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I developed this terrible thing about a week ago which scared the ever living shit out of me but as of 3 days ago approximately the visual snow has decreased and the patterns I was seeing a week ago are starting to fade. I still have some DR but i've been dealing with it, I havent done any kind of drugs whatsoever and havent taken any medication... I just tried to calm myself down and I am optimistic that I can overcome this in no time.

Sure, it's still hard to deal with all this, it can be so overwhelming but I do believe in recovery. Anyone else start getting better within a week?

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We all have our ups and downs.  I'll have weeks where I hardly notice my symptoms, other weeks they're more noticeable.  For me, it's how I'm feeling over the long haul.  That being said, my CEVs vanished over just a few weeks after having had them for a long time.  So, sudden improvements do occur.

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On 12/15/2019 at 7:49 PM, MadDoc said:

We all have our ups and downs.  I'll have weeks where I hardly notice my symptoms, other weeks they're more noticeable.  For me, it's how I'm feeling over the long haul.  That being said, my CEVs vanished over just a few weeks after having had them for a long time.  So, sudden improvements do occur.

Have you done anything special when your CEVs went away?

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