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Hi  I have had hppd for 2 years and its been a dessent into hell.. It started very mild  then anti histamines celexa made it worse..then i tried for a year to make it better  clonapam was always my go to but was aware of dangers os treated with respect.. The next big spike was lions mane... gabapentin w as working untill inclusion of lamotragine and then boom up another level.   im no longer ina space where i can just live with it.  intense snow visuals  flies buzing around  tactile bugs 247 makes my life unbearable..  gutted as two years ago i could barely see any snow let alone the rest... I decided as a last resort before ending things to move to a hot beach and see if the weather and see might rebalance my nervous system.. every spike i have had never came down  just pushed me up...


Right now i started keppra 1000  take clonaspam every other day  and started risperadone for tactile ahllucinations (  i am aware of the risks but i have no choice)


I have carbomazapine clobazam topimerate and phenoarbital as back up. i am thinking antipeileptics are my best chance for relief...  


Would appreciate any advice  i eat well relax  etc  but ignoring my visuals and ignoring the tactile sensations is not piossible..I need treatmentt  my head feel like its gunna xplode  I know some people used peptides.. Im basically trying to save my life...so any thoughts ?

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