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Everything posted by Syntheso

  1. Hey man, cheers. I popped 0.6g of NAC yesterday (5 x 600mg). I must say it did seem to clear the brain fog by 80-90%. At a higher dose I hope it could clear it completely. I also had taken 200mg of Modafinil which for the last couple of days has really helped my lethargy. Also combined yesterday was with a good B vit complex, L-tyrosine (precursor to dopamine I am hoping will help regulate my dopamine levels till I can get prescribed hopefully Sinemet), a micronutrient cognitive func pill with small amounts of 5-htp, gingko etc and magnesium. Overall I felt like I could function and concentrate a great deal better! I seemed to lack motivation slightly, perhaps, but nothing too extreme. I also felt a big edgy, at times mildly anxious (which I don't usually feel that much as a component of HPPD).. but I put that down to the Modafinil (after I'd had a beer or two I was feeling alright). Also had a bit of a swinging jaw, I will up my dose of magnesium to help this. So I do see NAC as being potentially very helpful... but I want to try it isolation to see exactly how it helps... it's difficult to tell exactly what's doing the work when using combinations. The only reason I haven't tried things in isolation first is because I have to a lot of important shit done before Monday, but then I will look into different doses etc.. I will have to see if I can keep this off on the long run, and hopefully it wasn't some sort of fluke / something else! One thing.. not entirely sure what caused this (perhaps the Modafinil.. and sure it can't have been the NAC)... I woke up in the night at some point and my visuals were absolutely fucking mental. Worst in maybe a year or something. The visuals seemed mild compared to usual when I was going to sleep in the dark. But waking up really really intense swirling smoke everywhere. I know just waking up (esp. in the dark) usually make visuals intense but I've never had it like that before. Only time I remember visuals that bad was in the early stages of HPPD when I was having flashbacks. I've only had two (1-2 years ago) and both were when I had drunk quite a fair bit of alcohol. It could be to do with me drinking alcohol. However, yesterday, I had only had 3 pints, not a lot for me, and drunk a lot of water after that and a couple of hours before I slept. In recent times I have also drunk considerably more alcohol and not experienced such issues. So I find it peculiar that my visuals were so intense. But perhaps when I have drunk more it has just knocked me out into such a deep sleep that I haven't woken up to the potential visual nightmare. Strange.. HPPD can be v unpredictable! I also thought it might be the 'coming off' of Nitrazepam I took a couple of days ago when my head was feeling seriously heavy. Last night when I was going to sleep I was getting horrible hallucinatory sensations like people appearing in my head quickly and intensely, 'saying something' (not exactly audibly, more as a psychedelic sensation). V similar to the feeling of presence of people I have experienced on Ketamine at high doses. Upping slightly with the NAC today, trying 3600mg with 200mg Modafinil. Thanks for your advice Brendan. You based in London by any chance by the way?
  2. Hah sounds pretty mental.. I might give that a test try (probably on a smaller dose than you mentioned) tomorrow. 10 pills sounds like a hell of a lot. Surely popping so many pills can't be good for your stomach ? Considering also I am taking other pills. That's one thing I am trying to think about as well... not burning a hole in my stomach. Will report back
  3. Yes, I know exercising gives you more energy. But does it really make a huge difference to the lethargy/spaced out/concentration issues associated with HPPD? Not really... whilst of course it will help our symptoms, as will eating healthily.. it doesn't really come any where close to resolving this complex disorder.
  4. Yeah, it's a real arse. Maybe, it seems to me like I go into a seriously deep sleep but I could be wrong. Still definitely a lot of REM sleep going on. Definitely right about getting up as soon as you wake up... does make a serious difference.. but sometimes the brain fog/heavy head/head tension is too unbearable that I can't do anything but put my head on a pillow!
  5. Great, thanks for sharing your insights. I've tried NAC for the last 3 days, can't say I've noticed any clearance of the fog for me yet... also taking in conjunction with a good Vit B-Complex, L-Tyrosine, Q-10, a multivit cognitive performance pill (small amounts of 5-gtp, ginkgo biloba, argnine etc.) I have some magnesium, will start introducing that soon as that seems to work well for many people Currently ingesting in pill form, I will look into powders soon. I presume people take powders because they metabolise better and aren't so bad for your stomach? I wonder if you were lucky with the NAC, a unique thing ? Or do you know other HPPD'er's it's helped? I haven't found that the reflexology points you mentioned help clear my fog.. perhaps I was doing it wrong (although I tried different possible combinations of what it could have meant) Cheers :-)
  6. I've come across research that suggests acetylcysteine is effective in treating bi-polar depression, but I am not sure how that relates to the symptoms I have described in relation to HPPD. If you could provide some more info/reading that would be good :-)
  7. Cheers... is there any particular reading on that you could recommend, how did you come to figure it might help those symptoms ? I've had a bit of a read about it but can't figure exactly why it might help.
