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Posts posted by Missjess

  1. I am getting to the bottom of my hppd and I am convinced it might actually be MS

    I react to everything and I have just discovered that it's an inflammatory reaction set off by my immune system. STEROIDS work!!

    If the neuro finds inflammation in my cns and brain hopefully he will start me on a course of high dose steroid treatment. Just thought I would share with everyone.

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  2. I've had a head MRI with contrast.  Had no issues with it other than I got anxious when they injected it but it goes away in like 5 seconds.  I asked the tech about it and she said something like "Yeah that happens... some people feel like they're going to pee themselves.  We don't tell people usually because it makes them nervous about it and it only lasts a second."


    I had no issues with it.  Don't worry about it.

    Did u have hppd at the time when u had the scan and contrast ?

  3. If it was the Paxil u would have already known straight away or after a few days of upping the dose.

    Alcohol made my hppd worse 10 folds ..I could drink for a while initially and I would feel a bit worse afterwards but then one night after I had a few drinks my vision went so fkn bad and it never went back.

    I think the alcohol and pot made ur hppd worse for sure

  4. I recently made an awesome discovery ..I was perscribed steroids for my asthma recently ..I started taking them and they were also helping my reactions to everything! ..I have feared for a long time that Iboga caused massive inflammation in my cns which may be causing my visual disturbances ..and also multiple sclerosis. I plan on seeing a neurologist next month and I may consider trying high dose steroids to see if it fixes my vision.

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