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Extremely important UK development: NEPTUNE


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There has been an extremely important UK clinical development in the recognition and treatment of HPPD and other psychoactive substance related harm.

Last week I was asked to speak to ministers from the home office about HPPD to provide an account of the reality of psychoactive substance acquisition, use and danger (i.e HPPD). My experience was called upon to provide the ministers some insight and inform the writing of legislation regarding novel psychoactive substances (this bill: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/psychoactive-substances-bill-2015). 

It was also used as an opportunity to introduce the ministers to the work that is being headed by the Club Drug Clinic in London, which is somewhere I was treated. Frankly, their treatment and work in public health is exceptional. I highly recommend seeking their help if you want clinical support in the UK. If you have little hope for clinical help, or doubt that HPPD will ever be clinically recognised, you will be relieved to know that times are changing.


The huge leap forward is called NEPTUNE (Novel Psychoactive Treatment UK Network). NEPTUNE has been developed to disseminate clinical information regarding psychoactive substance harm. HPPD is included in detail in the following document (12.13.2). Take a look through it: I hope you will be nothing short of impressed.

See: http://neptune-clinical-guidance.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/NEPTUNE-Guidance-March-2015.pdf

These clinical guidelines are being distributed to hospitals, GP's and other appropriate services: a real leap of progress from when I started at the clinic 1-2 years ago and little was known about the harm caused by psychedelics, particularly 'novel psychoactive substances' a.k.a "research chemicals". 

If you are struggling with obtaining medical help in the UK, referring your GP/clinician to this document may be of great use to you.

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Just to add and be clear as there has been question elsewhere: I was giving insight as a patient and someone with experience of drug use and acquisition.

I did not recommend illegalising research chemicals or other psychoactive substances. The perspective I offered was that illegalising research chemicals would not stop most people from using them. The conclusion of the meeting, at least from the perspective of the clinic, was that legislation on psychoactive substance use would do little to affect behaviour, but it is important to have the correct support systems in place for when things do go wrong (i.e HPPD). No one expressed negative attitudes towards using (illegal) psychoactive substances. Also, I have absolutely nothing to do with NEPTUNE, this was something I learned about in the meeting.

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CDC were very good, I was visiting there just over a year ago but due to budget constraints they told me they could only carry on treating those in their local borough, Chelsea & Hammersmith I think. Not sure if this is still the policy or not.


Very helpful, receptive and non judgmental there. Syntheso, did you fall into the catchment area out of interest?

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