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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. Thanks dude! i really apreciate it.. Its a journey.. tho im notecing massive shifts Would be great to keep shareing about this !
  2. yes.. i too will never touch another hellucinagen again... i have done dmt once post hppd.. thats was a silly thing to do.. I dont consider my brain fucked or fried, and i dont think that mind-set is life giving or conductive to healing outcomes. For me it is a matter of "re-training" my brain, re-inventing myself and creating new nural pathways. This can be done in many ways. I think there are numerous ways to get "energy flowing" again. Here are a few tips relating to hppd. Each one of there areas can be explored extensivley with helpful practices to be intergrated and executed. I do find meditation helpful.... http://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-HPPD
  3. this is another good one explaining threshold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KP3M7S-zGg
  4. and that is sooo awesome that you have made such massive progress and improvements with HPPD!!! great news!
  5. hey Labotimizer and Visual I agree with what you are saying with it Having to do with "our Psychological threshold" People who have been through "trauma" generally have a lower threshold than regular people / react and are affected by situations that would not affect someone who has not. This book explains it in more detail. The dude in this video speaks about enlargening a persons threshold through this technology. I highly recomend this and the book is an exellent read. anyhow.. I have been doing this for around 6 months "Holosync meditation" - i feel like a new person. At times im not even notiecing HPPD and im in a state of "oneness".... i feel happiness, and or blissful at times. like im on drugs LOL There are times when it just does not bother me so much anymore. The other morning i had a cool OBE (out of body experience) in meditation/// i dont react to HPPD in the same way because my "threshold" has expanded / expanding etc etc anxiety has decreased... and depression... there are many more good things i can say about it. Just thaught id shade
  6. Hey missJess Thankyou for shareing your story. Im very sorry to hear of your experience. Well done for having the courage to exepress and share so others can be warned. Are you from Australia ? Me also .. im currently in Qld. I really do hope so much that you find some relief and resoloution soooon. Best Regards
  7. I like this style of meditation best. I think its is the true form of meditation that leads to divine bliss. Not just psychic stimulation etc.. http://www.jkyog.org/yoga-and-meditation/roop-dhyan-meditation
  8. heythere i just spoke with them.. they said.. yes.. it is a stimulous to the CNS.. It will bring up.. certain things.. tho in the process raise your threshold.. Likley will come thru much more posative etc etc etc Im going to keep on keeping on Cheers
  9. Thank you also stormbell.. Im not really 100% sure now... as i have been feeling kind of spinney as of late. Maybe bi-nurals can "stir-things up" hppd wise... Im going to call the support line tommorrow, explain the situation.. and ask them what there take is on it is. Take care...
  10. ok wow.. sure, well thats good to know. A docter i have seen asked me to maintain complete sobriety, no drugs or alchol.. its been nearlytwo years. Its quite boring.. Anyhow... agreed i dont think dmt is a cure for anything eithre.. I would be reluctant to take Auascha .. i think id just like the plants of the forest first like Jay said...
  11. I think you can .. most definatley... all though it has alot to do with your mind set. What you believe to be true, will be true for you. maybe do your best to use it as a catylist to learn and grow.
  12. i was thinking of shareing my response.. tho its kind of personal
  13. Just curious... Does aneyone ever use there computer as a partial "escape" from dealing with all the visuals and other symptoms... i know this is not a good habbit.. its very bad.. tho it seems as though im having trouble keeping my focus.. especially when im at home.
  14. hey Dude.. You will be feeling better soon.. Dont do that shit.. Your stronger than that.. Take good care of yourself.. things WILL GET BETTER.. Always here to chat bro.. dont hesistste.. i would like to connect with you over the telephone some time when your free. keep on keeping on man, you can and will beat this.. you can get through this..