  8. And what about L-Phenylalanine ?
  9. My referrals to neurologist / psychiatrist is taking a while. As the main thing that bothers me is brain fog/concentration/lethargy/spaced out feelings, I theorise that I have low dopamine levels. I would like to try Sinemet but waiting for referrals. In the meantime, as L-Tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine and available over the counter, would it be worth trying that? Would I need to take it with something for it to be effective? Currently on no other meds (stopped Citalopram recently as hastily given to me by GP and I thought I would wait for referral). Cheers.
  10. Migraine times ;-) Well, nothing like a bit of dutch rap to get your shit together. Proost!
  11. Thanks for the responses. I don't think I implied that PE was part of HPPD. I was questioning a link between two disorders I am experiencing simultaneously (and that onset at the same time) and was wondering if anyone else had experienced similar things. Mmm, yeah, know what you mean.. except my lack of confidence is more to do with the above . Although as frustrating as named issue is, I do just think fuck it. If you'll pardon the choice of words.
  12. The best treatment possible, but often more difficult to obtain than even the most arcane meds!
  13. I must say, for me, my visuals get worse in areas with trees/grass... putting it down to because that's where I use to trip most. Memories of grass turning into snakes and trees reaching out with medusa like tentacles. The former was more unsettling for me at the time, latter, fascinating.
  14. Reporting back.. I have gotten better at capping naps short, 20-30 mins. Indeed it seems to be bringing me out of the grog. Not as spaced out, but still spaced out, tension in the head, hard to concentrate. But much better than the hypersomniac days ! Onwards and upwards.
  15. Because, I have provided two (well, three) reasons to suggest why I think there might be a relationship. 1. HPPD as cerebral disinhibition, hyperactive state, PE as hypersexual state. 2. SSRI's used to treat HPPD, also used to treat PE. 3. Both of these things happened simultaneously for me. And also as reported there have been times where I was not anxious (I know what anxiety feels like) and I have still had problems, so I am not convinced it is an anxiety issue. How can you be so sure that these are wildly different issues? There are certainly things to suggest that there could be links. All I'm doing is inquiring, and asking for arguments. I admit ignorance in what I am asking/hypothesising about, hence me asking here (that is the point). It is certainly unhelpful when I present a reasonable argument and someone just replies, patronisingly saying 'just relax man'. I was looking for a more analytical response from someone with a some scientific knowledge of brain chemistry, as I have seen many people display here. It is inspiring and commendable the research people have done individually. Not some pseudo-cool unhelpful response. If it was all just as easy as 'relaxing, man', would we all be bothering here trying to work out what the hell is going on in our lives? Have a bit of courtesy and empathy... And of course I'm seeing a doctor...
  16. I thought someone would make a brash/unthoughtful/patronising reply like that. I had meant to add an addendum saying 'it is easy to blame everything on HPPD, but it is worth thinking about how other arising conditions could be related'. I mean like I said, no problems before, suddenly after I develop a condition and someone else happens alongside. Both HPPD and PE come from dysfunctional brain chemistry so it's not farfetched to wonder if there is a connection, and I look forward to a response from someone who has a better knowledge of brain chemistry and can perhaps comes up with some reasoning to suggest that there could be some correlation or in fact not. But thanks man, I'll absorb your chilled vibes, watch The Big Lebowski, be a cool dude, that'll sort it all out, man.
