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Need to get rid of dp, now


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I have learned through the past 2 years of this shit that visuals don't fucking matter, they do not seriously affect me mentally and are not a threat. Depersonalization is a threat, I have recently gotten rid of it but it has for some reason come back in full force. Maybe it's because school just started again or has something to do with my visuals them self becoming worse lately. I am willing to do ANYTHING to get rid of depersonalization, I just need your help on how to get rid of it

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I was hesitant on responding but one thing you should NOT do is keep thinking about getting rid of it. -advice from LethargicAcid

Just don't keep thinking "gotta recover gotta recover gotta recover" but yeah the visuals are the least horrible part of the whole thing. If getting rid of dp/dr and brain fog meant making the visuals worse, I would do it

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i feel like i am cured for 90 precent in totaly i am just waiting to that i can to conform it if i wil stay for atleast 1 year like this its now 3 months past

buth still have social aniexty hole my live i have it did forgot this for tree years when i was sick i lost 3.5 years with hppd

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I have learned through the past 2 years of this shit that visuals don't fucking matter, they do not seriously affect me mentally and are not a threat. Depersonalization is a threat, I have recently gotten rid of it but it has for some reason come back in full force. Maybe it's because school just started again or has something to do with my visuals them self becoming worse lately. I am willing to do ANYTHING to get rid of depersonalization, I just need your help on how to get rid of it


Yah, alot of people complain about visuals the most but honestly the only reason I can understand why is that its the only symptom they have or its easy to recognize that symptom than the others for them. Realistically the anxiety and DP/DR is straight up insane. I dont get DP or DR anymore though just anxiety.


DR is insane though. When you feel like you are just an observer of your surroundings and people infront of you talking and you can hear and see them but you feel as though you arent there. 

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