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Posts posted by Spartan

  1. wow that is a pretty amazing story.. thanks for shareing!


    It sounds similar to me... 

    just before finding out about HPPD i was doing a "Purification Program" - through Narcanon Drug Rehabilitation Sydney Australia, With the intention of treating HPPD, i was not an addict at the time) 

    They promised that with mass doses of Niacin and other minarals, and by sitting in a sauna up to 8 hours a day ( i was on my 20th day ) that it would flush all residuel toxins out of the body and id become eleviated of my Visuals / HPPD.


    During this time, I somehow got in touch with the expert "DR Rick Strassman" (author of the book "Spirit Molecual") and he informed me of HPPD. I was diagnosed after this this...That too was after living with HPPD for atleast 10 or so years.


    Wow what a spin out.. yes agreed the first few years were very difficult. I dropped out of school because of it and ended up in hospital numerous times. Im lucky to be alive today..


    Thanks for shareing your story / experiences... amazing and cool

  2. Hey there ...


    I would be interested in increasing awareness of HPPD by sharing my story and what i deal with on U Tube..


    At this time, i would like to keep my identity "concealed" so there is a possibility i may be able to e mail another member the video, and they could possibly upload the video on my behalf...?


    Any thoughts ... ideas... 






    • Upvote 3
  3. Ok how interesting.


    Stormbel : I’m sorry to hear that it made you feel as though you were tripping out (re-experiencing tripping) or that it seemed to have made your baseline worse with a new symptom, i don’t understand why that would be and I’m sorry to hear that.


    From my understanding it can be "challenging" jumping straight into a very low carrier frequency.

    I too have had some upheaval from time to time, though its something that ive persisted with and its all good now.


    Using Binaural Beats is similar to working out - Meaning:


    If you start with a heavy weight, your system WONT be ready for it and it WILL make you spiny and bring up everything unlike itself.

    There is usually a period of Chaos that takes place – although this is generally followed by reorganization at a new and higher level.


    This Type of thing will bring up any supressed materials stored in the sub-conscious mind so it can be cleared and released.

    The difference with the Holosync Program is that it starts with gentle carrier frequencies, waits for your brain to make the necessary changes and then you can graduate to a deeper level if you so choose. If i went to an advanced or deeper carrier frequency straight away my brain would not have built up the "tolerance" to handle and it would most definitely freak me out.


    For example: when you’re approaching “rougher seas” it’s a signal that it’s pushing against the individual’s threshold in the process of pulling the higher. Experiencing tempory symptoms “overwhelm” is a sign that the old system, old ways of being is at its threshold and is going into chaos. Because people identify with the old system, they resist its break down and subsequent re organization at a higher level. Because of this resistance they feel uncomftorble. A person may well experience upheaval from time to time. It’s part of the process of change.


    It may also create “catharsis” meaning: upheaval, intensification and release of familiar or habitual mental, emotional and physical patterns of operating from the unconscious parts of the mind. The end result is a new way of experiencing and seeing “what is” and the re-organization of the brain at a new more evolved level.


    Holosync is a very sophisticated program – It comes with many manuals, support materials and telephone coaching, counselling and support. I would not compare it with one video you found on tube (no offence).


     I have a feeling this is an area that we don’t know so much about. For me, i think it’s important that "we" (myself and anyone else who’s interested) take the time to research, understand and investigate it fully before coming to any conclusions.


    That’s one of the reasons why I have taken time and initiative to immerse myself deeply in the program and learn as much as i can about it, as well as through my first-hand experience.


    "Creepy" I feel we are making changes to your brain every moment from an external stimulus anyhow “It’s called life” whether we like it or not. It’s just up to me, to do it with enough awareness so i can change and grow in the direction i choose.


    In fact, this type of thing. State specific knowledge and experience has been going on for 100,000s of years. Look at traditional shamanism, using a drum, rattle to enter a state at will. Chanting in yogic, tantric,mystic, eastern traditions,meditation etc. just to name a few.


    When a person is desperate for treatment of a chronic condition they go to drastic, unconventional methods. Do you think I want to listen for hours on end? No I don’t, tho obviously there is a need.


    For me its definatley not the "be all and end all"in regards to meditation, its just a tool. Although because it has such a direct impact on the brain and in creating new nural pathways and connections, for me its an area of intrest thats worthy of investigation (especially in intrest of hppd)


    There are “tools” you can use to access “life giving” resources "states" and the various benefits that come from those states.

  4. In an attempt to "heal"  "trancend" grow as a person and free myself from some of the effects of having hppd...


    I have invested in a program called "Holosync" meditation that was put together by a company called "CenterPointe Reaserch"   www.centerpointe.com 

    If you go the whe web adress above you can have a free demo listening to the sound tracks that help take a preson into a meditational state.