  17. So perhaps not related to HPPD etc. at all, but perhaps it could explain some of my woe.. Before I had HPPD, I used to be able to control downstairs pretty well. Afterwards it has become a nightmare... The obvious explanation would be anxiety.. there were occasions were I could certainly put down lack of control to anxiety, or at least as a contribution. But there have been times where I haven't been anxious at all, really relaxed, and still a nightmare situation. I know that there are many things that can cause PE, but I would say I have a severe case and I can't help but think it is more than just a lack of psychological control. I have wondered.. Visual introduced the concept of cerebral disinhibition to me and HPPD as being a hyperactive state. A listed type of cerebral disinhibition is hypersexuality.. I also read someone talking about using SSRI's in another thread and they are often used to treat premature ejaculation. Do you think my PE could be linked with HPPD ? Initially I thought my PE was unrelated, but I am now wondering if HPPD has something to do with it. Has anyone else found issues in this area, or am I alone ? S
  18. Hi guys, sorry for the delayed response... had a couple of serious hypersomniac / spaced out couple of days. Sleeping like 15 hours a day... urrggh! I have ordered in some Modafinil, that should be here in a couple of weeks.. look forward to seeing how that goes. I picked up something by Vitabiotics called 'Neurozan' advertised to promote cognitive function. It contains 5-HTP, Phosphatidylserine, L-Arginine, Ginkgo Biloba, Co-Q10.. I wonder if that will help at all. I also picked up some pure 5-HTP. I wonder if that will help. I used to always take it after MDMA and never (maybe once or twice) had comedowns. I forgot to mention I've been on Citalopram for 3 weeks. GP handed it out without really thinking about it (she thought I was making shit up, classic). It doesn't seem to do much other than perhaps make me feel a bit less anxious (which it's meant to do). I am not sure the worth of taking it. Visual - I haven't tried Klonopin, no. Still waiting for referrals to psychiatrist / neuro. Kind of like your CEVs are a night light that keeps you awake. Is that the main thing? or do you have too much thinking? Anxiety? - Perhaps yes. It's hard to tell exactly what causes my (occasional) ability not to sleep (quite probably the sleeping in the day). Sometimes the CEVs remind me, when I turn the light off 'you have this condition, I wonder if you'll be able to sleep'... which can then lead to anxious thoughts going round and round, and the CEV's affecting the anxiety, back and forth, sort of.. Maybe, I'm not too sure... Yes I am locked in a 'grog'. Napping doesn't seem to reset fatigue but perhaps that's because I find it difficult to revive myself after just say 10-30 mins. I'll have to get better and teach myself. Thanks for all the detailed explanations. I will be plunging into researching and understanding the more technical explanations. Could you perhaps recommend a book that would be helpful in understanding brain chemistry and how the kinds of drugs/medications we are talking about affect our brain ? I will check out that book on Hallucinations. onedayilsailagain - Thank you for pointing me to nootropics, I will definitely be trying some out :-) Thanks all.
  19. Many thanks for your detailed response! Well I do have difficulty sleeping sometimes, as with many, visuals are pretty intense at night.. I would like some more detail on naps. I've tried napping, but this is the thing, I find it really difficult to cap it at 15-30 mins. I go into a really hazy trance and it can take me 1-2 hours to revive myself. And when I get up I can be in a more exaggerated haze/spaced out/groggy zone than the usual. So it's a tough one.. I guess I have to get really good at getting up as soon as my alarm goes off.. but please provide some more insight if poss. I would say I have mild anxiety. I often feel a bit uncomfortable when talking to people, even friends, but I am usually fine on my own (I live alone). Occasionally I have anxious thoughts at bedtime which keep me awake, but I don't consider my anxiety to be a big issue. I've been free of recreational drugs for the two years, except one MDMA slip up a couple of months ago (really bad idea, things had been getting quite good). I use various Benzo's when things get really bad, but not often... certainly more medicinal than recreational. I usually feel particularly spaced out after exercise and it doesn't generally seem to improve the lethargy. Coffee sometimes lifts it in a sort of way, but in the past has made my visuals particularly intense. I have found that sometimes using a benzo when things get really bad have (despite the relaxing effect), have given me the ability to perform tasks that I couldn't get my mind together to do. Even for 3/4 days afterwards, less lethargic and spaced out. Lorazepam has been the most successful for me in such an instance.. having taken one after things get really bad, intense visuals etc. it has actually reduced visual symptoms to 0% for me at the peak of its effect. But visuals back the next day, a bit less, then gradually they get back up to normal. Obviously I don't really want to get into long term Benzo use though so I only use them on the really rainy days. Sometimes when I have underslept (2-6 hours) I have been able to function much better the next day. It's like I've tricked my mind out of HPPD termporarily. A user reported similar things in another thread. But, someone responded, possibly you, reiterating the importance of sleep.. so I have kept to sleeping well, but it is certainly interesting... Okay, thanks. Never heard of Modafinil, of course will do my own research. Does it make you feel less spaced out like I was talking about? If it makes math easier sounds potentially promising as an aid to help my practice of music.
  20. I've had HPPD for a couple of years but am only just beginning to take action with doctors (thought it would go away). The worst thing for me is feeling tired/lethargic all the bloody time, when trying to focus on a task not being able to concentrate, head feeling tense, spaced out etc (so I guess dp/dr are my real issues?). I feel like I am ready for a long sleep whenever, I find it quite a battle not to put my head down and fall asleep.. And yes, I make sure not to get too much or too little sleep at night (7-8 hours), I eat well, exercise etc. Any advice on not feeling spaced out all the time ? Meditation can make me feel more spaced out... I'm a musician and need to put in many hours practicing a day, and achieving 1-2 in a daze simply doesn't cut the mustard. Cheers, S PS: Being referred to neuro + drugs specialist, but for the meantime? Every minute counts.
