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Posts posted by hppd33

  1. i am switching meds (again) I did quit for a time Lexapro, because i didnt feel they helped me, when i was on 0mg the paralysis began. I had this phenomonom earlier in my life and never had it again since 1997(the time i started benzo and SSRI) So it must have something to do ith drug use / serotine problems, i have used drugs since i was 12 or 13 - Already did XTC weekly at that age.

    I am now on clomipramine which is a TCA, but i am quiting this too, because of it doesnt work at all it makes me tired, more blurry vision and no libido. I have started Perphenazine now, because my Dutch doctor said it could work for people with HPPD (pHD Lerner, Israel). I'll see i am going to take 8MG of this tonight.

    In my HPD time 22 months now, I have tried Lamotrigine,klonopin, lexapro, voldoxan, anafranil, lorazepam, valium, haldol. None of these meds work for me, except klonopin of course.

    I did take Lexapro for depression and agraphobia, did work a bit, but for hppd it does nothing.


    An expert's recommendation for pharmacological treatment of HPPD

    According to Dr. Arturo Lerner, Chief Psychiatrist in the Rehab Ward, Lev HaSharon Mental Health Center, affiliated to the Sacker School of Medicine, Natanya, 42100, Israel, "The election of the treatment of HPPD depends on the clinical picture. HPPD without anxiety or depression can be treated with perphenazine (up to 8 mg/day, bed time dose), HPPD with anxiety with clonazepam (up to 2-4 mg/day, three times dose), HPPD with depressive features with citalopram (up tp 40 mg/day, bed time dose) and in some cases with venlafaxine (up tp 225 mg/day, one increasing morning dose), HPPD with mood swings with lamotrigine (up to 200 mg/day, increasing 25 mg every two weeks from a starting dose of 25 mg/day). These clinical advises are results of my clinical observations only. They are not based on research."

    (Dr. Arturo Lerner, Email to Larry [subject #32], August 11, 2006)

  2. Ok things changed. My psych didnt want to prescribe me Sinemet, only neurologists may prescribe this.

    We agreed to quit anafranil, because it doesnt work and my mouth is dry as a dessert..10 days quit then start welbutrin.

    Now i got Perphenazine, does anyone used this?? It seems an Israelin Doctor got good results with this med, but i cant find anything about HPPD and Perphenazine

    I do get some results with DP and Perphenazine. Well we'll see. Ill report when someting changes drasticly.


  3. How do you cope with dp/dr? Did you also used medication? If so what did you take?

    I am now 22 months underway in my hppd journey, but I dont experience a decrease in symptoms! I am getting depresseder with the day.. Not that i will kill myself, but its almost unhuman what MDMA can do with you. 


    Also i have the idea that MDMA induced HPPD is other then LSD ones, i did do shrooms in the past(like 15years ago) but this XTC-like vision on the world is driving me insane, its consantly if i look at postcard all day, like everything is unreal.. with that i have no feelings at all anymore, no happiness, no love feelings. 


    Like you say, dont wtch movies or the news, i cant even look 1.5 hour to a movie, i dont have the concentration to follow it, also i forget the names of the characters in the movies.. etc. The news, i dont care about anymore also, i have no detachemnet what is happening in the world or my country, even what happens in my family. If someone dies in my family i cannot feel with them, like others can, pure because of this HPPD.

  4. As the title said those three things seem to be getting worse but I'm pretty sure I need to withdrawal off the klonopin I've taken for five years.ive tried twice before and am down a very low dose so I hope symptoms are at a minimum but who knows.

    I'm gonna start the withdrawal after spring break so basically at the start of April. My concern is that the things that are worsening will just get crazy after. Any advice on this?

    I am also still on klonopin 2 yers almost, but i have no reducement in any smptom yet, sometimes it makes me think its because im still on klonopin i dont heal. I cant imaginen a life without klono with these visuals and DPDR.

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  5. Do you people also have a problem with your libido? Im taking clonazepam and anafranil. . Anafranil killed all my potention.. i want to know if there are meds out there which stimulates my potention. It really sucks when i see a nice girl and dont have the normal thoughts :(

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  6. Hi

    I would say, klonopin and sinemet.. I do take a TCA (anti-depressant) but it does nothing for my visuals/dp-dr netiher for my depression.

    Klonopin takes away alot of problems. My CEV's and overall anxious feelings do go away for some time, but it has side effects like(depression) Though it helped me the most ince my hppd started, Id rather be depressed then anxious all the time.

    Sinemet I would like to try too, but my pdoc wants to test other things first.

    Good luck!

  7. I thought I should keep you updated.

    I have taken citalopram (generic) for two days, now. The first day, I started out with a low dose of 5mg to "test the waters". My experience the first day was as follows:

    • Setting: Alone in my apartment on a weekday.
    • I noticed a distinct "serotonergic" feeling, much like I've experienced on low doses of serotonergic drugs before (low dose MDMA or psilocybin); yawning but stimulated and a faint buzzing sensation in body and head.
    • Somewhat heightened anxiety (this could be a consequence of my general 'medication phobia' which I've developed post-HPPD)
    • My dizziness seemed less severe than usual - a big plus for me.
    • Generally high spirits when the anxiety was not too overpowering, however my mood is usually good so this is not all that uncommon.
    • Visuals worsened, ability to focus my eyes seemed worse than usual (this is a problem I have)
    • I took 0.6mg alprazolam for sleep (due to the worsened anxiety)
    On the second day, I took 10mg divided into two doses of 5mg each, dosed 7 hours apart. My experience was as follows:
    • Setting: With family on a saturday.
    • The same "serotonergic" feeling was noted, somewhat stronger following the second dose.
    • Following my first dose, my dizziness seemed less severe once again. However, it came back later in the day, and a second dose didn't alleviate it, so there may be no correlation.
    • Anxiety wasn't as bad this time around. May be due to multiple factors; I wasn't as scared of the medication the second time taking it, and I was with family this time rather than alone in my apartment.
    • Visuals definitely worsened once again
    • Yawning quite a lot, feeling somewhat tired.
    • Trouble falling asleep in spite of feeling tired. When lying down with eyes closed I had a sensation of rotary motion. My body seemed to be spinning endlessly. I felt generally restless, tossing and turning (I do not usually do this).
    • The worst part; I awoke a 5am (having fallen asleep around 2:30 (estimate) after going to bed at 1am) feeling utterly out of it. I was disoriented, visuals were going crazy and I was on the verge of panic. I've never awoken straight into an anxiety attack like that before. I had to take a benzo (alprazolam again) to calm down, which allowed me to sleep after an hour or so.
    Today; I have not taken any citalopram today, debating whether I wish to continue doing so. I feel better in most ways today, being closer to sobriety (citalopram has a long half life). The visuals still seem worsened, but not as bad as when the citalopram was in full force, so I'm hoping that the worsening is temporary.

    SSRI´s work optimal in 4/6 weeks, you cant say after 3 days it isnt working. I used it 7 years, and stopped it 4 weeks ago, i can tell you that it worked for my `mild DP-DR` and aghoraphobia.

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