    Anhow there is alot if intresting reaserch on the effects of meditation and the brain - This particular program has been found to be succesful treating people (war vetrans) with PTSD which i found facinating, as well as having numerous other benefits.


    I have noticed alot of changes withing myself. Instead of getting "stressed" at times.. i feel alot more relaxed, which in turn hepls hppd.

    As well as this, it is helpful for increasing a persons "awarness" so instead of being so "caught up" in it (hppd) at times i can almost "view it" without becomeing so identified with it (hppd). Dont get me wrong, i still have hppd... tho i have noticed numerous changes in my behaviour, functioning, well being and likley managing hppd it in a diffrent way / response.


    The program teaches alot about a persons "threshold" of what they can handle in any given situation. When a person is over there threshold it usually results in "disfuncitonal" behaviours etc Holoysync meditation technology provides a stimulus directly to the brain to raise a persons threshold, so they no longer respond to percieved disturbances in the same way... and therefore handle it better. (induces relaxation response, instead of fight or flight response)


    It also leads to what they call "whole brain thinking or functioning" where the left and right hemasphires of the brain are aligned / synchronized.


    So basicly there company is on the fore-front of reaserch with "neuro-technoligys" as they relate to the brain through meditation.

    Holosync facilitates brain wave states, Alpha, Theta and then deeper Delta etc So this Audio technology pushes the brain to change and to re-orginize at a higher level.


    Im on my 4th month.. It is pretty cool, my main intent in starting it was to see if it could help with hppd. I practice it along with my own meditational / spiritual practice each morning.


    Feel free to check out an article below : It goes deeper into what im doing my best to explain here-




    Neuro Placisticity is a facinating area and subject,  reaserchers are making new descoverys all the time.


    Keep on keeping on


    Cheers B

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hey Jay,


    Thanks very much!


    Yes that must have been the old "storm loader" site, i remember you too.


    Thanks... Actually, this time around with Clonazepam wasn’t so bad because i tapered down really slow.. to a quarter of a tab on alternate days for a few weeks.

    Withdrawals in the past have been horrible tho ( Auditory hallucinations freak me beyond belief ) one of the withdrawal symptoms lol


    How have you been?   Is there any new news going on in regards to HPPD -  HPPD world that anyone is aware of ?


    Best Regards



  6. I got hppd thru tripping on LSD. I satarted way too young thru the influence of my older brother.

    I have all the visual symptons still there as well as anxiety / depression. The visual phonomena is likley "lessend" when im more engaged in life / out on active and in a possative state and things are going well.

  7. Hi everyone,


    Unfortunatley i was not able to get on this site for quite some time.

    I am a long term HPPD sufferer, some may remember me as "Benza".


    Anyhow, just checking in. I do hope people are doing good and that there is progress being made in "reaserch" and or "treatment".


    I have renenlty come off all meds "Clonazapam" actually for around 6 months now and mainly just focusing on healthy / clean lifestyle as well as meditation etc etc


    It would be so awesome if we could find some type of "break through" to assist in diminishing HPPD.  I know i have been living with it for around 20 + years now or more. That a very long time for aneyone to have to edure such a thing. Sometimes its ok.. other times it can be greatly exaserbated and im still "challenged" greatly with it.


    Im doing my best to try and understand the impact it has had on my life and will never give up.


    HPPd has forced me to work on myself in ways in wich i feel many "ordinary" people would not encounter.


    Tho at the end of the day, id do anything for some treatment. It is quite isolating as it is so rare.


    I think it would be good to possibly share my story via video / u tube...


    Anyhow.. I do hope friends / hppd brothers / sisters are all doing well


    Stay strong and keep on keeping on.



    • Upvote 2
  8. I would be interested to get other HPDers opinions on this... Is there one drug ( party ) drug we are able to take? where i like there is a large clubbing culture, its kinda everywhere - GHB would be my drug of choice, of maybe i should just move and steer clear of drugs all together????????????????

  9. ok,, coke stirred things up for me - recently had some very strong MDMA caps and powder, i was fucked beyond belief lol and has defo exacerbated visuals :( fingers crossed things will go back to the base level - should really just stop all drugs so my brain can heal like someone else mentioned :)

  10. yes.... i have done GHB numerous times with HPPD..

    It is a depressant not a stimulant... therefor does not seem to exacerbate visuals as much as something Like MDMA...

    Just be careful as how much u take because it is easy to drop, unconscious, coma etc ... i have experienced overdose before...

    Whilst intoxicated, i like the effect more than other recreational drugs, due to the fact that other stimulants intensify visuals from HPPD...

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