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13 hours ago, Fawkinchit said:

Yah I can try and help, what's up?

@Jay1 is probably better to talk with than me though.

I am dealing with a major flare up of symptoms I do not use anymore however I seem to have big flare ups when I get fevers I myself don’t understand this I haven’t used in years each time I seem to get out of this hell hole I go right back to square one. All of my symptoms are so strong visual snow, after images, colors are intense and have major dpr. It makes me very depressed and anxious thinking I have destroyed my brain forever. Also what manly scares me is the after images, this makes it very hard to do easy things like read or watch tv. I am in school right now and I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything because it has become so difficult to read. I feel like no one else really understands what I am going through except for people on this forum. 

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The good thing is, humans normally dont take long to get used to things. I am like 4-5 years in and I dont even look at it like that no more. I am so used to it, I dont even remember how it was before. I rarely think about it. 


Back in the days, when I wanted my normal vision back for at least some seconds, I used to watch this video, and it helped for 30 seconds or so


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Also there are people who have "HPPD" like symptoms normally 

"I'm 17 I have visual snow, probably my whole life I thought it was normal until I noticed that everyone thought I was crazy for saying I saw weird dots on my vision, mine is worse with anxiety! God bless everyone and hope we find a cure for this"

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On 8/31/2023 at 5:35 AM, Jjjj said:

I am dealing with a major flare up of symptoms I do not use anymore however I seem to have big flare ups when I get fevers I myself don’t understand this I haven’t used in years each time I seem to get out of this hell hole I go right back to square one. All of my symptoms are so strong visual snow, after images, colors are intense and have major dpr. It makes me very depressed and anxious thinking I have destroyed my brain forever. Also what manly scares me is the after images, this makes it very hard to do easy things like read or watch tv. I am in school right now and I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything because it has become so difficult to read. I feel like no one else really understands what I am going through except for people on this forum. 

Yah I understand. Its a really difficult condition, and definitely has better times, and worse times. It gets really difficult when the flare ups last, its the worst when they seem to last forever. How long have you had it for? 

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19 hours ago, Fawkinchit said:

Yah I understand. Its a really difficult condition, and definitely has better times, and worse times. It gets really difficult when the flare ups last, its the worst when they seem to last forever. How long have you had it for? 

I have had this for around 12 yrs now. The first time I got this I quit drugs and eventually my symptoms got better and I went some yrs without even thinking about hppd. I thought I had beat it for good. Then I got very sick with a fever and it triggered all my symptoms again since then every fever I get seems to trigger those episodes. I guess everyone’s triggers are different but it’s definitely scary having to go through all of the intense visuals and feeling like nothings real all over again. 

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