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For those looking for a goodway to get benzo's but dont wana deal with docs.

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http://voguerx.net/home/ is a romania based overseas supplier without prescription ive been useing for years.. 3 month supply of benzos = cheaper then 1 psyche visit.

this is illegal and dont be dumb and order thousands of pills. theyll send it, one time i ordered 500 valium(that was a few months ago) but thatd be a horrid charge if customs happened to get it. customs always overlook a few month supply and at worse send you what we refer to as a "love letter" lettin you know its unlawful, and its more of a scare tactic then anything.. and the site is so discreet with packageing, ordering 100pills to get you by is very safe.

cut out the middle man! psychiatrists are retarded, you know your mind better then them on every turn.. dont try benzos unless you were atleast prescribed to them for mental disorder prior or atleast have enough street knowledge to self medicate safly.


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once I was prescribed klonopin it was very easy to go to any doctor to get the perscription refilled,

I didn't even try to lie to the psychiatrist, I just bombarded the poor clueless bastard with facts and info on HPPD and neurology and just kind of babbled out science terms to show him that I wasn't a seeker trying to do him over (of course he had never heard of HPPD)

He asked me what he could do to help and I explained the only medication I knew of working was clonazepam.

ding ding ding.

six miligrams a day please n thank you.

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I'm a hard head, I started out taking 2mg and barely having an effect but the tolerence probably has to do with the fact that much earlier I mail ordered a bunch of indian xanax for extremely cheap and lost a good month and a half of memories, 14mg a day+ and then running out and nearly croaking in the process.

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when you take the stuff... your judgement falls away, and it becomes really easy to overrdo it.

which is why I reccomend against ordering it, if you plan on taking it for awhile the most logical thing would to order it in bulk to save money... but then you have a massive pile of dum dum pills at your dum dum disposal and its a recipe for disaster.

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Careful about how long you're ordering benzo's. I tried to cold turkey my klono once and my blood pressure shot so high at the E.R. they had to instantly put me on klono again. Seizures are quite common during abrupt w/d, but even more dangerous is your BP.

I do like that site though, they have 100 soma for 75$ after shipping, worth the headpressure relief to me

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i use to get soma for my mother from a usa -form-prescription company for my mother(it now nolonger sales). id take some out in the woods where they live 2 hrs outside my city..... 1000mgs is my mothers dose, i tried that.... no effect

worked up to 10000.. no effect...

only drug that dosent do shit to me. lol .. maybe its the years of benzos acting as a m relaxer? who knows. not for me. i prefer tramadol http://www.rxsaves.c...relief/Tramadol cod.ive cold turkey benzos after long abuse... as with opiates i get no withdrawl symptoms but boredom and being a bit aggressive like you feel when you just got woken up for school or somethin lol. but yes its a real bitch. smart urself.and i do have BP problems.. when i was in the ICU for ALC-Pancreatitis , my bloodpressured spiked over 190 and i bled from my nose/ears/mouth... i cant remember the medical term they had but it was considered a ministroke.. they shot me up with 2mg more morphine and 1.5mg ativan and i was fine.but ya bp is no joke

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Jay, 350mg of soma (common single pill dosage) will keep me relaxed for a few hrs. This has always helped me more then anything besides benzo's or opiates. After I take just one my headpressure usually dies way down.

Careful if you drink on them, you feel good, but I've heard of many ppl going to mexico drinking with them and not waking up.

"my bloodpressured spiked over 190 and i bled from my nose/ears/mouth" dam that's potentially life threatening..hopefully that was a one time thing.

You're not supposed to take more then 4 pills a day, max dosage is 1400-1600. Lucid i think you added a zero or I need a calculator for how many you took lol.

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im about to order 100 klono's, because, well, that seems to be the minimum order. How quckly does this stuff get addictive? My main objective is to just keep some in reserve for emergency panic attack relief, but i'll probably end up doing some for shits and giggles.

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im about to order 100 klono's, because, well, that seems to be the minimum order. How quckly does this stuff get addictive? My main objective is to just keep some in reserve for emergency panic attack relief, but i'll probably end up doing some for shits and giggles.

My plan is:

2 x 1.5mg per week (2mg if hungover). This breaks my week up, as I can count down the few days until my next little treat.

Ocassional " hppd break" where I have 1.5mg every day for 2 weeks. (usually when I have to fly to uk/usa for client meetings.... or things like holidays or weddings).

Always followed by 2 weeks without.

This has served me well so far, no sign of tolerance or addiction. I just had 3 weeks without any klonopin and felt fine.

I'm lucky to work mainly from home though, which takes alot of the stress out of life. Your situation might be different and it will be very easy to start taking klono every day, if you have a stressful job. Research as much as you can about this drug.

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im about to order 100 klono's, because, well, that seems to be the minimum order. How quckly does this stuff get addictive? My main objective is to just keep some in reserve for emergency panic attack relief, but i'll probably end up doing some for shits and giggles.

have you thought about getting some etizolams? its better if its just for panic attacks becasue the half life is only 6 hours so its in your body, does the job and is out again, whilst with clono the half life is so long that your hormones would be all over the place

plus did i mention its technically legal to buy it as its a theinodiazapine or something i dont know but yeah i get em for 50p each on ebay ;D

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My plan is:

2 x 1.5mg per week (2mg if hungover). This breaks my week up, as I can count down the few days until my next little treat.

Ocassional " hppd break" where I have 1.5mg every day for 2 weeks. (usually when I have to fly to uk/usa for client meetings.... or things like holidays or weddings).

Always followed by 2 weeks without.

This has served me well so far, no sign of tolerance or addiction. I just had 3 weeks without any klonopin and felt fine.

I'm lucky to work mainly from home though, which takes alot of the stress out of life. Your situation might be different and it will be very easy to start taking klono every day, if you have a stressful job. Research as much as you can about this drug.

Sounds like an excellent way to manage your benzo use, my good sir. im impressed.

have you thought about getting some etizolams? its better if its just for panic attacks becasue the half life is only 6 hours so its in your body, does the job and is out again, whilst with clono the half life is so long that your hormones would be all over the place

plus did i mention its technically legal to buy it as its a theinodiazapine or something i dont know but yeah i get em for 50p each on ebay ;D

ill look into that. so it works well?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...



I just registered to ask this question:


can anyone confirm that this Romanian shop http://voguerx.net/home/  is legit? The payment-method doesn't really give me much confidence. I got scammed once online (a Romanian iphone-shop) and am a bit cautious. 


What about the other site mentioned: clonazepamforyou.com? Any other vouchers other than bigjon77?


Thanks in advance,



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  • 3 years later...
On 2012-1-21 at 4:20 AM, Lucid206 said:

http://voguerx.net/home/ is a romania based overseas supplier without prescription ive been useing for years.. 3 month supply of benzos = cheaper then 1 psyche visit.

this is illegal and dont be dumb and order thousands of pills. theyll send it, one time i ordered 500 valium(that was a few months ago) but thatd be a horrid charge if customs happened to get it. customs always overlook a few month supply and at worse send you what we refer to as a "love letter" lettin you know its unlawful, and its more of a scare tactic then anything.. and the site is so discreet with packageing, ordering 100pills to get you by is very safe.

cut out the middle man! psychiatrists are retarded, you know your mind better then them on every turn.. dont try benzos unless you were atleast prescribed to them for mental disorder prior or atleast have enough street knowledge to self medicate safly.


I've heard from many people that they talk to people like dirt and offers don't always turn up, but whatever floats your yacht.. 

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