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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2013 in Posts

  1. For aslong as I can remember now I have had constant disconnected intrusive thoughts and images. As if someone is switching tv channels in my head. These thoughts are almost stream of consciousness and I can't tap into it to turn them off. I also get songs stuck on a loop in my head. Or fractions of songs that just pop in and repeat . Which is the main reason I can not sleep at night . I also get fake memories that have raw emotions attached to them. Like I will picture something that never happened but it will impact me as if it had. It's all very vivid and has gotten worse lately. In the wake of this recent break up I need to cover my ass. I don't want to spiral out of control, which I pretty much already am So my questions are Does Anyone else experiences this? What are some coping strategies? I'm starting to unravel all the shit that plagues mind. This is a huge peice of the puzzle for me Sorry for being a bummer
    1 point
  2. I have had a pretty mild-average case of HPPD for the past few months. Caused by LSD, Mushroom use and exacerbated by constant use of cannabis. When i move my head slightly to the left while looking at a textured surface such as asphalt, to the right of the center of my vision, it's as if all the edges of the rocks in the asphalt swirl around this one point. If i move my head to the right, the same thing happens but to the left of the center of my vision. If i don't move my head at all, i notice textural anomalies kind of like an LSD trip, but without the normal structure a psychedelic visual has. Does anyone know what this could be? I have a predisposition to schizophrenia in my family, I've dropped a LOT of acid and mushrooms in the past year, and I'm rather worried it's something schizophrenic in nature. I am completely here in the head, mind you. Aside from the normal far out theories about reality that psychonauts have, I am normal. I do not consider myself delusional, and any theories i have from these experiences are valid and make sense to completely sober-minded people. I'm just wondering if i'm in the early onset of schizophrenia, or if i have HPPD. I have many other hppd symptoms, such as colors shifting, halos around lights, trails behind moving objects. I'm wondering if the symptom i've described above is what people would consider patterns in a textured surface. I've also wondered if it is palinopsia. Anyone want to shed some light on this?
    1 point
  3. Hi I am a brand new member greeted with this code whenever i click the 'edit profile' button. I cannot share any of my personal information... Also cannot click on any of the sidebar options on my page or anyone elses without clicking 'open in new tab'... Is this just me or are others experiencing this also??? €äªë£‰èšè“²î­»í›µíŽï»·á¨³è“”ç¹®ë¶¡å¨‚êŽ ä–’ã´£åŽ£è°ˆë¾¡î°‘ã²µì—†ã«Šì’¢è‡²ë«éŒ¨âŽ¤ë™–゚醳⼜ᛚ븸ᦆ㲿㈞᪘媔諭讽废东á˜é˜›å–‡ä«Žæ´Ÿì­µåŸœé¦»â•å·¢ë¹›ê©»á€©î›¦ä¼ŒîŸ¯æ€·íŸ‰Ð²êš©ê‚˜ä£™Âˆé¼…詷摛䎙౜褷è»á—¥ï¾ˆæž”榷å’á™¿é ¸ïœìŒç¢œæ³¢èœžï»çƒ·å°œá´à¾”ȉீ剆낖ᴼ硸ãœë»žå’¸å»ê…³å¾©ì©¢ëŠ²ãºžá½Žê¸¸ã…˜å¹˜á²Žï¦¿ì°­ê¸œá¼­á¯Ÿä­¨â†˜å¹§å‡’㩸﷮à«éŠ·á™¨é·¤ì©˜é˜¿â¯á•Žå˜µë¶„᧠྽ꀯ웿ä¯é”៷涚囚⩒ë•ä¦ç‹®çµå§§ã°œç¦£ç©¯åš±ë·‰á½î£žæ“¥â½—î—¶î…‘ìž¨æ˜ºç«ˆîˆˆì‡‚æŸ¥çš¨ì›™ä…™æŠ¡á©«î¹¤æ¥ äœ²íš‰å¾?驸ãŒã¿æ¸¶è¼¥ç’‚æ·è„·ì­½ç µæ±ƒå«î°‹å‡™î‘‡ì£”訉簪䞥舽鯧뤌弤矮鮱ë¤å¤«ï™¹åˆŒéœ†ê…è›é¤—ì›æ³…?☜閇å£è§¡è¶“ã½ ìš©ê«å˜¯ã©•è£­à´¦è¨­ëŒ«î›‚타⿩駡੃繵⋞ꮯ뻶陛౴ꯇ伶埶䡱⑻ᰴë¸î¬‚벵즶쀗狧䕛웎୔çƒè±¿á¡œë€—鞨☔ä¤é®Œå´ˆã½Šîªªâ£€ì½¡ç¸•Ë‡â¡§â¿±à®¨äŠ¹å»ç¥—瞬騧飂늷쨤ë«é¿¿æ¬¡âˆŒè¹²ë½Šä™‹ï¢‘ᛂ֚쿂ì¨ç‹ì‰Ó¤èž­í‰æˆ“ä“¼ä£‡ê·™à°°ç‡ ê¶¯ì‹¡ÊŸëµ©ç‚—çš·éƒ¿ïž¾?⊌꣺⇞涿佽镔염險飭둨✗輧羘뉋闻玢穟퉄ﴭ씦䮗⺸┪äˆè—…í‡²á´“ë†„äª¶äŒ¦ìŒµíƒ‰á›¼ë€ Ö„á¡›é¾¬ê´¬àµàº—祔㊈?柽ۗ玕⭲憸㢄ܙ숆?凢剌뎘æ¼î¦£â¦€ì˜Žæ™½á”¬ê²”?鬂⠫ä°ê»µë»‚â·’ï¡¨å¤©á šï…¯ç„“äžŒï 嘿䒺乡땚⬴æ²êŒ“㸣ြ曎凉Ⱓ脉兇í‘ãšŽêšŠíŠ’ç†½æ›‡ã”†ë‰ƒì‰ºå·¾î€ è—µë„§á«²á£¨î‰
    1 point
