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New MRI Techniques may be the answer to understanding HPPD.

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I wanted to start a new topic in attempt to find willing participants for a new strategy in MRI techniques that I have found. I haven't had time to review all the information as thoroughly as I would like, however, what I have found seems very promising.

In short it seems that one of my old theories about MRI and its shortcomings for detecting mild diffuse neuronal loss was accurate, and that new techniques are being used to overcome these shortcomings. In the two articles that I will post it should be a apparent to everyone that these techniques are far more accurate in accessing neuronal loss, and neuronal density. These types of MRIs are called T1p MRI, and R2t MRI, no RTD2 lol.



Just read the articles and I believe everyone will see for themselves as to why nothing is being found in our MRIs, its specifically due to the fact that MRIs are not effective techniques for accessing mild diffuse neuronal loss, but rather only effective in detecting gross neuronal loss.

If anyone would be willing to do one of these types of MRIs and could find a doctor that knows how to administer the techniques then I think that we very well could find the final accurate diagnosis to HPPD, and at the very least understand its cause, which would open up the field to more accurately accessing treatment options, and also removing lack luster prescriptions and bogus attempts at treatment that we are all very well aware of.

I really do hope that we can find some people willing to seek this out and do the MRIs, I genuinely do believe they will give us far more insight in to the condition than just a general normal MRI.

Please let me know what all of your thoughts are on this. Thank you so much!



I would just like add the following, which basically is, that given all of this information and some information that was posted by @MentholFlavoring that just as he states and as I have theorized in the past and present, that this is definitely a condition of a case of neuronal loss. I think the evidence couldn't be more clear. The only reason that people were doubting that it was neuronal loss was because the MRIs were "normal", but this information proves that my theory about MRIs were accurate, and that there is still the definite possibility of it being neuronal loss. And ill also post some information that was brought to my attention by Menthol, which is basically just a wiki link


But it explains that these people with DPDR have atrophied regions of the brain even in normal MRIs, so their cases are likely more severe, but it also mentions the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis being disrupted, which explains the massive anxiety that a lot of sufferers experience due to it activating the fight of flight response, also they even have increase cortisol levels, which should be expected from the massive stress that is put on the organism from DPDR, but also even HPPD. Its basically the same stuff, probably affected in the same areas for the most part.

It clearly doesn't affect motor neurons, so Dr. Abrahams idea that it only affects interneurons is most likely accurate.


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1 hour ago, Fawkinchit said:

Je voulais commencer un nouveau sujet pour tenter de trouver des participants volontaires pour une nouvelle stratégie dans les techniques d'IRM que j'ai trouvées. Je n'ai pas eu le temps d'examiner toutes les informations aussi minutieusement que je le souhaiterais, cependant, ce que j'ai trouvé semble très prometteur.

En bref, il semble qu'une de mes vieilles théories sur l'IRM et ses lacunes pour détecter une légère perte neuronale diffuse était exacte, et que de nouvelles techniques sont utilisées pour surmonter ces lacunes. Dans les deux articles que je publierai, il devrait être évident pour tout le monde que ces techniques sont beaucoup plus précises pour accéder à la perte neuronale et à la densité neuronale. Ces types d'IRM sont appelés IRM T1p et IRM R2t, pas de RTD2 lol.



Il suffit de lire les articles et je pense que tout le monde verra par lui-même pourquoi rien n'est trouvé dans nos IRM, c'est spécifiquement dû au fait que les IRM ne sont pas des techniques efficaces pour accéder à une perte neuronale diffuse légère, mais plutôt efficaces pour détecter les neurones bruts. perte.

Si quelqu'un était prêt à faire l'un de ces types d'IRM et pouvait trouver un médecin qui sait comment administrer les techniques, je pense que nous pourrions très bien trouver le diagnostic final précis de l'HPPD, et à tout le moins comprendre sa cause, ce qui ouvrirait le champ à un accès plus précis aux options de traitement, et supprimerait également les prescriptions sans éclat et les fausses tentatives de traitement dont nous sommes tous très conscients.

J'espère vraiment que nous pourrons trouver des personnes prêtes à rechercher cela et à faire des IRM, je crois sincèrement qu'elles nous donneront beaucoup plus d'informations sur la condition qu'une IRM normale générale.

S'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir ce que toutes vos pensées sont à ce sujet. Merci beaucoup!



Does this Mri exist in Europe and France? I can’t find it on the internet

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Hi, I appreciate you mentioned me and I very much agree with your standpoint, as well as this post about MRI being interesting. It is indeed correct that MRI in most cases unable to detect the relatively tiny biological changes that occur after developing HPPD.

I'd be interested to know if other techniques can catch any abnormalities such as SPECT, EEG, P3000 latency and maybe even some cognitive exams. I have HPPD and always felt it affected my cognitive functioning IQ etc.

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