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what aggrivates your snow/visuals

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Whats your baseline on a good day, a bad and what makes it real bad. Bar the obvious things.

For me on a good day. No visual snow but I see movement of the snow like a slow strobing glare. Bad day, ghostly patterny snow.

Not watching tv. Reading, especially e30zone forum. Riding bmx ( hard riding ie. Learning new tricks ) eating irregularly or poorly, too much sugar. All these things seem to make my snow bad at patterny. The bmx thing annoys me cos im a hardcore biker who would rather die than not ride, and riding kills my anxiety but fucks my vision. Unlike most sports which last an hour or two and make visuals worse for a short while after. I can ride up to 14 hours a day, fucking my vision up for like 3 days

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My VS is the same intensity all the time. It doesn't change unless I do drugs. Such as SSRI or relapse and do MDMA. Otherwise its static in duration, pun intended.

Ive read on the forums that peoples VS fluctuates based on circumstance such as anxiety levels, environment, etc.... But mine is the same 24/7. Damn floaters dots and snow everywhere

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I've identified 4 groups of symptoms that can vary depending on what I'm going through in life. Right now I'm none of these 4, just hungover and tired.

Sober + good mood: constant faint visual snow, just like 2c-b afterglow... things kind of vibrate, objects in my peripheral vision sort of float, floaters, black smoke particles, but none of this bothers me anymore. I can still drive, talk to people, process thoughts, express myself clearly, socialize, preform well at work, enjoy music/food, etc.

Stoned/drunk + good mood: strong visual snow like a light 2cb trip, when I focus the static turns into fractals/swirls, things vibrate, constant faint floaters...but if I'm in a good mood I don't mind it, I can hang out with people and socialize just fine. Sometimes it's hard to understand specific things being explained to me however, and I don't process thoughts as easily.

Sober + stressed/depressed: visuals become more obvious, dp/dr, anxiety, feel like life is pointless, that I'll always be this way, everything is bleak

Stoned/drunk + stressed/depressed: visuals become the most intense, almost like a full on trip, panic attack symptoms, feel like I'm going insane/schizophrenic, question the very fabric of my life's existence

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Same as 2cpGotMe.... Constant, zero difference even when I close my eyes.... Just a swirl of green/blue flashing mess. The only thing that really brings it down is a benzo.

My dp/dr and anxiety change alot more though. Tiredness, hangovers, stress.. even bad weather seems to make it spike.

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Its pretty strange then that most peoples visuals are constant yet mine seem to fluctuate on almost a weekly/biweekly basis. the more paranoid and anxious i am the better my visuals are, but as soon as i feel laxed and happy my visuals are usually bad ( its like biweekly rota as i said, strange ) was working on my car today and the fumes have kinda fucked things up a bit, least i got my new wheels on i guess


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i know its hard man, but seems that the symptoms which bothers you most are most likely to fluctuate. snow was never a big problem for me now its really mild but these fucking afterimages i cant forget about them and they are fluctating dont now if this is really connected but it seems to fit for my case

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Maybe ur right man. The visual snow, paranoia and tinnitus probably bother me most. So they really do come and go.

Its really hard to get ur mind off something thats there 24/7 though. I think alot of my worry is about worsening too. So the longer I have this, the more I see im not worsening the less il worry

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I havnt had one beer since hppd. Or a coffee, a cigarette...no fizxy drinks....no sweets. Its taken pretty much every pleasure I had and shat on it. And it does make it hard to adjust. Constantly crapping myself shits worsening when its probably not

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For the most part, my visuals are 'static' (pun intended). VS is practically nil. Many symptoms used to vary with medication dose changes, but even this has largely stabilized. While some things are obviously better, with others it is hard to say how much one just gets used to it.

Biggest problems are not visual ... strange fatigues and 'functional deficits'. These are sensitive to specific behaviours/environments and have been most resistant toward resolutions. They fall more into the 'encephalopathy' catagory.

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