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People with relapses

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I have described my most recent relapse in another discussion forum but I will post here as well. Does anyone else seem to recover and get passed the extreme anxiety (learn to cope with it) only for it to return after some time? This has been my third relapse, I was recently struck with Covid and when I got better I was hit with all of these symptoms coming back again. I have extreme anxiety, insomnia, fear, I have more after images and everything around me seems to look different in a higher resolution. Does anyone else have these issues? I am beginning to just get very tired of this rollercoaster I have been on for years.  

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I've had a few spikes in symptoms that can last months. One was from stopping Keppra too quickly, another was from stress of working too hard. I think stress is the main factor (both mental stress, eg too much work/pressure and physical stress, eg getting a virus).

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