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Weird feelings and insomnia

Ville K

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Hi, I'm new here,

I had lsd and molly just one time in june, and since then I've had some really nightmarish time. After the trip I didn't sleep for few nights. I had strong afterglow - just saw meaning and love in everything. Nights I was totally tripping. I felt like I was being shrunk to infinitely small size. When I woke from that I freaked out and went to emergency hospital. I had olanzapine and diapam for few nights and was better for couple weeks after that. Then I started feeling this allencompassing love again. I felt like there was a spirit next to my bed and felt it come inside my chest. I didn't have so much visuals, but a strong feeling of floating and hot breaths coming through my mouth. I was also shaking uncontrollably. I started taking olanzapine again. I went very weak. I could walk only 100m a day. I had strong feelings of derealisation, I couldn't find connection to my family. I felt just horrible. 

Now I'm on olanzapine 5 mg a day. I don't have these tripping feelings anymore, but I also cannot sleep normally. It's just that the sleep don't come. I'm lying on my bed for all night, but if I sometimes fall asleep, it's very thin sleep, like not normal at all. I usually need zopiclone to sleep at all.

So, my biggest problems now are the sleep - I really hope my sleep would recover with time - and olanzapine. I wish I could get rid of that vicious drug. With 5 mg it doesn't feel that bad as before though.  

Visuals I do have sometimes at nights, but otherwise mine is not a visual thing. My symptoms are very trippy, like I have feelings that I had during the trip but milder.   


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Zopiclone has been helping me get some shut-eye, but I've noticed that it can make my HPPD symptoms worse. For me, I've found that incorporating some tips for better sleep has been helpful in reducing my reliance on sleep aids. Some things that have worked for me include setting a consistent bedtime, avoiding screens for at least an hour before bed, and doing some relaxation exercises like deep breathing or yoga. I also find that having a comfy bed and pillow, and keeping my bedroom cool and dark, make a big difference.

Edited by AniemDariel
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