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My DP/DR is 90% gone.

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Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, going vegan, staying in the moment, excersize, decent sleep, getting off of HPPDonline, getting courage to face the anxiety directly. 


GOING OUTSIDE was probably the biggest factor. And getting in touch with my feelings. also, essential oils(lavender), swimming, and green tea(decaf) seemed to help(although people say it increases their visuals.)






(honestly weed helped me but I am not going to advise that. it basically snapped me  back into reality. meditating while on weed. because weed brings out the subconscious fears and stuff, so its risky. plus it increased my visuals)



Now im gonna go meditate. bye.




Hopefully I recover 100% from all of this mental illness.



Note: my HPPD symptoms:


-pareidolia(faces in the clouds and stuff)


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i also have dp/dr and you are right and doing well facing your fears i learned a new lesson last time i smoked a head through a bong when i was with a friend and had a very alarming anxiety attack but got it under controll after 20 minutes of really facing my worst fear..it was so scary in the moment but made me so much stronger afterwards...its amazing how much controll i have gained over myself from panic attacks when it comes to anxiety and other issues. :D


im sooo glad...

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just focus on being in the moment, be mindful of your thoughts, breathe slowly, and yeah be mindful. dont be going 10000 miles an hour biting your nails and shit lol. just take things slow even though it may be scary. thats my advice. I do transcendental meditation alot, as well as mindfulness pretty much 24/7. I basically am always doing my best to be mindful - that for a few months really is what helped alot. oh and always being conscious of your thoughts.


Important: forgive yourself. Meditation is about falling down, getting back up over again. perserverence. hundreds, thousands of times ;)



meditating on weed just totally connected me to my surroundings but i wont recomend that. 


good lukc :)



Also, you become your thoughts. 


"im ugly." - now i think im ugly

"i will never amount to anything" 

"my life is ruined" 

"i will not let this beat me. even if it takes a year, 2, 3, I will come out of this a much greater person than I would ever be"

"i choose to be happy right now"

"i am grateful for every breathe"

"a thought is just a thought"

"I will do this"

"i am happy that I get to help others"

"what I put into the universe is what I get out of it"

"i am grateful for the wisdom that I gain every moment"


aee8f__1694.jpgthis quote helped me out ALOT at dark times.

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  • 1 month later...

its true walking a lot outside is the best for dp dr also for my visuals and swimming also very good actualy all sports are realy good for hppd it cuts the bad feeling mood from hppd

and i remember i saw lot faces when i looked to the clouds when i was young long before hppd buth i saw it with pleasure

buth now when i see its give a weird feeling about it like i am seeing a horror movie

Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, going vegan, staying in the moment, excersize, decent sleep, getting off of HPPDonline, getting courage to face the anxiety directly.

GOING OUTSIDE was probably the biggest factor. And getting in touch with my feelings. also, essential oils(lavender), swimming, and green tea(decaf) seemed to help(although people say it increases their visuals.)


(honestly weed helped me but I am not going to advise that. it basically snapped me back into reality. meditating while on weed. because weed brings out the subconscious fears and stuff, so its risky. plus it increased my visuals)

Now im gonna go meditate. bye.

Hopefully I recover 100% from all of this mental illness.

Note: my HPPD symptoms:


-pareidolia(faces in the clouds and stuff)


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nothing left to say..very nice point lethargic..5 month after my hppd now i still have depersonalization disorder (includes dp/dr) but i almost viped it down to only 10% and i did almost nothing for it instead of thinking positive, eating well, smoking weed, taking cbd oil, taking lions mane, taking lavender oil, taking valerian, taking kratom, drinking green tea, doing long walks in nature, facing fears and avoiding everything thats not good for my health including work, stupid idiots and high doses of drugs etc. 


and i think im still on the way to betterment!  B)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This worked for me too. Marijuana will dig up your deepest fears if you let it. In my case, I let it happen . I would smoke and let the terrible anxiety come up, and then I would meditate and first by taking a deeeep diaphragm breath, hold it in my stomach until the nervousness turned into a warm energy, after about ten seconds, and then I would slowly breath out through my mouth, while focusing on my fingertips. When this happens, you notice your heart rate drop immediately, and when the anxiety goes, you gain insights. I was doing this for the last year and I had an amazing year, but I started to slowly fall into a deep depression from isolation I'm assuming which was from the pot. So my life became meditation, which left me empty. You can't make your life about meditation and pot, you'll burn out. So I quit pot, in turn quit meditation and was suicidle since I quit for the last two months. I'm fucked from one time ecstasy use in 2010 so I'm sure my situation is different from others. I feel outside my body most the time. I don't feel like I'm me, like I have no emotions. But, if I were to smoke some pot and meditate I would be perfectly content with not doing anything for the rest of my life. And my dp and anxiety would be gone. But, when you smoke a lot of pot, and you start to lose a grip on reality, meditation can take you somewhere you might never come back from. I'

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