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Oil Pastel/Clay/Playdough Thickness Effect

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Does anyone else have this type of constant visual effect where this world and people seem very thick/cakey/cartoonish? Almost looking like clay or oil pastel or playdough? I know that sounds weird but it's hard to explain. I had a bad trip almost a year ago and things have looked like this ever since it's like I'm visually tripping forever without the mental trip I'm wondering if I have hppd. Does anyone else experience similar symptoms? Please let me know. Thank you for any replies or help

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My friend used to always say things looked like Play Doh when he got really really stoned. I never thought they looked quite that way but I definitely knew what he was talking about. When I first got HPPD, pretty much only through about the first few weeks, people didn't look real at all. I always thought they looked like wax statues more than anything. Again, luckily this went away pretty quickly for me, but I definitely feel for anybody who has to deal with this. It's not fun. 

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Yeah I have this it comes and goes now but I had it constant a few months ago. When I look at people, buildings, cars etc it's as if they are a giant model or something fake or cartoonish. It can be quite scary especially when talking to people. I suppose it has something to do with the visual recognition and memory part of the brain. The raw visual information is being interpreted slightly differently than before. Mine has massively improved now just get the occasional episode. I would say I had it bad for about 4-5 months. I found that allergy nasal spray made it 10x worse so avoid that.

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when i had hppd there were not cartoonish but extreme sharp high definition graphics everywhere i was looking...and some objects seemed to be somehow alive and as if something crazy would suddenly happen to them if i look at them for long enough...cars appeared to be monster robots or so...hard to describe..and very scary sometimes

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@tripintohell hppd can go away ? How long did yours last ?



yes i didnt believe it myself..i thought it would last forever but mine faded completely after about 5 1/2 month after onset...its been pretty good unbelievable news for me...now im smoking pot again even though i sweared off every drug :D and i really love it!

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yes i didnt believe it myself..i thought it would last forever but mine faded completely after about 5 1/2 month after onset...its been pretty good unbelievable news for me...now im smoking pot again even though i sweared off every drug :D and i really love it!


In another post you were talking about naturals and vitamins, although you didn't know in what extent they have helped you...what supplements did you take ? Did Fish Oil/EPA could have help you for visuals ?

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In another post you were talking about naturals and vitamins, although you didn't know in what extent they have helped you...what supplements did you take ? Did Fish Oil/EPA could have help you for visuals ?


i took fishoil for 6 month or so ..it could have played a role..i dont know but it always felt good so i would recommend it


another thing i took for 8 month dayly was lions mane which was also great


every day green tea cause it is said to increase ngf


a vitamin b complex dayly helped me too


and drinking several different smoothies a day is a good idea


even black seed oil was nice, melatonin and 5htp on rare occasions


i took valerian or ashwagandha for anxiety, lavender for sleep, and very low doses of kratom (rarely) for depression


i was always eating healthy doing long walks in nature and avoided fluoride as best as i could


...but again...i cant guarantee that one, a few or all of these things were responsible for my cure nor that these things are working as good for you as they did for me...its just what i did

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i took fishoil for 6 month or so ..it could have played a role..i dont know but it always felt good so i would recommend it

another thing i took for 8 month dayly was lions mane which was also great

every day green tea cause it is said to increase ngf

a vitamin b complex dayly helped me too

and drinking several different smoothies a day is a good idea

even black seed oil was nice, melatonin and 5htp on rare occasions

i took valerian or ashwagandha for anxiety, lavender for sleep, and very low doses of kratom (rarely) for depression

i was always eating healthy doing long walks in nature and avoided fluoride as best as i could

I think doing long walks is the huge part of your recovery like me i did long walks of 2 hours and didnt stop for a minute

...but again...i cant guarantee that one, a few or all of these things were responsible for my cure nor that these things are working as good for you as they did for me...its just what i did

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Yea maybe a full recovery isnt so far buth i am happy how about my life now

No you asking the wrong man about that for me case closed about drugs

I wil do a few beers only buth its better i stay away from it

Just want to try mucuna pruriens again still have some at house buth i think its have some potential risks so dont know its just a supp buth its strong buth atleast lot safer and yea and you notice the effect better in few days the stimulating effects

Hey trip do you like trance music i am set up a youtube channel and i have mixed 10 hours of trance music i wil upload soon you can visit it if you want

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its ok to say no to drugs but always remember that alcohol is a drug too.enjoy it if you can....anyway if you feel more safe by staying away from it its a wise choice...


im smoking high cbd self grown medical bud and it doesnt give me anxiety and provides real good mood and i love listening to music while tripping on it


i was looking up mucuna pruriens maybe you should try a low dose of mucuna pruriens if you dare some day.


yeah i really like it but the psychedelic trance..just give me the link and i will take a look at it cause im always searching for good music for my collection

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