  4. Hello, I just discovered this website. I suffered terrible bad from HPPD from the ages of 16-21. I went to doctors and psychiatrists. I couldnt explain what was wrong with me to anyone. I was suspected of being schizophrenic and bipolar. I thought I was crazy. I used to wakeup in the mornings and pray that I could be able to see normally. I couldnt function, was extremely depressed and just drank all the time.... Ive been sober for one year now and have gotten on the right set of medications that work for /me/ [everyone is different I realize this] I really wanted to post on this website to give some hope to anyone suffering from this condition right now. I wont lie.. I ocassionally have minor visual phenomenon but NOTHING like how it was. This condition is terrible but it will not last forever!!! What really helps me is Calming down...closing my eyes and breathing deeply. Im on PROZAC and LAMICTAL. 50MG. not using any ofther drugs and my HPPD has seemed to have dissapeared. I live a normal {for the most part lol} and productive life! I can go to work ! To anyone out there struggeling or considering doing somethig stupid because of this fucked up disorder PLEASE trust me when I say It wont last forever. It is a temporary situation!! Your brain needs to heal and eventually everything will go back to normal! I really hope this helps someone.... Back when I was being tortured with HPPD I didn't know what it was so it is amazing to have a website like this with support! Your not alone! =]
    1 point
  5. About time for a thread like this. I took about 4 grams of shrooms (twice as much as you should on your first time) in early january. Before that all I had done was drink and smoke weed a few times. I tripped really hard, I was in a completely diferent dimension talking to people who don't exist, and time had no meaning. At one point I became really scared that I wasn't going to come back and began freaking out trying to physicaly claw my way back into this world while my eyes were closed. Still the next morning I was fine and I looked at the trip in a positive way. Three weeks later I smoked a little and the night after that I drank a little. The night after the night I drank I woke up from a really messed up dream shaking with really bad anxiety. For the next week I had horrible anxiety and sleep issues (hynagogic hallucinations and such) but no other symptoms. After a week it went away but then a few days later it came back with all that stuff plus 24/7 visual snow and some after-images and some derelization. The next two months were hell but then things started to improve. After 4 months I was feeling a lot better and could ignore HPPD pretty easily, after 6 months I was basically back to normal. It's been almost 7 months now and I still have some very minor symptoms. I am more anxious/moody/prone to depression than I was prior to HPPD but its still improving and I'm confident that these symptoms will completely dissapear soon. In certain lightings I stilll get visual snow but its so minor that if it had never been worse I would think it was just a normal thing that everyone had. Ocasionally I'll get a random visual (like an afterimage or something weirder), but its getting increasingly more rare and honestly might also be normal. I dream vivid dreams all night long it seeems now but thats not really a bad thing. I still have some Hypnagogia issues, I kinda start dreaming while I'm still awake and had a little sleep paralysys a week ago (I thought i was dead), its really hard to explain but its not a problem as long as it doesn't get worse. I also get CEV when I'm trying to sleep sometimes but those are fun now that they aren't there all the time. I didn't use any prescriptions to get to this point, just eating healthy, taking vitamins, exercising, and most importatly ignoring my symptoms and believing that they will go away. Good Luck!
    1 point
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