of 2 years (as of the 22nd of this month) since I was 17 and it has largely crippled me mentally. It doesn't help that NO ONE that I know understands what I go through. On top of all this my family has been put through a lot with my younger brothers extensive debilitating illnesses that have left us with no funds for anything and moving multiple times a year from home to home (i.e. it's therefore hard for me to get treatments with no money and a constantly different location of living). My fiance has been through a lot in her life but even she can't understand what I've been going through and it really hurts me because I love her so much and I have this perhaps illogical fear of losing her due to my HPPD since there are many times recently that I just can't pull through and do things we could enjoy together. Stay in there, I wish the best for the both of you.


    Hi BigPapaChakra


    I really felt sad afer reading what u weote about not having enough money and having to move from place to place :( if theres anything I can do dont hesitate to send me a message

  10. I am starting to believe that what I am experincing might be a slight form oh hppd.


    Since drinking alcohol a few nights ago..i do believe my brain chemistry was fragile from iboga 7 I may have "tipped" it over the edge.. my dp has worstened to the point where I feel I have no head, it feels empty and totally detached. When I move my body parts around particularly my arms I cannot sense them at all its like my brain doesnt take in any information about my body in time and space. My surroungdings appear as tho they have lost there grounding and look a bit floaty and spacey. Surroundings appears to be dirty and has a slight green tinge to it. I have lost all and any sense of self, its all completely dissociated rlly severly.


    what are the typical symptoms of hppd? I am looking into using JDTic or Suboxone to try to fix this extreme dissociation...what do u think guys?

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  11. mg


    yes thats me....i dont have anything against ayahuasca...ayahuasca actually helped me and I enjoyed it. I really just feel like I had too strong of a dose of iboga it was just too much for my body and brain to handle. Solveig is right tho..wen u are desperate and I so was because ive had dp for 7 years now, one wants a way out at all costs. The odd thing is tho iboga acctually ridded me of derealization but my dp got much worse. I had the mindset of "im comitting suicide if this plant dont fuking cure me of dp"


    anyways i just hope these things can be fixed...Solveig plz dont think u will be like this forever if my trip to brazil helps me I am certain it can help u too but i will let u know of my results once i return.

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