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In total I've probably done acid about 10 times, and mushrooms about 10 times, over the course of two years. I've also done mdma about 6 times over that time as well. The last time I did it, about two months ago, I mixed LSD with MDMA and tripped hard. The following day I got out of bed (from not sleeping all night), and stood up to realize I had the following symptoms; cold and clammy feet, severe exhaustion (barely able to stand), slight visual disturbances, slight derealization, and a bit of misperception (the same kind of perceptual flip-flopping that one feels while one the drug, similar to the effects of alcohol). These symptoms lasted for about 4 days. The other symptoms faded as the exhaustion did. I know that this seems relatively normal, most people end up feeling pretty terrible for the days following a trip, but it wasn't normal for me. Usually, even after the most extreme trips, I could wake up and go to work, getting by feeling as though I was just hungover.

I may have been experiencing an extreme come-down effect from the mdma, which I hadn't touched for about 6 months prior to the date. I was already low on sleep, and didn't sleep at all the night following the trip (which was an overnight trip (which consisted of a large and exhausting hike) anyway). The symptoms seemed to match up perfectly with the descriptions posted on HPPD forums though, and I'd never experienced a come down of any sort from MDMA, other than an apathetic feeling of indifference for a couple days.

So here's my question, would it be safe to do either LSD, MDMA or mushrooms again? It seems like most of the severe HPPD cases last at least a month, mine lasted 4 days before I was 100% back to normal. Am I just being overcautious? I know I didn't have a severe case by any means, but if I repeated my use of any hallucinogens, could I possibly end up with a severe case?


Dude, if 1 month was a severe case that would be a fantastic! I've been this way for 10months now which is showing no signs of slowing down and the longest case i've read on here being 30 years if i'm not mistaken, once you have hppd it doesn't just go away. I suggest ( and i'm only new here) that if you really do not want to suffer from hppd you discontinue all hallucinegons. Better safe then sorry, but in the end its up to you.


I think it is a fairly common pattern for people to not have much of a comedown when they first start using MDMA, and for the comedowns to get worse over time. Maybe that is the case here? I think 4 days is a fair recovery time for mixing LSD with MDMA and strenuous exercise, if you were feeling baseline after 4 days then I would say your system is pretty healthy. Of course if you are having negative after effects from using substances it is always good to take an honest look at the situation and see if it is interfering with your life in a negative way, and if changes need to be made.


If you're putting enough time inbetween your trips, it sounds like you are, then I would say you're fine. In the end though it's up to you, you know your brain/body a lot better than we do.........my only advice is to just be aware of how the drugs are affecting you and if things ever seem like they're starting to head south then take yourself a nice long break.


Please man, don't risk getting full-blown HPPD. Many people (including myself) have been dancing with HPPD for many years and some, for many decades. If i knew what I did now I would never had bothered with drugs.


The last three months have been hell and it's possible that the rest of my life will be as well. Just when I thought I was getting better things started to get worse. I would give up anything to go back and never take mushrooms even though i greatly appreciated the experience at the time.

I wish that I had got warning signs like you because i would have been smart enough to stop. Unfourtunatly one trip was all it took to give me HPPD and other problems.

Don't waste the chance you have been given. If I were you I wouldn't even smoke weed.


No, especially when you see how bad you could potentially suffer, stupid question

Obviously drug use is a triggering topic for people here but it still pays to be polite - the OP was asking for info, not boasting about drug use etc. I think it is much better to encourage people to ask questions about drug use than for them to just go ahead and take what they want. This is probably the best resource online for people to ask these questions I reckon (/parent mode off)

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