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Posts posted by StateOfRegret

  1. Hey TM.

    It sounds like HPPD, but it might not be. Some of the things you describe are completely natural, including "blue dots some times for a slit second when I get up" (could be nothing but postural orthostatic hypotension, completely normal) and "I see colors and stuff right before I past out . but its not to clear." (again, pretty normal to see colours in the dark, I believe. Especially when tired - I know I've always had that).


    Visual snow, trailing (palinopsia) and objects seeming to glow, move, breath or morph are all pretty classical symptoms of HPPD, on the other hand. So yes, you might have it, but what's more important:
    1) are these symptoms negatively affecting your life?
    2) are they constant, or do they only appear when you obsess about them or ruminate over them?

    3) you said you have derealization. When did this begin, can you describe it in more detail?


    Wishing you all the best,


  2. And even though my sertraline trial reduced depression and anxiety for the time being, it also worsened my visual baseline. Good luck :)

    Right, I remember your thread about that :) .


    Personally, I'm considering giving mirtazapine a go. Interesting pharmacological profile (5HT2A antagonism, antagonist at some alpha-adrenergic receptors, only very weak dopamine antagonism). One of the ''atypical'' antidepressants in that it doesn't work as a reuptake inhibitor! Psychiatrists often prescribe it together with bupropion, to counter some of the drowsiness, appetite stimulation and so on. I remember reading here that bupropion (Wellbutrin) was generally well recieved by the few HPPD sufferers who had tried it.

    From wikipedia:

    In contrast to mirtazapine, the SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, and some TCAs increase the general activity of the 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, and 5-HT3 receptors [...]

    5HT2A activity is definitely something to be avoided, so this would be a big plus for mirtazapine in my book, at least on paper.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Velvet bean extract, trademarked as DopaBean is proven to be just as efficacious, if not more than Sinemet in ameliorating HPPD symptomatology;

    Outright claims of ''proof'' really need to be followed by some ''proof'' in cases like these. Saying that something is proven to be true is really quite different from saying that you suppose it might be true, or that it may turn out to be true for some people.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Thanks for your well meaning post.
    With all due respect, "if you have real bad anxiety, drink a soda" is the sort of thing someone who doesn't know bad anxiety would say.
    I'm looking for experiences with anxiety medication and HPPD. :-)


    Edit: As for Ashwagandha; I don't feel like going into these herbal supplements in this thread, but suffice to say, ashwagandha is a GABA agonist. One might as well use a well-researched benzodiazepine if looking for GABA agonism (or positive allosteric modulation, but I digress...).

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hey all!
    I'm still searching for a medication to treat my anxiety problems that won't simultaneously aggravate my HPPD. As many of you know, that is one tough nut to crack. My immediate thoughts:

    • SSRIs: Seem somewhat effective for my anxiety. Aggravates visuals, had to discontinue. At least HPPD symptoms returned to ''baseline'' upon discontinuation.
    • Benzodiazepines: Greatly attenuates my anxiety (particularly etizolam and clonazepam) and helps HPPD symptoms as well (particularly clonazepam). Very addictive, not a long term solution. I build tolerance to benzodiazepines pretty quickly.
    • Buspirone: Seems too ineffective to be worth it (never actually tried this one)
    • Pregabalin/gabapentin: Seem to have many of the same pitfalls as benzos, plus some extra common side effects(?)
    • Beta blockers: Ineffective in managing my anxiety, since it doesn't primarily manifest with tachycardia, tremors, flushing etc.
    • Atypical antipsychotics: Seems like a dangerous combo w/HPPD (particularly risperidone).
    • Older/atypical antidepressants, such as TCAs: Never tried any of those. Very interested in hearing personal experiences or ideas about any non-SSRI antidepressants useful in treating anxiety, particularly about how they interact with HPPD.

    Thanks in advance, folks :)  Hope you're feeling all right. Looking forward to hear any and all thought on possible anxiety medications w/HPPD.

    • Upvote 2
  6. [...]

    If you don't mind me asking, what are your plans now?

    None, really (except for Keppra, of course, but we're talking anxiolytics/anti-depressants here).

    I've no reason to think that other SSRIs will have fewer unpleasant effects. I often see tri/tetracyclic anti-depressants and bupropion mentioned somewhat favorably on these boards. As for tri/tetracyclics, most of them are SRIs as well, only with more of a scattergun pharmacological profile. Bupropion usually isn't useful for anxiety - more-so for depression, which I don't have. Buspirone is another option, but it seems pretty ineffective for the majority.

  7. Time to report back!

    I took escitalopram at a fairly low dose (5mg/day) for 2 weeks to the day before giving it up (not necessarily for good).

    The good:

    • Definite anxiolysis for the first week. 
    • Lessening (near obliteration) of "unhelpful thoughts", specifically rumination about the effects that various fairly innocuous substances could have on me (caffeinated drinks, NSAID painkillers etc)

    The bad:

    • Feeling "spaced out" the entire time
    • Worsening of visual symptoms (subsided after discontinuation!)
    • My memory seemed shot, I would forget where I'd been/what I'd done.
    • Excessive sweating and feeling hot.
    • Awakening every night almost exactly 130 minutes after falling asleep feeling physically very strange and spaced out, with strong visual distortions.
    • Feeling somewhat emotionally "flat", unmotivated. I'm usually very "enthusiastic" about lots of things. 

    I awoke one night feeling extremely physically tense. It took me a few minutes to identify this as a panic attack of sorts, since no intense feeling of dread or racing thoughts accompanied the physical sensations. I was able to simply get out of bed, awake my mother (I was visiting the family) and say "I feel strange, I'd like to talk for a minute, but I don't think anything's seriously wrong". Normally, I'd have been almost unable to speak during a panic attack.


    The reason I quit was because all the unpleasant side effects were only increasing in strength after a week, while the anxiolysis seemed to be waning.


    I've been off it for exactly a week now. The last week has been better in some respects, worse in others. I've been sleeping much better, feeling generally happier than when I was on the drug (the emotional flattening subsided, I can feel joy/enthusiasm to a greater extent now), but the "unhelpful/irrational" thoughts are back, and so is the anxiety. Getting rid of the "spaced out" feeling was such a relief, though! 


    Curiously, escitalopram did nothing good for the dizziness/vertigo that I struggle with. In fact, it somewhat worsened it. This is interesting, since I've been led to believe that the dizziness is a product of my anxiety.

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