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Posts posted by hppd33

  1. I dont understand Why you keep smoking weed. Its 1 of worst triggers for anxiety, if you have GAD stop the weed. Try something else, have you tried magnesium? It helps me a little for anxiety and sleep. I do take benzos but only at night, day time I walk for 2 hours and try to force me to be social. It really helps! Understand me I still got hppd and GAD. I wish I only had the GAD. You can do something about this.

  2. http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/high-dose-vitamin-b1-thiamine.34387/


    Thiamine is lost in cooking and is depleted by use of sugar, coffee, tannin from black teas, nicotine, and alcohol, so it is necessary to insure that intake of thiamine is an optimal level.


    Thiamin may enhance circulation, helps with blood formation and the metabolism of carbohydrates. It is also required for the health of the nervous system and is used in the biosynthesis of a number of cell constituents, including the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). It is used in the manufacture of hydrochloric acid, and therefore plays a part in digestion.

    Interesting forum! especially for the fague headed peeps in here, loads of info. (its 2:15 here cant concentrate anymore lol too much info )
  3. why not just take a benzo and leave the other stuff, im tired of trying all those meds. Im comeing off SNRI now and i will take a benzo only, and maybe so now and the a sinemet tablet. I took a sinemet yesterday, it still works my vision was stationary. The VS and CEVs i have to accept i think including the DP/DR. However i took a 12,5/50 pill sinemet yesterday so thats pretty low, also SNRI + sinemet + benzo + thiamine coceblablabala im wasted waaaaa. 

  4. I can drink cafeïne I can drink a few beers. Nothing makes it really worse. Maybe its because I take benzos Why I can drink cafeïne, coffee is the only thing I really enjoy. When im not on benzos im not sure if I can drink coffee anyway I dont remember a life without benzos.

    Also im not sure if taking benzos can heal hppd or not. Time will tell.

  5. the brainfog and memory,concentration are terible for me i feel i am like a old man write a small text here cost me 2 times more time, i have just spend a lot of money for supps never found something that i realy can say if it works

    I am using gingko biloba and omega 3 for few weeks again and i read a doctor book and he saw improvment in his patients with gingko this was a good sign to continue buth he says they geth improvment in short and longterm

    I dont know i can say postieve about that

    When i quit klono cold turkey a month later the issues geth lot worser i am still not geth better seems i have some permanent damage, its now 1 year later

    I have recently did a bloodcheck nothing realy to find for sign about it

    The last thing to do is quit tobacco and see if i geth better buth it isnt easy

    I wil try TC and post soon here the results

    finding something thats work individual is realy a roulette finding the right dose and quality to

    Getting tired to make the same faults and forgetting so much cost me so much time and money,frustration in social life because i cant focus

    I may just move on to out of a city

    I never been succes full here

    have you tried sinemet? 

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