  21. Interesting, I'm not sure I agree though. Correct me if I have missed something, but with this 'blue field entoptic' phenomenon, the white blood cells are an actual object (by this, I mean something distinct from hallucinatory/false objects, as contrasted to 'actual' objects if you like) of your perception, whereas my understanding of what's going on with HPPD is that we are perceiving false, hallucinatory objects, caused by a psychedelic disorder, not a visual one. In other words, I would say that with the 'blue field entoptic' phenomenon, something is being perceived that the eye can see (light traveling into our eyes), whereas the visual symptoms of HPPD don't seem to be caused by something external such as the capillaries in our eye (this sounds weird, because the capillaries of our eye seem internal, but by external I mean 'not in the brain'). So, I don't think HPPD is caused by a fault of our eyes. It's a fault of how our brain processes the contents of what the eyes transmit to it, related to psychedelic use. Not to mention, would this phenomenon explain closed eye visuals (is it possible to experience the phenomenon with your eyes closed)? Hope I explained myself well.
  22. So, generally my visual symptoms aren't that bad, unless I am tired or in oddly-lighted situations (more below)... But I just had a cup of coffee, and damn, the dots on my wall are pulsing and other patterns in my perception too. What's up with that? D'ya reckon a cup of coffee now and again could effect recovery in the long run? (Surely, hopefully not!) Anyway, other than my visuals, everything seems to be going fine.. it's been 8 weeks since I had a drop of alcohol and longer since other substances. Oh yeah-another thing- when you're somewhere with low/ambient/clubby lighting do you just get the maddest visuals? Someone's teeth started strobing at me the other day, and another's mildly bad skin made them look like a crazy zombie... everything goes completely bonkers in those situations, I get visuals like I'm tripping balls.. but luckily I don't seem to get any of these [anxious/panic] 'feelings' with them that other people get.. strange.. I can't tell if I have any of these other symptoms.. if I had them, moderately/averagely (not mildly, which I am sure I probably do), would I somewhat know for sure? Like when you get these anxious feelings/panic attacks, from your descriptions it sounds like they are pretty damn obvious. I don't have any incidents where these are obviously coming into play.. At most, I would say perhaps hppd has affected these areas, but not so much that I can say it is hppd causing it for sure. Some things I think, 'maybe that's just a part of my personality-how I act and feel in social situations'-not attributable and linked to my psychedelic use/these weird visuals I get. But then sometimes I think, well they must be. It's hard to tell for me because I got HPPD at the same time as many social changes around me (joining uni etc.) - so it's hard to tell whether this is just me finding my feet or due to psychedelic use. I can't really remember what my personality was like before psychedelic use.. not as weird, for sure, but I can't tell how much substances are responsible for this or just my general interest in the weirder aspects of life, and indeed, embracing that kind of culture..
  23. I play sax :-) fundamentally into what you might call improvisation (not really tied to a genre (well, I hate labels anyway) but I suppose I mainly play jazz and I'm also in a 'post-punk' band). Let me know if you want to PM me my SoundCloud (don't want to post it here as it would tie me to my name!). I don't know about changing friends man, I think it takes more strength to go out with them and say no. Tonight, I went to the pub, my mates were drinking; I just didn't drink, as much as I would have liked to. I think it's important to completely cut it out too. I know that if I'd said to myself, 'one drink' it definitely would have been more than one. If your friends are good friends, they should respect you and not try and peer pressure you into anything. Mine have been fully supportive so far. I am sure you have friends that would support you as well. You might need them more than you think man. Esp. if you can't talk to your family (lucky for me, when mine realised the severity of my mental state a while back and I told them everything, despite lacking understanding in some areas (my dad thinks I was a 'drug addict' [wow] ), they have been supportive. Sorry to hear about your case.. doesn't sound too good, but I am sure you will get through it man. Keep strong. I think you've got to really be firm in your mind about these things. I learnt a lot about recognising my emotions when I used to do CBT. It's easy for me to say because I don't seen as prone to negative emotions as some of you have described, but it's really important to realise these emotions as soon as they come about and try and reason through your thoughts ASAP and just remember that you are only feeling this way because of the residual effects of substances you have taken.. in other words, that there is no reason to actually feel anxious.. from there try and bring yourself into a place of calm.. breathing exercises.. I find meditation helps a lot.. get along to a class if you can. I'm sure you've heard about all these things, but they work really well for me-so do give them a good chance. Also- music. That's the way to heal yourself man. Put on something your really dig and get lost in the sound. That's an experience no drug can take you to! Also, I have found that Valerian Root helps me get to sleep at night with no issues like my little 'acid flashback' the other week. Exercising as well.. takes your mind off things and gets your mind in better gear for repairing. Anything we can do to overcome this. What do you find works for you? Wishing you all the best from London..
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