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kinda losing it a bit here...

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Listen man, the one thing that isnt gonna happen is that youll go insane. If it were a possibility it wouldve happened a long time ago. Maybe it was the physical exertion that made your symptoms get a little worse, it happens. In my experience the worst thing you can do is worry. That TRULY makes my shit get worse. Ive had this for 2 years, it's never once gotten randomly worse.

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Yea I wouldn't worry about it dude......3 months really isn't that long. I'm not tryin to downplay what you're goin through or anything, cause I know it's shitty, I'm just sayin. Back when I first got this it really started to spiral out of control when I would lay around thinking I had fucked my brain up for life and that I'd never get a good job or be successful cause of drugs.....I honestly thought I might have to drop out of college, but I didn't, I was just being overly paranoid. Just try to think positive and keep busy with hobbies and exercising and eating right.

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Yeah thanks man ur right, i just gotta keep busy. Iv noticed if i ride hard and spend a day in the sun at night my visuals are bad, reeeal bad. but the next day theyr better. the bad thoughts have subsided as i realised its just anxiety not insanity. and if i have a magnesium once a week itl help

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I had simmilar thoughts for a while. You will be fine. Just stop worrying. I know how hard it is but you need to find a way to distract yourself. I have been experienceing increased visuals the last few days after my second time drinking post HPPD, but I belive that it is probably because of me worrying that alcohol could make me worse than the alcohol itself. These last few days are starting to bring back the paranoia for me but I am confident that in a few weeks I will be fine. Think positive.

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I think it was brave of u drinking man. Im terrified to drink. I probably will never be able to drink again. I hope that ur visuals calm down again soon. Ur almost cured aswell. The paranoia is horrible. i didnt beleive in paranoia til i got hppd, then i realised shit....its real and its horrible. irrational racing thoughts of fear over fuck all.

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I think it was brave of u drinking man. Im terrified to drink. I probably will never be able to drink again. I hope that ur visuals calm down again soon. Ur almost cured aswell. The paranoia is horrible. i didnt beleive in paranoia til i got hppd, then i realised shit....its real and its horrible. irrational racing thoughts of fear over fuck all.

it wasn't brave it was stupid. I should have waited until I was 100% or atleast at a stable 97%-99% and could accurately judge alcohol's effect on me without the possible bias of what could have been just a few bad days that were going to come whether I drank or not.

I know what you mean about paranoia. i didn't know what anxiety was like before, i thought people who had it were just mentally weaker. Now I realize that it is beyond their control. Even when I would control my thoughts I would still shake constantly and feel like I was on the verge of death/insanity 24/7. i am so glad that I am past that.

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Just see it as a harsh lesson man. Ul be fine. Hppd has a wierd way of fucking ur mind but u always end up ok.

Its reasuring to know u went through similar, mine isnt that bad vut im pretty tense alpt and just worry about the future and regret 2cb but the past few days iv been better. Just been working on my bimmer and biking in the sun

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Man, it always fluctuates you just have to go with it, just know its not going to kill you and you aren't going to go crazy. I had that flickering visual field last night, wierd shit happens all the time i just roll with it, im at the point now where my visuals cause me zero anxiety because i just don't give a fuck anymore. I don't medicate, my visuals symptoms are many and show no signs of dissipating, the quicker you come to terms with what you have the less anxiety you will have about it.

I do have anxiety attacks from time to time still when im angry, sometimes trigger out of no where but when it happens i just stop, do what i need to, to feel comfortable again whether im at school, work or at home and it brings me back to calm. your coping mechanism will get better as time goes on

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