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Has anyone got rid of their visuals?


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As the title says, i'm wondering if anyone has ever got rid of their visuals. I might have missed it if the question has already been asked though... Since my visual snow is imo my worst symtom, i'll do anything to get rid of it and i feel that visual snow is the symtom that gives me the most anxiety which then leads to dp and dr.

A bit mushy text maybe, english is not my native language.

Best regards // Morbide

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My visuals have decrease SUBSTANTIALLY since this all started. It's gotten to the point now that my visuals aren't my worst symptom. At this point my biggest issue ismy depersonzlization and anxiety. If that would go away I feel like I could get back to living my life. Just have patience and don't mess with any drugs for a while and eventually things will start to clear up.

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Your posts are really giving Me hope! Visual snow is by far my worst symtom, it might be strange to say but somehow i enjoy dp/dr a bit, i see it like i'm in a movie which i am in control of, well i don't mean that i am god but i don't want to screw things up in the "movie" just like in real life. It sounds trippy as hell but thats my way of coping with it, making it all a really real-life like movie!

Maybe i should hit the bottle less this saturday night... Oh well, a good saturday night to all of you! And as Jimi Hendrix says: "There must be some kind of way out of here!"

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My visual snow/static became more intense than ever and i started to see geometrical patterns everywhere... I also started thinking about the bad trip that i am certain caused my hppd, i was very tired and i almost felt like i was tripping again and that caused the panic attack.

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I have read cases, but it doesn't seem to happen as often as you would like. Dr. Abraham told me it happens for 50% of people, something I find hard to believe, but he's been researching HPPD for decades.

I made a similar thread not long ago: http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/736-does-hppd-often-resolve-itself-on-its-own/

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i think its very possible it happens for 50 % of people because i didnt come on this site until i'd had it for like half a year or something a little more i think its hard to find out about hppd without a long time of researching

and mines about 95% gone to be honest i hav bad days sometimes, if im hungover for example but even theyre 10000 times better than the best days when it first started. i think it'll slowly dissappear completely

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My visual snow was real bad for a little while I couldn't even see the color black. Stop worrying about your visuals and NEVER look for them. Now if I'm in a dark room they are almost always there but sometimes they aren't and they are definatly better than they were a month ago. Last night was the first time I slept with the light off in two months. Since I stopped looking for the visuals they have almost completly disapeared in just a few weeks.

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And in alot of countries is atarax an over the counter supplement, try it! I don't experience any bad changes in hpps, it makes the static more thinner :) And you can't build up tolerance so you can keep a low dose all the time, or so my doctor says... *suspicious*

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Well some experience a increase of visuals after using SRRI meds, i've read about a lot of people getting hppd-like symtoms after SSRI's too without earlier experiences of any drugs. Maybe too much serotonin damages receptors even more and meds that lo wers serotonin helps becouse we have a super high amount of serotonin constantly in our brains??? I have no idea about that though but i've read that GABA receptors have low activity in hppd brains and GABA calms the brains activity when needed and hppd'ers have abnormal activity in the visual cortex, therefor visual symtoms. Maybe our brains overanalyzes visual stimul (?)

I don't know if anything that i'm saying is relevant though, pardon Me :P

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