  15. Hi there, A week or so ago, i wrote to a shamanic community in the Amazon asking one of the facilitators to ask the main Shaman what there view of HPPD may be... and what affect one of the medicinal plants, Ayahuasca (hallucinogenic ) may have on HPPD. She very kindly asked the main Shaman and it is quite fascinating what there reply was. I have pasted the email reply below. It’s important to remember Shamans are healers / people. They are not Saints, tho that another story for another day. I will send her my reply soon : So sorry for the delayed reply, I was traveling to peru and then wanted to ask the shamans about your question. This is a difficult subject and I'm sure difficult for you to have these visual distortions. From the western perspective, there isn't enough research or understanding of HPPD to know if taking another hallucinogen would be able to help and there certainly is a possibility of the situation worsening which is a concern. I work with shipibo shamans here in the jungle in Pucallpa, Peru. From their perspective, they say they would like to work with you on this. They say that this is an issue of energy being trapped in the head. That there are certain plants and kinds of massage and herbal vapor baths that they can use in addition to ayahuasca to help release that energy. They say they find that some people come to them with this kind of thing who have been in cold climates and who's bodies aren't designed for the cold and that has a way of contracting the energy system and locking energy in the body when they do hallucinogens. They work a lot with the idea of heat and cold much like you see in chinese medicine. They also have found that some people who have had this kind of issue had a head or neck injury at some point in life, even in childhood which also contributes to the blocks in flow of energy to and from the head. I don't know if any of these things apply to you and while they are very good, I can't say that what they will do will work or if your condition could worsen. I do think that your idea that working with these plants can help come to terms with it is also a good goal to have. There is also the option of working with them using the other plants (which are not hallucinogenic) without taking ayahuasca. You would still come to ceremonies and they would work on you throughout the experience. I also want to let you know that if it does feel good for you to come, that I would be there to support you in the process and work with them to do our best to find a solution. Have you done ayahuasca before? How long have you been experiencing these visual distortions? Let me know your thoughts.
  16. Its quite facinating man.. I have had a bad head injury.. when i was like 14 i fell from a top story bed and landed on my head on concrete. It nocked me out and i woke up in a pool of blood. Hmm i like her explination. it was kind of her to ask the shamans. that is very cool. I will reply to her email.
  17. ok stormbell.. It has occurred to me... I remember reading ".. things that make hppd worse are any stressors to the CNS.. Usually in the form of drugs or stress etc etc etc. this Neural entrainment may very well "stress" the CNS.. it is a stimulus... Tho it has the effect of raising a persons "threshold." In that process, it WILL bring up and supressed "baggage" "stuff" to be looked at / processed and released so a person can finally be free from it and live a more fulfilled life. I must say.. this process has been bringing up ALOT of stuff for me to LOOK at and PROCESS. All my conditioning, irrational beliefs, hurts, traumas, memories in an attempt to clear it all out. Sometimes my HPPD does seem heightened, tho i refuse to believe that accessing life giving states will make my HPPD worse. Things possibly will be stirred up before they get better. It’s usually darkest before dawn. Tho i have to move into and through whatever is presented. If this (Holosync) does anything. It makes you MORE AWARE. It could possibly make u more aware of your hppd too. Although there are many other benefits that come with being more aware in life. it gives you more choice. I suppose i just have to weigh up the pros and cons. Anyhow, im determined to move through and stimulate my brain in a "life giving" way that can facilitate healing and growth and force me to change and grow as a person. I hope I’m making sense..? It does take courage for me to do this. Sometimes i have been in tears and crying and im not sure what’s happening..likley this is "carthasis" sadness or deep hurt being released from my body. Tho I have to realize what’s on the way up in on the way out. This has to do with my own personal story and all the shit and abuse / pain I have experienced. Tho sometimes this is what it takes to “heal” ...what I supress will “finish me”, what I release will “save me” ..Crisis = Opportunity. Whats on the way up is on the way out. Also...the reason I feel holosync is more expensive is because it uses something called “virtual audio” which is the world most advanced sound technology.. As well as something called “auto fonix” where you can record affirmations’ that are added silently to the tracks to work even more deeply at a sub conscious level. As well as all the freebies and coaching / support etc. Anhow these are my own personal experiences. Usually at the end of feeling bad i feel even better than i did pror and im the functioning at a new and "higher" level. I will call there support line on monday and ask them some additional qestions also.
  18. That is likley a good idea. Possibly.. u could say something like... im thinking of making the investment in the program, although i have hppd and i have had this experience....... why would this be so....? what are the likley reasons.......? how can i resolve this.........? You my be able to set up a telephone call with there support center. If you have had this "adverse reaction" then maybe its not the best thing for you ( although this was with a very unhelpful u tube video) maybe there program may be helpful.. In any case, it would be good to hear there explintion of the reasons as to why this has occured...
  19. ok how intresting... well done for getting it anlysed.. Like i said earlier.. I agree its WRONG to go straight into a deep delta immeditley.. You need to slowly "dive"... build up the tolerance gradually over time etc. If you do decide to do this type of thing, maybe it would be beneficial for you to do it in conjunction with a therapist. Centerpointe may recomend this for people who have been through significant "trauma" in there life. Possibly it would be good for you to send an e mail to Holosync support about your cenario, im sure they would be able to give you an accurate explination of the possible reasons why this has occured and good course of action to resolve it. They are very experienced with this type of thing. Maybe you could say to them, your intrested in the program, although you have had this experience.. can you please account for the reasons why this may have happend etc etc and what may be the best course of action in your opinion to resolve it.
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