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Work with a doctor and she somehow caught wind of what I’ve been going through, as of now my mental state is my biggest concern and she gave me a script for Alprazolam.  I haven’t taken it yet as I am quite worried of what it may entail in the future.  Just wanna know what you all think.  Everyday seems to be different was getting better for awhile but recently everything has come back.  I know this drug slows down activity in the brain, with that thought would it slow down recovery? 

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If used cautiously, benzos can really help this condition. It's quite frustrating that the one thing that seems to help most of us is also highly addictive and tolerance building.

I treat it as the silver bullet it is... I use it when i need some relief, but know that it can hurt me very badly, so use caution. 

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6 hours ago, Jay1 said:

If used cautiously, benzos can really help this condition. It's quite frustrating that the one thing that seems to help most of us is also highly addictive and tolerance building.

I treat it as the silver bullet it is... I use it when i need some relief, but know that it can hurt me very badly, so use caution. 

Yea the doctor told me to take it everyday morning and night, but I already know that would leave me in a terrible spot.  Already having an addictive personality I’ve only used it a couple times, to help me fall asleep.  Like you said it is quite the silver bullet.

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