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Well basically i'm pretty positive I have hppd, I thaught it could be drug phycosis as well but not really sure. I took a lot of 2-cb, mdma, mda, e's, acid and some dodgy research chemicals over the last 3 years and far too much over summer... So i'm pretty sure its had this wierd effect on me of hppd which to be honest I do usually enjoy, however I do not enjoy the anziety and wierd over thinking part? I'v been taking this 5htp shit and it makes me feel happier but I dont know whether it will help the hppd and that? I'v also been reading of ways to manage anziety about getting to the route of were it comes from and eliminateing it like the foul beast that it is!!! arghh fuk you anziety bullshit!!!

So yeah, Anyone know if 5hpt is actually fukin with my hppd?

Oh yeah and coffee, tobacco and weed is defo fukin with it lol... =/ x


From webMD:

"Don’t use 5-HTP until more is known. 5-HTP might be UNSAFE."

As far as making HPPD permanently worse, I have no idea. There are other medications to help with anxiety that are safe. You should take those if you can. Klonopin, xanax, valium, etc. I wouldn't take 5-HTP.


Hmm yeah, I fear if I get Valium etc I would become addicted... I have a very addictive personality. The 5hpt generally makes me feel better so I feel its worth carrying on taking it for now, or maybe having it every other day... I am however going to stop drinking coffee becuase it makes me anxious and makes everything breath and wobble more lol.... Thanks for the advice anyways HBB ;D x


I had no bother with 5HTP.... in fact, I think I got a bit of a boost from it (no improvements on hppd symptoms though)

like everything else with this disorder, it helps some and hinders others


I used 5-htp before I got HPPD. I definitely felt a difference on it. It changed my mood considerably for the better and I would think that meant that it was increasing serotonin levels in my brain like it said it was supposed to do. That being said, I think i got HPPD from the fact that i combined that drug with a rather large amount of MDMA one night.


Yeah i'll check that L-Tryptophan out...

And yeah it kinda gives me a mild buzzy feeling sometimes, its alrite... And yeah I think I got this hppd nonsence from takin mdma and 2cb all summer and the acid wont have helped either. But its kinda wierd because I find that now everytime I take mdma or acid for a few days afterwards I have minimal anziety and have a better head space but then after that all the anziety and negative feelings come back... Odd days I feel happy and content but it does'nt last long.

Cheers for your replys anyway guys :D

  • 2 months later...

stop doing all drug for a year and it slowly clears up especially the anxiety. anxiety can usually be traced back to a starting point figure out what it is and focus on processing the event knowing that everything will be ok and you will balance out... the only time hppd and anxiety still gets me is at night when my overactive pineal gland hits me with dmt. but even that is getting better. good luck with your progress...

  • 3 weeks later...

I've noticed that 5 htp has definitely helped improve my mood when I take it daily for a couple weeks. I have never had any issues with it making symptoms worse. I still use mdma and take it to preload as well as twice daily during the month of recovery. I wouid be extremely careful about using any benzodiazepines, they are so addictive, and have a way of sneaking up on you.


5htp cannot pass the blood/brain barrier, so it metabolizes into serotonin in your blood stream, causing to much of it to become active. It's a myth that it actually produces more serotonin within the brain. That is why 5htp can worsen the symptoms of hppd. Lets not forget that 5htp is technically a psychedelic substance (tryptamine). Lets not forget one of the main causes of "H"ppd.

5htp caused my anxiety due to hppd to worsen. I was almost never anxious before 5htp. It would almost always be visual distortions. Now I only sleep every 2-3rd day. I find myself pacing constantly. I'll be with friends watching tv, and randomly stand up and pace for a few mins. I have to pace at least every 10 mins or i feel like im going to go insane. If I'm sitting at my computer ill walk out of the room, and instantly back in. I feel like I'm stuck in limbo for the rest of my life now.

I will admit xanax does help my anxiety as long as i take it every 4 hours. That's just not safe, so i only take it twice a week. I still feel anxious every day, but It's better than being addicted to drugs.

PS- I used to love having hppd. I thought it was kind of entertaining. The symptoms began to fade once, and i was kind of disappointed. then one day they just came rushing me like never before.


I've noticed that 5 htp has definitely helped improve my mood when I take it daily for a couple weeks. I have never had any issues with it making symptoms worse. I still use mdma and take it to preload as well as twice daily during the month of recovery. I wouid be extremely careful about using any benzodiazepines, they are so addictive, and have a way of sneaking up on you.

You have hallucinogen persisting perception disorder and you take a drug that can cause hppd in the first place (mdma)?


Yes I have had hppd for 8 years and still take mdma, ketamine, dxm, nitrous and cannabis. It has not increased my symptoms permanently, you should check my other posts for the full story

  • 6 months later...

I have had HPPD for 6 years and I would recommend stopping all drugs including marijuana. I found that doing activities to take your mind off of it works wonders. Just find an interest or hobby that really engages you and you will find that it will go away for the most part and slowly fade to be background noise or almost nothing at all at times. It will come back only when you dwell on it or start thinking about it again. It seems hard to believe but it is true, since in some ways it is related to a post-trauamatic stress disorder. Other things that help are running, I run 3 miles a day, getting on a healthy sleep regimen 8-10 hours a night if possible, and healthy diet. But most importantly just find things that engage your mind, that you enjoy and it will fade away, and you will over time forget about it all together and it will just become a memory.


I would have to agree with everything newmember12345 said. I would also add that benzos typically don't really help the HPPD they just mask it. I am just taking a shot at the dark saying that most people who said that the "benzos worked" were probably getting a nasty habit for them or just getting to sell/use recreationally. I am just guessing that don't take my word for it. I also personally experienced worsened HPPD with anxiety. The benzos work for people by temporarily alleviating the user's anxiety and making them worry-free about their HPPD. I feel like it just isn't good in the long run and should be avoided as much as possible. There is a reason why most psychiatrists prescribe benzos after everything else. I would try to treat anxiety without drugs and with a healthy diet plus exercise.

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